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Why Sons Of God And Disciples Of Christ Jesus Must Keep Themselves Holy


By Hal Dekker




Last page update: 2024.01.31



Because we love our heavenly Father and his son Christ Jesus:

    John 14:15, 21, 23

    John 15:10, 14

    1 John 5:1-3


Because the God our heavenly Father is holy:

    2 Cor. 7:1

    Phil. 2:14-15

    1 Thes. 4:1-8

    2 Tim. 2:21-22

    1 Pet. 1:14-19


Because we are Christ's body and bride:

    Eph. 5:24-27

    Rev. 19:7-8


Because it is our covenant responsibility to our heavenly Father and Christ Jesus:

    Rom. 12:1

    Heb. 9:13-15

    Heb. 10:26-31

    1 John 1:6

    1 John 2:3-5

    1 John 3:21-24


Because of the ministry we've been given to do:

    2 Cor. 4:1-5

    Eph. 3:13


Because our heavenly Father child-trains all those who he considers as his sons, to make them fit for the ministry:

    Heb. 12:1-29


Because we are to keep our "outer garments" clean and spotless, and so that we may not put on display the nakedness of indecent behavior:

    1 Tim. 6:13-15

    James 1:12-15, 26-27, 2:1

    2 Pet. 3:11-15

    Jude 1:23-25

    Rev. 16:15


Because we can grow up into a complete male, into the measure of the fullness of  the maturity of the Christ:

    Luke 21:19

    Eph. 4:11-16

    Heb. 6:1-6


Because we shall all be required to give an account of the things we did in the flesh:

    Rom. 2:1-13

    2 Cor. 5:10-11


Because our heavenly Father welcomes back to himself and to his household all of his sons who repent and turn back to him in their hearts:

    Luke 15:11-32



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Because we love our heavenly Father and his son Christ Jesus:


Christ Jesus said:


John 14:15 (LIT/UBS4) If perhaps (ean) you may love (agapate) me (me), you shall watchfully keep (tērēsete) the (tas) injunctions (entolas), the ones (tas) [being] mine (emas).


John 14:21 (LIT/UBS4) The one (ho) holding (echōn) the (tas) injunctions (entolas) of me (mou), and (kai) watchfully keeping (tērōn) them (autas), that one (ekeinos) is (estin) the one (ho) loving (agapōn) me (me).  


But (de) the one (ho) loving (agapōn) me (me) shall be loved (agapēthēsetai) under (hupo) [grace] of the (tou) Father (patros) of me (mou).


And I (kagō) shall love (agapēsō) him (auton), and (kai) I shall manifest myself in (emphanisō emauton) to him (autō).”


John 15:10 (LIT/UBS4) If perhaps1437 (ean) you may have watchfully kept (tērēsēte) the (tas) injunctions (entolas) of me (mou), you shall stay (meneite) in (en) to the (tē) love (agapē) of me (mou);


down according to as (kathōs) I (egō) have watchfully kept (tetērēka) the (tas) injunctions (entolas) of the (tou) Father (patros) of me (mou), and (kai) I stay (menō) in (en) to the (tē) love (agapē) of him (autou).


John 15:14 (LIT/UBS4) You (humeis) are (este) loved ones (philoi) of me (mou), if perhaps (ean) you may do (poiēte) [the] things of which (ha) I (egō) cause myself to give an injunction (entellomai) to you (humin).


Apostle John said:


1 John 5:1 (LIT/UBS4) The one (ho), everyone (pas), believing (pisteuōn) that (hoti) Jesus (Iēsous) is (estin) the (ho) Christ (Christos), he has been generated (gegennētai) out (ek) of the (tou) God (theou).


And (kai) the one (ho), anyone (pas), loving (agapōn) the one (ho) having generated (gennēsanta) [him] loves (agapa) the one (ton) also (kai) having been generated (gegennēmenon) out (ek) of him (autou).


1 John 5:2 (LIT/UBS4) In (en) this (toutō) we know (ginōskomen) that (hoti) we should love (agapōmen) the (ta) ones born (tekna) of the (tou) God (theou),


when perhaps (hotan) we may love (agapōmen) the (ton) God (theon), and (kai) we may do (poiōmen) the (tas) injunctions (entolas) of him (autou).


1 John 5:3 (LIT/UBS4) Because (gar) this (hautē) is (estin) the (hē) love (agapē) [of us] of the (tou) God (theou):


that (hina) we may watchfully keep (tērōmen) the (tas) injunctions (entolas) of him (autou)


And (kai) the (tas) injunctions (entolas) of him (autou) are (eisin) absolutely not (ouk) weighty things (bareiai)!



Because the God our heavenly Father is holy:


Apostle Paul said:


2 Cor. 7:1 (LIT/UBS4) Therefore (oun), having (echontes) these (tautas), the (tas) promises (epangelias), beloved ones (agapētoi), may we cleanse (katharisōmen) ourselves (heautous) from (apo) every (pantos) soiling (molusmou) of flesh (sarkos) and (kai) of spirit (pneumatos), completing (epitelountes) holiness (hagiōsunēn) in (en) fear (phobō) of God (theou).


Apostle Paul said again:


Phil. 2:14 (LIT/UBS4) Do (poieite) all things (panta) without (chōris) murmurings (goggusmōn) and (kai) dialogues (dialogismōn);


Phil. 2:15 (LIT/UBS4) in order that (hina) you may cause yourselves to become (genēsthe) faultless ones (amemptoi), and (kai) unmixed185 ones (akeraioi), ones born (tekna) of God (theou), unblemished ones (amōma) [in the] midst (meson) of a crooked (skolias) generation (geneas), and (kai) [a generation] having been thoroughly twisted (diestrammenēs), among (en) which ones (hois) you cause yourselves to shine (phainesthe) as (hōs) illuminations (phōstēres) in (en) [the] cosmos (kosmō);


Apostle Paul said again:


1 Thes. 4:1 (LIT/UBS4) Therefore (oun), we inquire (erōtōmen) of you (humas), and (kai) we accost (parakaloumen) [you], brothers (adelphoi) remaining (loipon) in (en) [the] lord (kuriō) Jesus (Iēsou), in order that (hina) down according to as (kathōs) you received (parelabete) alongside (par’) of us (hēmōn) the (to) [belief], how (pōs) it is required (dei) of you (humas) to walk around (peripatein) and (kai) to be agreeable (areskein) to God (theō):


walk around (peripateite) also (kai) down according to as (kathōs) [we walk around], in order that (hina) you may abound (perisseuēte) more (mallon)!


1 Thes. 4:2 (LIT/UBS4) Because (gar) some (tinas) have seen (oidate) [the] instructions (parangelias) we gave (edōkamen) to you (humin) through (dia) [the sake] of the (tou) lord (kuriou), Jesus (Iēsou).


1 Thes. 4:3 (LIT/UBS4) Because (gar) this (touto) is (estin) [a] desire (thelēma) of the (tou) God (theou):


the (ho) holiness (hagiasmos) of you (humōn);


[for] you (humas) to cause yourselves to hold away (apechesthai) from (apo) the (tou) fornication (porneias);


1 Thes. 4:4 (LIT/UBS4) for each one (hekaston) of you (humōn) to have seen (eidenai) to cause himself to acquire (ktasthai) the (to) vessel (skeuos) of himself (heautou) in (en) to holiness (hagiasmō) and (kai) honor (timē);


1 Thes. 4:5 (LIT/UBS4) not (mē) in (en) suffering (pathos) of lust (epithumias);


(so be it down (kathaper) the (ta) ethnic groups (ethnē) also (kai), the ones (ta) not (mē) having seen (eidota) the (ton) God (theon));


1 Thes. 4:6 (LIT/UBS4) for the (to) [brother] not (mē) to overstep (huperbainein) and (kai) to covet (pleonektein) the (ton) brother (adelphon) of him (autou) in (en) the (tō) practical issue (pragmati) [of him];


through the reason that (dioti) [the] Lord (kurios) [is] an avenger (ekdikos) about (peri) all (pantōn) of these things (toutōn), down according to as (kathōs) we enunciated before (proeipamen) also (kai), and (kai) we have caused ourselves to thoroughly witness (diemarturametha) to you (humin)!


