Literal Idiomatic Translation
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LIT Downloads Page



Update:  2025.03.29  (Ellipses first draft through Acts 15)


by Hal Dekker



Welcome to the LIT Downloads Page



On this page I list much of my work which I offer to other believers to use which may help them in their personal studies.  None of my work is to be altered from its original downloaded form.  I ask all to respect my intellectual property rights.  All downloads are free of charge.  At I sell nothing.  Christ Jesus already paid the price with his life so anyone could have the knowledge of God's Word for free.  Jesus Christ and his disciples/apostles didn't pass the plate to take collections, but they did hand/pass out food and anything else they could give away for free, to the poor, blind, lame and sick. 


I'm doing another close examination of Matthew through Revelation now, looking primarily for all of the elliptical hints left in the texts by the biblical writers.  Previous stages of close examination were to identify most likely SVO (subject, verb, object) and other grammatical structures, based upon the specific "inflected" forms of the words in the immediate contexts.  Finding and identifying those structures first was a necessarily prerequisite to identifying any and all possible elliptical indicators.



The Literal Idiomatic Translation (LIT) of the NT Bible Greek Texts (UBS4)


I give everyone permission to download and print out, for their own personal use, the Literal Idiomatic Translation (LIT), and the Literal Idiomatic Translation Analytical Greek Lexicon (LITAGL), without alteration of it, and without expressed permission from the translator of the LIT, and producer of the LITAGL, myself, Hal Dekker. 


I give no one permission to download and print out, in whole or in part, any of my studies or other intellectual property published at either or at any other website, unless permission for their use has been previously and specifically given by me. 


I'm updating books daily, and so you may wish to come back occasionally to check to see if you have the latest updated version of any new testament book.  I'm working from Matthew through to Revelation, in that order. 


Over the next couple of years I'll be replacing all .html downloads with .docx formatted files, which are easier for me to maintain and highly likely to be more useable for readers. 



Download Entire New Testament Books in MS .docx Format


CELL PHONE READABILITY:  All LIT .docx downloadable files have been especially formatted to be clearly and easily read on cell phones, even phones with small screens. 


ANY DEVICE READABILITY:  Readability of all downloadable files has been formatted for virtually any device. 


DEVICE RESOURCES USAGE: All LIT .docx downloadable files use very little device resources in view only mode, on virtually all devices using current technologies.  The file sizes for these book downloads are small by today's standards.  But if doing complete downloads of multiple files keep an eye on your memory chips to determine how much storage memory those downloaded files are using.


ZERO DOWNLOAD DELAY: All LIT .docx downloadable files will download to your device very quickly, with about zero noticeable delay.  Files downloaded for viewing appear on your cell phone screen in less than one second of pushing the view only button, at least they are that fast using my cellular carrier. 


All LIT downloadable files are .docx formatted files.  You can download them simply by clicking below on the name of the book of the Bible.  These biblical book files are locked and formatted for read only access.  However they will print out as you wish.


The LIT books below include most all of my topical "marginal" notes I made between passages as I was producing the translation.  My notes serve as guides into other biblical passages, into which additional truths are revealed about the same or very closely related subject matters/topics having been written by the current biblical writer. 


The main reason for my marginal notes is to help direct myself, and readers, into finding other passages in the biblical texts which present information/data about the identical or very closely related subject matter presently being read.  Notes also serve as parts of my witness of the statements which have been made by all of the biblical characters, and those statements made especially by Jesus Christ, the teacher.  All notes are clearly formatted as marginal notes in brackets, ( ), so they can't possibly be misunderstood to be paraphrases of, or any part of, the biblical texts. 


Please see my pivot tables for collections of all the verses in the new testament biblical texts related to specific scriptural subject matters. 


The LIT Bible translation is one of the products of my own personal ministry. It is a part of the results of my own search through the biblical texts and other related documents for the God and his son Christ Jesus, as are all of my personal studies.  It is from the production of my own personal biblical studies, the production of the LIT, and from my own hard-learned lessons in life that I have gathered together my own personal beliefs.  My biblical studies and production of the LIT are my own witness to the world of what I have found for myself.


* Not all NT books are yet available for download, but should become available over the next year.  The following translated books are available for downloading, showing the last date a book was updated.  All of these books are going through updates daily, as I continue to examine the texts for all possible elliptical indicators.  I'm working somewhat methodically from Matthew through Revelation.