1 Thes. 4:7 (LIT/UBS4) Because (gar) the (ho) God (theos) absolutely did not call us aloud (ou ekalesen hēmas) over (epi) uncleanliness (akatharsia), BUT (all’), in (en) to holiness (hagiasmō)!


1 Thes. 4:8  (LIT/UBS4) Because therefore (toigaroun), the one (ho) displacing (athetōn) [his brother] absolutely does not (ouk) displace (athetei) [a] mortal (anthrōpon), BUT (alla), [displaces] the (ton) God (theon), the one (ton) giving (didonta) the (to) Spirit (pneuma) of him (autou) also (kai), the (to) holy (hagion) [Spirit] into (eis) you (humas)!


Apostle Paul said again:


2 Tim. 2:21 (LIT/UBS4) Therefore (oun), if perhaps (ean) anyone (tis) may cleanse himself out (ekkatharē heauton) from (apo) these things (toutōn), he shall cause himself to be (estai) into (eis) [a] vessel (skeuos) of value (timēn), one having been made holy (hēgiasmenon), one well benevolent (euchrēston) to the (tō) master (despotē), one having been made ready (hētoimasmenon) into (eis) every (pan) good (agathon) work (ergon).


2 Tim. 2:22 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) flee (pheuge) the (tas) youthful (neōterikas) lusts (epithumias).


But (de) pursue (diōke) righteousness (dikaiosunēn), belief (pistin), love (agapēn), peace (eirēnēn), together with (meta) the ones (tōn) causing themselves to call aloud upon (epikaloumenōn) the (ton) Lord (kurion) out (ek) of [a] cleansed (katharas) heart (kardias).


Apostle Peter said:


1 Pet. 1:14 (LIT/UBS4) As (hōs) ones born (tekna) of attentive hearing (hupakoēs), do not be scheming yourselves together with (mē suschēmatizomenoi) the (tais) previous (proteron) lusts (epithumiais) in (en) the (tē) ignorance (agnoia) of you (humōn).


1 Pet. 1:15 (LIT/UBS4) BUT (alla), down on account (kata) of the (ton) holy one (hagion) having called you aloud (kalesanta humas), you be caused to become (genēthēte) holy ones (hagioi) yourselves (autoi) also (kai), in (en) every (pasē) behavior (anastrophē)!


1 Pet. 1:16 (LIT/UBS4) Through the reason that (dioti) it has been written (gegraptai) that (hoti), “You shall cause yourselves to be (esesthe) holy ones (hagioi), because (hoti) I (egō) am being (eimi) a holy one (hagios).”


1 Pet. 1:17 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) if (ei) you cause yourselves to call aloud upon (epikaleisthe) [the] Father (patera), the one (ton) judging (krinonta) down according to (kata) the (to) work (ergon) of each (hekastou) without taking at face value (aprosōpolēmptōs), cause yourselves to turn up390 (anastraphēte) in (en) fear (phobō) [at] the (ton) time (chronon) of the (tēs) side-housing (paroikias) of you (humōn);


1 Pet. 1:18 (LIT/UBS4) you having seen (eidotes) that (hoti) you were absolutely not redeemed (ou elutrōthēte) for corruptible things (phthartois), for silver (arguriō), or (ē) for gold (chrusiō), out (ek) of the (tēs) empty (mataias) behavior (anastrophēs) of you (humōn) given alongside of the fathers (patroparadotou) [of you],


1 Pet. 1:19 (LIT/UBS4) BUT (alla), for highly valued (timiō) blood (haimati) of Christ (Christou), [blood] as (hōs) of an unblemished (amōmou) and (kai) unstained (aspilou) lamb (amnou)!



Because we are Christ's body and bride:


Eph. 5:24 (LIT/UBS4) BUT (alla), as (hōs) the (hē) assembly (ekklēsia) is put in submission5293 (hupotassetai) to the (tō) Christ (Christō), thusly (houtōs) the (hai) females (gunaikes) also (kai) [are put in submission] to the (tois) males (andrasin) [of their own], in (en) everything (panti)!


Eph. 5:25 (LIT/UBS4) The (hoi) males (andres), love (agapate) the (tas) females (gunaikas) [of your own] down according to as (kathōs) the (ho) Christ (Christos) also (kai) loved (ēgapēsen) the (tēn) assembly (ekklēsian), and (kai) passed himself aside (heauton paredōken) over (huper) her (autēs);


Eph. 5:26 (LIT/UBS4) in order that (hina) he may make her holy (hagiasē autēn), the (tō) bath (loutrō) of the (tou) water (hudatos) in (en) a statement (rhēmati) having cleansed (katharisas) [her];


(For each word being Spirit and life, see John 6:63)


Eph. 5:27 (LIT/UBS4) in order that (hina) he (autos) may stand alongside (parastēsē) to himself (heatō) the (tēn) assembly (ekklēsian) in glory (endoxon), she having (echousan) no (mē) stain (spilon), or (ē) wrinkle (rhutida), or (ē) any (ti) of the (tōn) like things (toioutōn);


BUT (all), in order that (hina) she may be (ē) a holy one (hagia), and (kai) an unblemished one (amōmos)!


Apostle John said:


Rev. 19:7 (LIT/UBS4) May we rejoice (chairōmen)!  


And (kai) may we jump for joy (agalliōmen)!  


And (kai) may we give (dōsōmen) the (tēn) glory (doxan) to him (autō);


because (hoti) the (ho) marriage preparation (gamos) of the (tou) little lamb (arniou) came (ēlthen).  


And (kai) the (hē) female (gunē) of him (autou) made herself ready (hētoimasen heautēn)!”


Rev. 19:8 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) it was given (edothē) to her (autē) in order that (hina) she may throw around herself (peribalētai) fine linen (bussinon);


because (gar) the (to) shining (lampron) and (kai) cleansed (katharon) fine linen (bussinon) is (estin) the (ta) righteous purposes (dikaiōmata) of the (tōn) holy ones (hagiōn).



Because it is our covenant responsibility to our heavenly Father and Christ Jesus:


Apostle Paul said:


Rom. 12:1 (LIT/UBS4) Therefore (oun), I accost (parakalō) you (humas), brothers (adelphoi), through (dia) the (tōn) compassions (oiktirmōn) of the (tou) God (theou), to stand alongside3936 (parastēsai) the (ta) bodies (sōmata) of you (humōn) [as] [a] living (zōsan) sacrifice (thusian), holy (hagian), well agreeable (euareston) to the (to) God (theou), [which is] the (tēn) logical (logikēn) service (latreian) of you (humōn).


Rom. 12:2 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) do not be schematized together with (mē suschēmatizesthe) the (tō) age (aiōni), this (toutō) [age, RE]!


BUT (alla), be metamorphosed (metamorphousthe) [through, v1, RE] the (tē) freshening up (anakainōsei) of the (tou) mind (noos) of you (humas), into (eis) the (to) [mind, RE] to prove (dokimazein) what (ti) [is] the (to) good (agathon), and (kai) well agreeable (euareston), and (kai) complete (teleion) desire (thelēma) of the (tou) God (theou)!


The writer of Hebrews said:


Heb. 9:13 (LIT/UBS4) (Because (gar) if (ei) the (to) blood (haima) of he-goats (tragōn), and (kai) of bulls (taurōn), and (kai) sprinkling (rhantizousa) ashes (spodos) of a tamed heifer (damaleōs) makes holy (hagiazei) the ones (tous) having been made common (kekoinōmenous), toward (pros) [the sake] of the (tēn) cleanliness (katharotēta) of the (tēs) flesh (sarkos),


Heb. 9:14 (LIT/UBS4) how much (posō) more (mallon) [shall] the (to) blood (haima) of the (tou) Christ (Christou), who (hos) through (dia) ageless (aiōniou) Spirit (pneumatos) brought to (prosēnenken) the (tō) God (theō) himself (heauton), unblemished (amōmon), cleanse (kathariei) the (tēn) conscience (suneidēsin) of us (hēmōn) from (apo) dead (nekrōn) works (ergōn) into (eis) the (to) [conscience] to serve (latreuein) a living (zōnti) God (theō)!?)


Heb. 9:15 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) through (dia) this (touto) he is (estin) a mediator (mesitēs) of a new (kainēs) covenant (diathēkēs);  


it so being that (hopōs) a death (thanatou) having caused itself to come to pass (genomenou) into (eis) a redemption (apolutrōsin) of the (tōn) side-steppers (parabaseōn) over (epi) the (tē) first (prōtē) covenant (diathēkē), the ones (hoi) having been called aloud (keklēmenoi) may receive (labōsin) the (tēn) promise (epangelian) of the (tēs) eternal (aiōniou) inheritance (klēronomias) [of the new covenant]!


The writer of Hebrews said:


Heb. 10:26 (LIT/UBS4) Because (gar), of us (hēmōn) willingly (hekousiōs) sinning (hamartanontōn), with (meta) the (to) [coming to pass for us] to receive (labein) the (tēn) experiential knowledge (epignōsin) of the (tēs) Truth (alētheias), there remains (apoleipetai) absolutely no longer yet (ouketi) a sacrifice (thusia) [for us] about (peri) sins (hamartiōn)!


Heb. 10:27 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) [there remains] a certain (tis) fearful (phobera) expectation (ekdochē) of judgment (kriseōs), and (kai) of fire (puros), a zeal (zelōs) to eat (esthiein) the ones (tous) being about (mellontos) [to be] under controversy (hupenantious).


Heb. 10:28 (LIT/UBS4) Anyone (tis) having displaced (athetēsas) [the] law (nomon) of Moses (mōuseōs), upon (epi) two (dusin) or (ē) three (trisin) witnesses (martusin) dies away (apothnēskei) without (chōris) compassion (oiktirmōn).


Heb. 10:29 (LIT/UBS4) How much (posō) worse (cheironos), do you conclude (dokeite), shall he be made worthy (axiōthēsetai timōrias) [to die away, v28], the one (ho) having walked down on (katapatēsas) the (ton) Son (huion) of the (tou) God (theou), and (kai) [the one] having led himself (hēgēsamenos) [to believe] the (to) blood (haima) of the (tēs) covenant (diathēkēs) [to be] common (koinon), (in (en) to which (hō) he was made holy (hēgiasthē)), and (kai) [the one] having been in violation (enubrisas) of the (to) Spirit (pneuma) of the (tēs) grace (charitos)!?


Heb. 10:30 (LIT/UBS4) Because (gar) we know (oidamen) the one (ton) having enunciated (eiponta), “Vengeance (ekdikēsis) [is] to me (emoi), I (egō) shall repay (antapodōsō)!”


And (kai) again (palin), “[The] Lord (kurios, YHWH) shall judge (krinei) the (ton) people (laon) of him (autou).”


Heb. 10:31 (LIT/UBS4) Fearful (phoberon) [is] the one (to) to fall (empesein) into (eis) [the] hands (cheiras) of [a] living (zōntas) God (theou).


Apostle John said:


2 John 1:6 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) this (hautē) is (estin) the (hē) love (agapē):


in order that2443 (hina) we may walk around (peripatōmen) down according to (kata) the (tas) injunctions (entolas) of him (autou).  


This (hautē) is (estin) the (hē) injunction (entolē) down according to as (kathōs) you heard (ēkousate) from (ap’) [the] beginning (archēs), in order that (hina) in (en) it (autē) we may keep on walking around (peripatētē).


1 John 2:3 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) in (en) this (toutō) we know (ginōskomen) that (hoti) we have known (egnōkamen) him (auton), if perhaps (ean) we may watchfully keep (tērōmen) the (tas) injunctions (entolas) of him (autou)


1 John 2:4 (LIT/UBS4) The one (ho) saying (legōn) that (hoti), “I have known (egnōka) him (auton)”, and (kai) not (mē) watchfully keeping (tērōn) the (tas) injunctions (entolas) of him (autou) is (estin) [a] false one (pseustēs), and (kai) the (hē) Truth (alētheia) is (estin) absolutely not (ouk) in (en) this (toutō) [false one, RE]!


1 John 2:5 (LIT/UBS4) But (d’) perhaps (an) whoever (hos) may watchfully keep (tērē) the (ton) Word (logon) of him (autou), truly (alēthos) in (en) him (toutō) the (hē) love (agapē) of the (tou) God (theou) has been made complete (teteleiōtai)


In (en) this (toutō) we know (ginōskomen) that (hoti) we are (esmen) in (en) him (autō):


1 John 3:21 (LIT/UBS4) Beloved ones (agapētoi), if perhaps (ean) the (hē) heart (kardia) of us (hēmōn) may not denounce (mē kataginōskē) [us], we have (echomen) boldness (parrēsian) toward (pros) the (ton) God (theon);


1 John 3:22 (LIT/UBS4) and (kai) if perhaps (ean) whatever (ho) we may request (aitōmen) we receive (lambanomen) from (ap’) him (autou), [it is] because (hoti) we watchfully keep (tēroumen) the (tas) injunctions (entolas) of him (autou), and (kai) we do (poioumen) the things (ta) agreeable (aresta) in sight (enōpion) of him (autou).


1 John 3:24 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) the one (ho) watchfully keeping (tērōn) the (tas) injunctions (entolas) of him (autou) stays (menei) in (en) him (autō), and (kai) he (autos) in (en) him (autō)


And (kai) in (en) this (toutō) we know (ginōskomen) that (hoti) he stays (menei) in (en) us (hēmin), out (ek) of the (tou) Spirit (pneumatos) which (hou) he gave (edōken) to us (hēmin).


1 John 5:2 (LIT/UBS4) In (en) this (toutō) we know (ginōskomen) that (hoti) we should love (agapōmen) the (ta) ones born (tekna) of the (tou) God (theou),


when perhaps (hotan) we may love (agapōmen) the (ton) God (theon), and (kai) we may do (poiōmen) the (tas) injunctions (entolas) of him (autou).


1 John 5:3 (LIT/UBS4) Because (gar) this (hautē) is (estin) the (hē) love (agapē) [of us] of the (tou) God (theou):


that (hina) we may watchfully keep (tērōmen) the (tas) injunctions (entolas) of him (autou)


And (kai) the (tas) injunctions (entolas) of him (autou) are (eisin) absolutely not (ouk) weighty things (bareiai)!



Because of the ministry we've been given to do:


Apostle Paul said:


2 Cor. 4:1 (LIT/UBS4) Through (dia) this (touto), we having (echontes) the (tēn) ministry (diakonian) of this (tautēn), down according to as (kathōs) we have been given mercy (ēleēthēmen) we absolutely do not give in to evil (ouk enkakoumen)!