New Testament Book        Last Update


LIT Front Matter                  2024.10.09  (Ellipses first draft)


Matthew                                2025.02.27  (Ellipses first draft) 


Mark                                       2025.03.11  (Ellipses first draft)


Luke                                       2025.02.27  (Ellipses first draft)


John                                      2025.02.27  (Ellipses first draft)


Acts                                        2025.03.29  (Ellipses first draft through Acts 15)


Romans                                2025.03.11


1 Corinthians                       2025.02.27


2 Corinthians                       2025.02.04


Galatians                               2025.02.04


Ephesians                            2025.02.27


Philippians                           2025.01.02


Colossians                           2025.03.11


1 Thessalonians                 2025.02.04


2 Thessalonians                 2025.01.29


1 Timothy                              2025.01.30


2 Timothy                              2025.01.30


Titus                                       2024.

Philemon                               2024.

Hebrews                                2024.

James                                     2024.

1 Peter                                    2024.

2 Peter                                    2024.

1 John                                    2024.

2 John                                    2024.

3 John                                    2024.

Jude                                        2024.

Revelation                             2024.



Download Book Chapters One at a Time in .html Format


This section is slowly going away and being replaced by downloading entire books in MS ,docx format, above.




Chapter  16  17  18  19  20  21  22  23  24  25  26  27  28



Chapter  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16



Chapter  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16



Chapter  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13



Chapter  1  2  3  4  5  6



Chapter  1  2  3  4  5  6



Chapter  1  2  3  4



Chapter  1  2  3  4



Chapter  1  2  3  4  5



Chapter  1  2  3



Chapter  1  2  3  4  5  6



Chapter  1  2  3  4



Chapter  1  2  3



Chapter  1



Chapter  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13



Chapter  1  2  3  4  5



Chapter  1  2  3  4  5



Chapter  1  2  3



Chapter  1  2  3  4  5



Chapter  1



Chapter  1



Chapter  1



Chapter  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19  20  21  22



LIT Analytical Greek Lexicon (LITAGL)


LITAGL.xlsx                        2025.03.11


The very valuable and unique functionality of the LITAGL is that for each of the about 19,381 individual "inflected" Greek word forms in the UBS4 biblical text(s), I show exactly how I translated each one of those Greek words into the LIT, using a specific English word or words based upon a Greek word's essential root meaning, and then upon its specific "inflected" form. 


An inflected form of a Greek verb root is constituted by any combination of its inflection components; type, mood, tense, voice, case, gender, person and number.  These eight points of inflection, or any combination of them, which are presented to a reader through a root word's modified spelling, are deliberately used by the biblical writers to convey highly specific, and often nuanced, meanings to their readers. 


By showing a reader of the LIT exactly how I translated each and every word out of the UBS4 text(s) into English, a reader can see how a word's root meaning can, and should be, applied across all of its inflected forms.  In this way figures of speech identify themselves.  This standardization of application of meaning across all same root-based words makes it abundantly obvious why people's paraphrased opinions forged into Bible translations should not be used to replace simply quoting what the biblical writers wrote.


When a reader can see a specific translation in English for each and every Greek word in the UBS4 NT biblical Greek texts, then it's much easier for a reader to see and determine if and how any biblical passage, in any Bible translation, has been theologically altered from what the biblical writers actually wrote!    


Because the LIT literally quotes the NT biblical writers, the idiomatic nuances of their writings come through into English for readers to experience for themselves.  Jesus' pet words and phrases, Paul's, Peter's, John's and those of the others, all come through into English in the LIT, with the absence of any paraphrasing and creative "synonyming", as is heavily used in virtually all other theologically-sculpted/fudged Bible translations.


If while reading the LIT you may come across words which have been superscripted with a Strong's number, try looking up that number in the LIT Notes (LITN) of terms and idioms.  You'll discover a store of ancillary information about cultural customs and practices, and explanations about Greek language colloquialisms and idioms used by the Judeans and other ethnic groups. 


While you're reading the LIT you may wish to survey the LIT Analytical Greek Lexicon (LITAGL), so if when you may have a question about any Greek word's translation in the LIT you can look it up in the lexicon and see how all of that word's other related inflected forms were translated as well, to determine if there may be some unwarranted deviation from an inflected form's essential root word meaning, given its inflected form and context. 