2 Cor. 4:2 (LIT/UBS4) BUT (alla), we caused ourselves to renounce (apeipametha) the (ta) hidden things (krupta) of the (tēs) shame (aischunēs):


we are not ones walking around (mē peripatountes) in (en) shrewdness (panourgia);


but we are not ones adulterating (mēde dolountes) the (ton) Word (logon) of the (tou) God (theou)!


BUT (alla), we are standing ourselves together with (sunistanontes heautous) [the Word of God], for the (tē) manifestation (phanerōsei) of the (tēs) Truth (alētheias) to (pros) [the] conscience (suneidēsin) of all (pasan) mortals (anthrōpōn), in sight (enōpion) of the (tou) God (theou)!


2 Cor. 4:3 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) if (ei) indeed (kai) the (to) Evangelism (euangelion) of us (hēmōn) is (estin) having been covered (kekalummenon), it is (estin) having been covered (kekalummenon) among (en) the ones (tois) being destroyed (apollumenois);


2 Cor. 4:4 (LIT/UBS4) among (en) ones which (hois) the (ho) god (theos) of the (tou) age (aiōnos) of this (toutou) made smoky (etuphlōsen) the (ta) perceptions (noēmata) [of them], [the perceptions] of the (tōn) unbelieving ones (apistōn);


into (eis) the (to) [perceptions of them] not (mē) to reflect (augasai) the (ton) illumination (phōtismon) of the (tou) Evangelism (euangeliou) of the (tēs) glory (doxēs) of the (tou) Christ (Christou), who (hos) is (estin) [an] icon (eikōn) of the (tou) God (theou).


2 Cor. 4:5 (LIT/UBS4) Because (gar) we absolutely do not preach (ou kērussomen) of ourselves (heautous), BUT (alla), of Jesus (Iēsoun) Christ (Christon) [the] lord (kurion).


But (de) [we preach] of ourselves (heautous) [as being] slaves (doulous) of you (humōn), through (dia) [the sake] of Jesus (Iēsoun)!


Apostle Paul said:


Eph. 3:13 (LIT/UBS4) Through which (dio), in (en) the (tais) mental pressures (thlipsesin) of me (mou) over (huper) you (humōn), I cause myself to request (aitoumai) [for you] not (mē) to give in to evil (enkakein), which (hētis) is (estin) [for the] glory (doxa) of you (humōn).



Because our heavenly Father child-trains all those who he considers as his sons, to make them fit for the ministry:


The writer of Hebrews said:


Heb. 12:1 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) because therefore (toigaroun) we (hēmeis) are having (echontes) so much (tosouton) of a cloud (nephos) of witnesses (marturōn) causing itself to lie around (perikeimenon) us (hēmin), we having caused ourselves to put away (apothemenoi) every (panta) encumbrance (onkon), and (kai) the (tēn) sin (hamartian) standing around well abundant (euperistaton), through (di) endurance (hupomonēs) may we run (trechōmen) the (ton) agony (agōna) being caused to be laid before (prokeimenon) us (hēmin);


Heb. 12:2 (LIT/UBS4) we gazing away (aphorōntes) into (eis) the (ton) beginner (archēgon) and (kai) completer (teleiōtēn) of the (tēs) belief (pisteōs), Jesus (Iēsoun),


who (hos), instead (anti) of the (tēs) joy (charas) being laid before (prokeimenēs) him (autō), he endured (hupemeinen) [a] stake (stauron), having thought down upon2706 (kataphronēsas) [the] shame (aischunēs).


And (tē) he has sat down (kekathiken) in (en) to [the] right (dexia) of the (tou) throne (thronou) of the (tou) God (theou).


The Issue


Heb. 12:3 (LIT/UBS4) Because (gar), cause yourselves to word-up357 (analogisasthe) [about, AE] the one (ton) like this (toiautēn) having endured (hupomemenēkota) [agony, v1, RE] into (eis) himself (heauton), under (hupo) [a] disagreement (antilogian) of the (tōn) sinful ones (hamartōlōn), in order that (hina) you may not be weary (mē kamēte), the (tais) souls (psuchais) of you (humōn) being caused to give out (ekluomenoi)!


Heb. 12:4 (LIT/UBS4) Absolutely not yet (oupō), until (mechris) blood (haimatos), have you stood down opposed478 (antikatestēte), agonizing (antagōnizomenoi) toward (pros) the (tēn) sin (hamartian)!


Heb. 12:5 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) of the (tēs) consolation (paraklēseōs), you have caused yourselves to hide [it] out (eklelēsthe)!  


Which one (hētis) causes himself to argue (dialegetai) to you (humin) as (hōs) sons (huiois)?


“Son (huie) of me (mou), do not care little (mē oligōrei) for [the] child-training (paideias) of [the] Lord (kuriou), but nor (mēde) be caused to give out (ekluou) being reproved (elegchomenos) under (hup’) him (autou).


Heb. 12:6 (LIT/UBS4) Because (gar) whom (hon) [the] Lord (kurios) loves (agapa) he child-trains (paideuei);


but (de) he scourges (mastigoi) every (panta) son (huion) whom (hon) he causes himself to receive alongside (paradechetai).”


(See Prov. 3:11-12)


The Proposition


Heb. 12:7 (LIT/UBS4) Endure (hupomenete) into (eis) child-training (paideian);


the (ho) God (theos) brings you to (humin prospheretai) [him] as (hōs) sons (huiois)!  


Because (gar) which (tis) son (huios) [is it] whom (hon) [the] Father (patēr) absolutely does not (ou) child-train (paideuei)!?


Heb. 12:8 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) if (ei) you are (este) without (chōris) child-training (paideias), of which (hēs) all (pantes) have become (gegonasin) partners (metochoi), then (ara) you are (este) illegitimate ones (nothoi), and (kai) absolutely not (ouch) sons (huioi)!


The Argument


            First Premise


Heb. 12:9 (LIT/UBS4) Thereafter (eita), truly (men), we've been having (eichomen) child-trainers (paideutas), the (tous) fathers (pateras) of the (tēs) flesh (sarkos) of us (hēmōn), and (kai) we were being caused to be respectful (enetrepometha)!  


But (de) much (polu) more (mallon), shall we absolutely not be put in submission5293 (ou hupotagēsometha) to the (tō) Father (patri) of the (tōn) spirits (pneumatōn), and (kai) we shall live (zēsomen)!?


            Second Premise


Heb. 12:10 (LIT/UBS4) Because (gar), truly (men), the ones (hoi) were child-training (epaideuon) [us, v9] toward (pros) a few (oligas) days (hēmeras), [we being caused to be respectful, v9] to them (autois) down on account (kata) of the (to) [child training] being concluded (dokoun)!


But (de) the (ho) [child-training of us is] over (epi) [the sake] of the (to) [child training] being mutually beneficial (sumpheron), into (eis) the (to) [benefit of us] to partake (metalabein) of the (tēs) holiness (hagiotētos) of him (autou)!


            Third Premise


Heb. 12:11 (LIT/UBS4) But (de), truly (men), any (pasa) child-training (paideia) coming alongside (paron) to (pros) the one (to) [partaking of the holiness of him], he concludes (dokei) [it] to absolutely not be (ou einai) a joy (charas), BUT (alla), a grief (lupēs)!


But (de) later (husteron) it gives away (apodidōsin) peaceful (eirēnikon) produce (karpon) of righteousness (dikaiosunēs), to the ones (tois) having been trained (gegumnasmenois) through (di’) her (autēs) [the child-training];


Now, Do The Calling Of You!


Heb. 12:12 (LIT/UBS4) through which (dio) make straight up (anorthōsate) the (tas) hands (cheiras) having relaxed alongside (pareimenas), and (kai) the (ta) knees (gonata) having been paralyzed (paralelumena).


Heb. 12:13 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai), [as] wheel-tracks (trochias), make (poieite) straight (orthas) the (tois) feet (posin) of you (humōn), in order that (hina) the (to) lame one (chōlon) may not be turned out (mē ektrapē) [of the wheel-tracks], but (de) more (mallon), he may be healed (iathē).


Heb. 12:14 (LIT/UBS4) Pursue (diōkete) peace (eirēnēn) with (meta) all (pantōn), and (kai) [pursue after] the (ton) holiness (hagiasmon) [of him, v10];


without (chōris) which (hou) absolutely not one (oudeis) shall cause himself to gaze at (opsetai) the (ton) Lord (kurion)!


(For who has gazed at, and who has not gazed at, the God the Father, see John 1:18, 5:37, 6:46, 14:7-11, 15:23-25, 20:28-29; 1 John 1:3, 4:20-21; 3 John 1:11)


Heb. 12:15 (LIT/UBS4) Be episcopating (episkopountes) [that] not (mē) anyone (tis) is one lacking (husterōn) from (apo) the (tou) grace (charitos) of the (tou) God (theou);


[that] not (mē) anyone (tis) springing (phuousa) up high (anō) a root (rhiza) of bitterness (pikrias) may crowd [you, v7] in1776 (enochlē), and (kai) many (polloi) may be contaminated (mianthōsin) through (di’) her (autēs) [the bitterness];


Heb. 12:16 (LIT/UBS4) [that] not (mē) anyone (tis) [may be] [a] fornicator (pornos), or (ē) over the threshold (bebēlos), as (hōs) Esau (Esau);


who (hos),instead (anti), of one (mias) [dish] of food (brōseōs), caused himself to give away (apedeto) the (ta) primogeniture (prōtotokia) of himself (heautou)!


Heb. 12:17 (LIT/UBS4) Because (gar) you have seen (iste) that (hoti) with [a] passing (metepeita) [of this, AE], he desiring (thelōn) also (kai) to inherit (klēronomēsai) the (tēn) eulogy (eulogian), he received disapproval (apedokimasthē) because (gar) he absolutely did not find (ouch heuren) [a] place (topon) of repentance (metanoias);


and so be it (kaiper) he having searched her out (ekzētēsas autēn) with (meta) tears (dakruōn)!


Heb. 12:18 (LIT/UBS4) Because (gar) you have absolutely not come to (ou proselēluthate) something being felt (psēlaphōmenō);


and (kai) to something having been burned (kekaumenō) [in, AE] fire (puri);


and (kai) to blackness (gnophō);


and (kai) to gloom (zophō);


and (kai) to [a] tempest (thuellē);  


Heb. 12:19 and to an echo (ēchō) of [a] trumpet (salpingos);


and (kai) to [a] voice (phōnē) of statements (rhēmatōn), which (hēs) the ones (hoi) having heard (akousantes), they requested for themselves to be pardoned (parētēsanto), [requesting, AE] not (mē) [a] word (logon) to be added to (prostethēnai) them (autois)!


Heb. 12:20 (LIT/UBS4) (Because (gar), they were absolutely not bringing (ouk epheron) the thing (to) being caused to be thoroughly arranged (diastellomenon)!


And if perhaps (kan) [a] wild animal (thērion) may touch (thigē) the (tou) mountain (orous), it shall be stoned (lithobolēthēsetai)!


Heb. 12:21 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) thusly (houtō) the one (to) being caused to fantasize (phantazomenon) was being (ēn) fearful (phoberon)


Moses (Mōusēs) enunciated (eipen), “I am (eimi) [a] feared-out one (ekphobos), and (kai) one in trembling (entromos)!”)


12:22 (LIT/UBS4) BUT (alla), you have come to (proselēluthate) [a] mountain (orei), to Zion (Siōn), and (kai) to [the] city (polei) of [the] living (zōntos) God (theou), to heavenly (epouraniō) Jerusalem (Iierousalēm);


and (kai) to ten thousands (muriasin) of messengers (angelōn);


Heb. 12:23 (LIT/UBS4) to [an] assembly (ekklēsia) of firstborn ones (prōtotokōn) having been registered583 (apogegrammenōn) in (en) to [the] heavens (ouranois);


and (kai) to [a] judge (kritē), God (theō) of all (pantōn);


and (kai) [toward] spirits (pneumasi) of righteous ones (diakiōn) having been made complete (teteleiōmenōn);


Heb. 12:24 (LIT/UBS4) and (kai) [toward] a mediator (mesitē) of [a] young (neas) covenant (diathēkēs), to Jesus (Iēsou);


and (kai) [toward] blood (haimati) of sprinkling (rhantismou), speaking (lalounti) of a stronger positioned (kreitton) [offering] beside (para) the one (ton) of Abel (Habel)


Heb. 12:25 (LIT/UBS4) Look (blepete), may you not request yourselves to be pardoned (mē paraitēsēsthe) [from] the one (ton) speaking (lalounta)!


Because (gar) if (ei) those ones (ekeinoi) were absolutely not able to flee out (ouk exephugon) over (epi) land (gēs), ones having requested themselves to be pardoned (paraitēsamenoi) [from] the one (ton) directing (chrēmatizonta) [them], [how] much (polu) more (mallon) [shall] we (hēmeis) [absolutely not be able to flee out], the ones (hoi) being turned away (apostrephomenoi) from (ap’) [the] heavens (ouranōn),


Heb. 12:26 (LIT/UBS4) [from the one] of whom (hou) the (hē) voice (phōnē) [of him] shook (esaleusen) the (tēn) land (gēn) then (tote)!?


But (de) now (nun) he has caused himself to promise (epēngeltai), saying (legōn), “Once (hapax) yet (eti) I (egō) shall quake (seisō) absolutely not (ou) only (monon) the (tēn) land (gēn), BUT (alla), the (ton) heaven (ouranon) also (kai)!”


Heb. 12:27 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) the (to) [saying], “Once (hapax) yet (eti), makes obvious (dēloi) the (tēn) transference (metathesin) of the things (tōn) being shaken (saleuomenōn) as (hōs) [being the things] having been made (pepoiēmenōn), in order that (hina) the things (ta) not (mē) being shaken (saleuomena) may stay (meinē);


Heb. 12:28 (LIT/UBS4) through which (dio) we are receiving alongside (paralambanontes) an unshakable (asaleuton) Kingdom932 (basileian).


May we have (echōmen) grace (charin), through (di’) which (hēs) may we serve (latreuōmen) the (tō) God (theō) well agreeably (euarestōs), with (meta) welcoming2124 (eulabeias) and (kai) begging (deous)!


Heb. 12:29 (LIT/UBS4) Because (gar) the (ho) God (theos) of us (hēmōn) [is] also (kai) [a] fire (pur) consuming down (katanaliskon).