I hope an exact quote of the NT biblical Greek texts of the UBS4, in the LIT, can help you learn God's Word and grow in your own personal spiritual life (Eph. 4:13).



Pivot Tables


For an overview of the use and value of pivot tables and pivot charts please visit Microsoft Support:


You can use a Pivot Table to summarize, analyze, explore, and present biblical data. Pivot Charts complement Pivot Tables by adding visualizations to a data presentation, which help you to see comparisons, patterns, and trends, and deviations in the biblical data.


Although I use LibreOffice Calc, the .xls and .xlsx compatibility formats it produces are entirely compatible with MS Excel. 


I worded the data field labels in each pivot table Data sheet to somewhat characterize the the data in each field.  I use certain field names repetitively throughout as many pivot tables as I may choose to make, which allows those Data sheets to lend themselves to being accessed as separate files in data base operations.  Thereby, through use of a database program such as MS Access, each pivot table Data sheet can be linked to each other to produce larger custom, user-defined data sets, based upon key fields already common to each pivot table, such as Book_Ref, Verse_Ref, Root Word, Infl_Form, Strong's # and other fields. 


My pivot tables are based upon my LIT translation and my LITAGL, all of which I have produced for myself, to facilitate my own personal studies of God's Word, out of the OT (BHS) and NT (UBS4) biblical texts.  All downloadable files listed on this page are updated occasionally as I continue to make enhancements and refinements. 


Some pivot tables contain one or more "conclusion fields", fields of associated data which I have supplied based upon my own personal beliefs, conclusions, such as the One Body Of Christ Ref? field data in House Pivot.  In this field, based upon my own beliefs, I supplied either a Yes or No to flag for myself whether each unique Book_Ref and Verse_Ref field combination about a "house" is objectively or subjectively related to the biblical subject of the one body of Christ.  At any time going forward I may add "conclusion fields" to any of my existing pivot tables, based upon my own perceived needs, as I continue to learn more and grow in my own knowledge of the Evangelism of Jesus Christ. 


In some verses one body of Christ relationships seems obvious, but in other verses which present parables, and wordage using other figures of speech, those passages' meanings must be more closely scrutinized for allegorical and metaphorical meanings related to the one body of Christ.  Only individual disciples of Jesus Christ can make these kinds of decisions for themselves, based upon each one's own hands-on study experiences.  But I offer some of my study tools here for other disciples of Jesus Christ, if anyone may think they could be useful. 


For anyone using these pivot tables, for anyone actually looking at the biblical data, my "conclusion fields" should appear as obvious standouts.  I'm leaving these pivot tables unlocked so any disciple of Jesus can add his own "conclusion fields" if desired, or alter them in any way more personally suitable .  As I make changes to existing pivot tables I'll update them.  For any disciple of Jesus Christ with enough savvy to understand and use pivot tables, the reasons why I developed them for my own use should be self-explanatory, from noticing how the various table formations present the data.


Baptize Pivot - New Update!  Exactly what various kinds of "baptisms" are written about (and therefore what kinds are not written about) in the NT biblical Greek texts (UBS4) of God's Word?


Bow Worship Pivot - The NT biblical writers didn't write about "worshipping", but bowing


Genos Pivot - New Update!  The NT biblical writers wrote about various kinds of genera relationships.   Where are they written about in the NT biblical texts, and what are they?  You may wish to download the MS compatible Genos Pivot Table.docx file also, in which I present information about what is the Genos Pivot Table, how it can be used, and what the biblical "data" can mean for followers of Jesus Christ.


House Pivot - The NT biblical writers wrote about both typical and discrete "houses", and whether those "houses" are about the one body of Christ


Many more pivot tables are coming soon!



Other Personal Studies


Isn't This How A "Third Person" Is Manufactured Into Bible Translations?


An Outline of the Biblical Texts-Based Christology of the Word/Jesus Christ




Why Sons Of God And Disciples Of Christ Jesus Are To Keep Themselves Holy


Jesus' Genealogy


Prosdechomai, Strong's # 4327, "one causing himself to receive to himself the Kingdom of the God!"





The Birth Of Americanism And Thanksgiving


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