Because we are to keep our "outer garments" clean and spotless, and so that we may not put on display the nakedness of our indecent behavior:


Apostle Paul said:


1 Tim. 6:13 (LIT/UBS4) I give instructions (parangellō) to you (soi) in sight (enōpion) of the (tou) God (theou), of the one (tou) making all the things to become alive (zōogonountos ta panta), and (kai) [in sight] of Christ (Christou) Jesus (Iēsou), the one (tou) having witnessed (marturēsantos) upon (epi) Pontius (Pontiou) Pilate (Pilatou) the (tēn) beautiful (kalēn) confession (homologian):


1 Tim. 6:14 (LIT/UBS4) you (se) [are] to watchfully keep (tērēsai) the (tēn) injunction (entolēn), unstained (aspilon), irreproachable (anepilēmpton), until (mechri) the (tēs) epiphany (epiphaneias) of the (tou) lord (kuriou) of us (hēmōn), Jesus (Iēsou) Christ (Christou);


1 Tim. 6:15 (LIT/UBS4) who (hēn) [in] his own (idiois) times (kairois) shall thoroughly show (deixei) the (ho) happy one (makarios) and (kai) only (monos) inherently powered one (dunastēs), the (ho) King (basileus) of the ones (tōn) being kings (basileuontōn), and (kai) [the] Lord (kurios) of the ones (tōn) being lords (kurieuontōn);


Apostle James said:


James 1:12 (LIT/UBS4) A happy one (makarios) [is] a male (anēr) who (hos) endures (hupomenei) a testing (peirasmon);


because (hoti) having caused himself to become (genomenos) an approved one (dokimos), he shall cause himself to receive (lēmpsetai) the (ton) crown (stephanon) of the (tēs) life (zōēs), which (hon) he caused himself to promise (epēngeilato) to the ones (tois) loving (agapōsin) him (auton).


(See Rev. 2:10)


James 1:13 (LIT/UBS4) [Let] not one (medeis) being tested (peirazomenos) say (legeto) that (hoti), “I am tested (peirastos) from (apo) God (theou).” 


Because (gar) the (ho) God (theos) is (esti) untested (apeirastos) of malicious things (kakōn).


But (de) he tests (peirazei) absolutely not one (oudena) himself (autos)!


 James 1:14 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) each one (hekastos) is tested (peirazetai) under (hupo) the (tēs) lust (epithumias) of his own (idias), being allured (deleazomenos) and (kai) being drawn out (exelkomenos).


 James 1:15 (LIT/UBS4) Thereafter (eita), the (hē) lust (epithumia) having been taken together with (sullabousa) [[a] testing, v12, RE] bears (tiktei) sin (hamartian)


But (de) of the (hē) sin (hamartia), from sin having been caused to come to completion (hamartia apotelestheisa), death (thanaton) gestates from (apokuei) [it].


James 1:26 (LIT/UBS4) If (ei) anyone (tis) concludes (dokei) [himself] to be (einai) a religious one (thrēskos), not (mē) bridling (chalinagōgōn) [the] tongue (glōssan) of him (autou), BUT (alla), faking (apatōn) [the] heart (kardian) of him (autou), the (hē) religious observance (thrēskeia) of this one (toutou) [is] empty (mataios)!


 James 1:27 (LIT/UBS4) This (hautē) is (estin) cleansed (kathara) and (kai) uncontaminated (amiantos) religious observance (thrēskeia) alongside3844 (para) [the] God (theō) and (kai) Father (patri):


to cause himself to scope in upon (episkeptesthai) orphans (orphanous) and (kai) bereaved ones (chēras) in (en) the (tē) mental pressure (thlipsei) of them (autōn);


to watchfully keep (tērein) himself (heauton) unstained (aspilon) from (apo) the (tou) cosmos (kosmou).


James 2:1 (LIT/UBS4) Brothers (adelphoi) of me (mou), do not hold (mē echete) the (tēn) belief (pistin) of the (tou) lord (kuriou) of us (hēmōn), Jesus (Iēsou) Christ (Christou), [lord] of the (tēs) glory (doxēs), in (en) face value (prosōpolēmpsiais).


Apostle Peter said:


2 Pet. 3:11 (LIT/UBS4) Thusly (houtōs) these things (toutōn) all (pantōn) being undone (luomenōn), it is required (dei) of you (humas) [to be] ones of what fashion (potapous)?


[It is required of you] to be under control (huparchein) in (en) holy (hagiais) behavior (anastrophais), and (kai) piety (eusebeiais);


2 Pet. 3:12 (LIT/UBS4) [through which behavior] you are expecting (prosdokōntas) and (kai) hastening (speudontas) the (tēn) presence (parousian) of the (tēs) day (hēmeras) of the (tou) God (theou), through (di’) which (hēn) [the] heavens (ouranoi) being inflamed (puroumenoi) shall be undone (luthēsontai), and (kai) [the] elements (stoicheia) being burned (kausoumena) are melted (tēketai)!


2 Pet. 3:13 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) we expect (prosdokōmen) new (kainous) heavens (ouranous) and (kai) a new (kainēn) land (gēn) down according to (kata) the (to) promise (epangelma) of him (autou), in (en) to which (hois) righteousness (dikaiosunē) homes-down (katoikei).


2 Pet. 3:14 (LIT/UBS4) Through which (dio), beloved ones (agapētoi), you ones expecting (prosdokōntes) these things (tauta), make haste (spoudasate) to be found (heurethēnai) [to be] unstained ones (aspiloi), and (kai) [to be] unblameable ones (amōmētoi), to be found (heurethēnai) to him (autō) [to be] in (en) peace (eirēnē).


2 Pet. 3:15 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) [let] the (tēn) patience (makrothumian) of the (tou) lord (kuriou) of us (hēmōn) lead you (hēgeisthe) to wholeness (sōtērian), down according to as (kathōs) the (ho) beloved (agapētos) brother (adelphos) Paul (Paulos) also (kai) wrote (egrapsen) to you (humin), down according to (kata) the (tēn) wisdom (sophian) having been given (dotheisan) to him (autō);


Judas said:


Jude 1:23 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) of whom (hous) you make whole (sōzete), you are ones snatching (harpazontes) [them] out (ek) of fire (puros).


But (de) (LIT/UBS4) of whom (hous) you have mercy (eleate), [have mercy] in (en) fear (phobō), despising (misountes) the (ton) shirt (chitōna) also (kai), it having been stained (espilōmenon) from (apo) the (tēs) flesh (sarkos).


Jude 1:24 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) to the one (tō) inherently powering himself (dunamenō) to keep watchful guard (phulaxai) of you (humas), one not stumbling (aptaistous), and (kai) to stand (stēsai) [you] down in sight (katenōpion) of the (tēs) glory (doxēs) of him (autou) [as] unblemished ones (amōmous), in (en) jumping joy (agalliasei),


Jude 1:25 (LIT/UBS4) to [the] only (monō) God (theō), Savior (sōtēri) of us (hēmōn) through (dia) Jesus (Iēsou) Christ (Christou), the (tou) lord (kuriou) of us (hēmōn), [be] glory (doxa), magnificence (megalōsunē), power (kratos) and (kai) authority (exousia);


and (kai) before (pro) all (pantos) of the (tou) age (aiōnos) now (nun), and (kai) into (eis) all (pantas) the (tous) ages (aiōnas), truly (amēn)!


Christ Jesus said:


Rev. 16:15 (LIT/UBS4) “Behold (idou), I cause myself to come (erchomai) as (hōs) [a] thief (kleptēs)!  


[A] happy one (makarios) [is] the one (ho) staying awakr (grēgorōn), and (kai) watchfully keeping (tērōn) the (ta) outer garments (himatia) of him (autou);


in order that (hina) he may not walk around (mē peripatē) [as] [a] naked one (gumnos), and (kai) they may see (blepōsin) the (tēn) indecent behavior (aschēmosunēn) of him (autou).”



Because we can grow up into a complete male, into the measure of the fullness of  the maturity of the Christ


Christ Jesus said:


Luke 21:19 (LIT/UBS4) In (en) the (tē) endurance (hupomonē) of you (humōn) cause yourselves to acquire (ktēsasthe) the (tas) souls (psuchas) of you (humōn).


Apostle Paul said:


Eph. 4:11 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai), truly (men), he (autos) gave (edōken) the ones (tous) [being] apostles (apostolous), but (de) the ones (tous) [being] prophets (prophētas), but (de) the ones (tous) [being] evangelists (euangelistas), but (de) the ones (tous) [being] shepherds (poimenas), and (kai) [the ones being] teachers (didaskalous),


Eph. 4:12 (LIT/UBS4) toward (pros) [the sake] of the (ton) making fit (katartismon) of the (tōn) holy ones (hagiōn) into (eis) [the] work (ergon) of [the] ministry (diakonias), into (eis) [the building] of a domed-roof house3619 (oikodomēn) of the (tou) body (sōmatos) of the (tou) Christ (Christou);


Eph. 4:13 (LIT/UBS4) until (mechri) all (pantes) the (hoi) [holy ones, v4:12, RE] may come down adjacent2658 (katantēsōmen) into (eis) the (tēn) oneness (henotēta) of the (tēs) belief (pisteōs), and (kai) of the (tēs) experiential knowledge (epignōseōs) of the (tou) son (huiou) of the (tou) God (theou), into (eis) [a] complete (teleion) male (andra), into (eis) [a/the] measure (metron) of the (tou) fullness (plērōmatos) of maturity (hēlikias) of the (tou) Christ (Christou);


Eph. 4:14 (LIT/UBS4) in order that (hina) no longer (mēketi) may we be (ōmen) infants (nēpioi), ones being caused to surge (kludōnizomenoi), and (kai) ones being brought about (peripheromenoi) to every (panti) wind (anēmo) of the (tēs) [winds] of teaching (didaskalias) in (en) the (tē) die2940 (kubeia) of the (tōn) mortals (anthrōpōn) in (en) shrewdness (panourgia), toward (pros) the (tēn) method (methodeian) of the (tēs) Wanderer (planēs)!


Eph. 4:15 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) being true ones (alētheuontes), in (en) love (agapē) may we grow (auxēsōmen) into (eis) him (auton) [in] all the things (ta panta), who (hos) is (estin) the (hē) head (kephalē), Christ (Christos);


Eph. 4:16 (LIT/UBS4) out (ek) of whom (hou) all (pan) the (to) body (sōma) being called to join together (sunarmologoumenon), and (kai) being made to come together (sumbibazomenon) through (dia) the (tēs) choreography (epichorēgias) of every (pasēs) joint (haphēs), down according to (kat’) [a/the] measure (metrō) of energy (energeian) in (en) each (hekastou) single (henos) part (merous), in (en) love (agapē) causes itself to make (poieitai) the (tēn) growth (auxēsin) of the (tou) body (sōmatos) of itself (heautou) into (eis) [a] domed-roof house3619 (oikodomēn)!


The writer of Hebrews said:


Heb. 6:1 (LIT/UBS4) Through which (dio) having let go (aphentes) of the (ton) Word (logon) of the (tēs) beginning (archēs) of the (tou) Christ (Christou), may we be brought (pherōmetha) over (epi) to the (tēn) completion (teleiotēta) [of it], ones not causing ourselves to throw down (mē kataballomenoi) again (palin) a foundation (themelion) of repentance (metanoias) away from (apo) dead (nekrōn) works (ergōn), and (kai) of belief (pisteōs) upon (epi) God (theon),


Heb. 6:2 (LIT/UBS4) of baptisms (baptismōn), of an orthodoxy (didachēs), and (te) of putting upon (epitheseōs) of hands (cheirōn), and (te) of standing up (anastaseōs) of dead ones (nekrōn), and (kai) of ageless (aiōniou) judicial decision-making (krimatos).


Heb. 6:3 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) this (touto) we shall do (poiēsomen) if perhaps (ean) the (to) God (theos) may turn [it] over (epirepē) [to us].


Heb. 6:4 (LIT/UBS4) Because (gar) [each one] of the ones (tous) [is] an inherently unpowered one (adunaton), they once (hapax) having been illuminated (phōtisthentas), both (te) having caused themselves to taste (geusamenous) of the (tēs) gift (dōreas) of the (tēs) heavenly one (epouraniou), and (kai) having been caused to become (genēthentas) partners (metochous) of holy (hagiou) Spirit (pneumatos);


Heb. 6:5 (LIT/UBS4) and (kai) they having caused themselves to taste (geusamenous) a beautiful (kalon) statement (rhēma) of God (theou), and (te) inherent powers (dunameis) of an age (aiōnos) being about (mellontos) [to be];


Heb. 6:6 (LIT/UBS4) and (kai) they having fallen aside (parapesontas) to refreshen up (anakainizein) again (palin) into (eis) repentance (metanoian), staking up (anastaurountas) to themselves (heautois) the (ton) son (huion) of the (tou) God (theou), and (kai) making sideshows (paradeigmatizontas)!



Because we shall all be required to give an account of the things we did in the flesh:


Apostle Paul said:


Rom. 2:1 (LIT/UBS4) Through which (dio) [impiety and unrighteousness] you are (ei) one not able to apologize (anapologētos) O (ō) mortal (anthrōpe), everyone (pas), the one (ho) judging (krinōn)


Because (gar) in (en) which thing (hō) you judge (krineis) the (ton) one of another kind (heteron), you condemn (katakrineis) yourself (seauton);


because (gar) you habitually practice (prasseis) the (ta) same things (auta), the one (ho) judging (krinōn).


Rom. 2:2 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) we have seen (oidamen) that (hoti) the (to) judicial decision (krima) of God (theou) is (estin) down according to (kata) truth (alēthein) over (epi) the ones (tous) habitually practicing (prassontas) the (ta) things of these (toiauta).


Rom. 2:3 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) do you cause yourself to count3049 (logizē) this (touto), O (ō) mortal (anthrōpe), the one (ho) judging (krinōn) the ones (tous) habitually practicing (prassontas) the (ta) things of these (toiauta), [you] also (kai) doing (poiōn) them (auta), that (hoti) you (su) shall cause yourself to flee out (ekpheuxē) of the (to) judicial decision (krima) of the (tou) God (theou)?


Rom. 2:4 (LIT/UBS4) Or (ē) of the (tou) wealth (ploutou) of the (tēs) benevolence (chrēstotētos) of him (autou), and (kai) of the (tēs) self-restraint (anochēs), and (kai) of the (tēs) patience (makrothumias), do you think down upon2706 (kataphroneis) [them], you being ignorant (agnoōn) that (hoti) the (to) benevolent thing (chrēston) of the (tou) God (theou) leads (agei) you (se) into (eis) repentance (metanoian)?


Rom. 2:5 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) down according to (kata) the (tēn) hardness (sklērotēta) of you (sou), and (kai) unrepentant (ametanoēton) heart (kardian), you gather [a] treasure (thēsaurizeis) to yourself (seautō);


[you gather a treasure] of anger (orgēn) in (en) [a] day (hēmera) of anger (orgēs);


and (kai) [you gather [a] treasure, RE] of revelation (apokalupseōs) of righteous judgment (dikaiokrisias) of the (tou) God (theou);


Rom. 2:6 (LIT/UBS4) who (hos) shall give away (apodōsei) [righteous judgment, v5] to each one (hekastō) down according to (kata) the (ta) works (erga) of him (autou).


Rom. 2:7 (LIT/UBS4) Truly (men), to the ones (tois) down on account (kath) of endurance (hupomonēn) of good (agathou) work (ergou) [he shall give away, v6] glory (doxan), and (kai) honor (timēn), and (kai) incorruption (aphtharsian), to the ones (tois) searching (zētousin) for ageless (aiōnion) life (zōēn)!


Rom. 2:8 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) to the ones (tois) out (ex) of intrigue (eritheias) and (kai) being dissuaded (apeithousi) to the (tē) Truth (alētheia), but (de) being persuaded (peithomenois) to the (tē) unrighteousness (adikia), [He shall give away, v6] anger (orgē) and (kai) passion (thumos),


Rom. 2:9 (LIT/UBS4) mental pressure (thlipsis), and (kai) confinement (stenochōria), upon (epi) every (pasan) soul (psuchēn) of a mortal (anthrōpou), of the one (tou) causing himself to work down (katergazomenou) the (to) malicious thing (kakon), both (te) of a Judean (Ioudaiou) first (prōton), and (kai) of a Hellene (Hellēnos).


Rom. 2:10 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) glory (doxa), and (kai) honor (timē), and (kai) peace (eirēnē) to everyone (panti), to the one (tō) causing himself to work (ergazomenō) the (to) good (agathon), both (te) to [a] Judean (Ioudaiō) first (prōton), and (kai) to [a] Hellene (Hellēni),


Rom. 2:11 (LIT/UBS4) because (gar) there is (estin) absolutely not (ou) a taking of face value (prosōpolēmpsia) alongside3844 (para) to the (tō) God (theō)!


Rom. 2:12 (LIT/UBS4) Because (gar) as many as (hosoi) have sinned (hēmarton) without law (anomōs), they shall lose themselves (apolountai) also (kai) without law (anomōs);


and (kai) as many as (hosoi) have sinned (hēmarton) in (en) law (nomō), they shall be judged (krithēsontai) through (dia) law (nomou).


Rom. 2:13 (LIT/UBS4) Because (gar) the (hoi) hearers (akroatai) of law (nomou) [are] absolutely not (ou) righteous ones (dikaioi) alongside3844 (para) of the (tō) God (theō)!


BUT (all’), the (hoi) performers (poiētai) of law (nomou) shall be made righteous (dikaiōthēsontai);


Apostle Paul said:


2 Cor. 5:10 (LIT/UBS4) Because (gar) it is required (dei) of the things (tous) of all (pantas) of us (hēmas) to be manifested (phanerōthēnai) in front (emprosthen) of the (tou) step of the tribune968 (bēmatos) of the (tou) Christ (Christou);


in order that (hina) each one (hekastos) may provide for himself (komisētai) the things (ta) for (pros) which (ha) he habitually practiced (epraxen) through (dia) the (tou) body (sōmatos), whether (eite) [things habitually practiced, RE] goodly (agathon), [or, AE] whether (eite) [things habitually practiced, RE] worthlessly (phaulon).


2 Cor. 5:11 (LIT/UBS4) Therefore (oun), we having seen (eidotes) the (ton) fear (phobon) of the (tou) lord (kuriou), we persuade (peithomen) mortals (anthrōpous).


But (de) we have been manifested (pephanerōmetha) to God (theō).


But (de) I hope (elpizō) to have been manifested (pephanerōsthai) in (en) to the (tais) consciences (suneidēsesin) of you (humōn) also (kai).



Because our heavenly Father welcomes back to himself and to his household all of his sons who repent and turn back to him in their hearts:


Christ Jesus said:


Luke 15:11 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) he enunciated (eipen), “A certain (tis) mortal (anthrōpos) was having (eichen) two (duo) sons (huios),


Luke 15:12 (LIT/UBS4) and (kai) the (ho) youngest one (neōteros) of them (autōn) enunciated (eipen) to the (tō) father (patri), “Father (pater), give (dos) to me (moi) the (to) allotment (meros) of the (tēs) property (ousias) being thrown (epiballon) [to me].” 


But (de) the (ho) [part] he distributed (dieilen) to them (autois) [was] the (ton) living (bion) [property].


Luke 15:13 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) with (met’) [the passing of] absolutely not (ou) many (pollas) days (hēmeras), having brought together (sunagagōn) all (panta), the (ho) youngest (neōteros) son (huios) went away (apedēmēsen) into (eis) [a] far off (makran) region (chōran), and (kai) there (ekei) he scattered through (dieskorpisen) [the region] the (tēn) property (ousian) of him (autou), living (zōn) unwholesomely (asōtōs).


Luke 15:14 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) having spent (dapanēsantos) everything (panta) of him (autou), a strong (ischura) famine (limos) caused itself to come to pass (egeneto) down against (kata) the (tēn) region (choran) of that (ekeinēn), and (kai) he (autos) caused himself to start (ērxato) to lack (hustereisthai).


Luke 15:15 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) he having been caused to go (poreutheis), he was glued2853 (ekollēthē) to one (heni) of the (tōn) citizens (politōn) of the (tēs) region (chōras) of that (ekeinēs).


And (kai) [the citizen] sent (epempsen) him (auton) into (eis) the (tous) fields (agrous) of him (auton) to herd (boskein) young swine (choirous).


Luke 15:16 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) he was lusting (epethumei) to load (gemisai) the (tēn) belly (koilian) of him (autou) from (apo) the (tōn) little [carob] horns (keratiōn) of which (hōn) the (hoi) young swine (choiroi) were eating (ēsthion);


and (kai) absolutely not one (oudeis) [young swine, RE] was giving (edidou) [them, AE] to him (autō)!


Luke 15:17 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) having come (elthōn) into (eis) himself (heauton), he shed light5346 (ephē), “How many (posoi) wage earners (misthioi) of the (tou) father (patros) of me (mou) are causing themselves to have an abundance (perisseuontai) of loaves of bread (artōn)!?


But (de) here (hōde) I (egō) lose myself (apollumai) to famine (limō)!


Luke 15:18 (LIT/UBS4) Having stood up (anastas) I shall cause myself to go (poreusomai) to (pros) the (ton) father (patera) of me (mou), and (kai) I shall state (erō) to him (autō), 'Father (pater), I have sinned (hēmarton) into (eis) the (ton) heaven (ouranon), and (kai) in sight (enōpion) of you (sou).


Luke 15:19 (LIT/UBS4) I am (eimi) absolutely no longer yet (ouketi) one worthy (axios) to be called aloud (klēthēnai) a son (huios) of you (sou)


Make (poiēson) me (me) as (hōs) one (hena) of the (tōn) wage earners (misthiōn) of you (sou).'”


Luke 15:20 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) having stood up (anastas), he came (ēlthen) to (pros) the (ton) father (patera) of him (autou)


But (de) of him (autou) yet (eti) holding away (apechontos) far off (makran), the (ho) father (patēr) of him (autou) saw (eiden) him (auton), and (kai) he felt his spleen yearn (esplagchnisthē).


And (kai) having run (dramōn), he fell (epepesen) upon (epi) the (ton) neck (trachēlon) of him (autou) and (kai) loved him down2705 (katephilēsen auton).


Luke 15:21 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) the (ho) son (huios) enunciated (eipen) to him (autō), “Father (pater), I have sinned (hēmarton) into (eis) the (ton) heaven (ouranon) and (kai) in sight (enōpion) of you (sou)


I am (eimi) absolutely no longer yet (ouketi) one worthy (axios) to be called aloud (klēthēnai) ‘son’ (huios) of you (sou)!”


Luke 15:22 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) the (ho) father (patēr) enunciated (eipen) to (pros) the (tous) slaves (doulous) of him (autou), ‘Quickly (tachu), bring out (exenenkate) the (tēn) first (protēn) stole (stolēn) and (kai) enrobe him into (endusate auton) [it].


And (kai) give (dote) a finger-ring (daktulion) into (eis) the (tēn) hand (cheira) of him (autou).


And (kai) [give] under bindings (hupodēmata) into (eis) the (tous) feet (podas).


Luke 15:23 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) bring (pherete) the (ton) young offspring (moschon), the (ton) grain-fed one (siteuton), sacrifice (thusate) [it]!


And (kai) having eaten (phagontes) may we be well-pleased (euphranthōmen),


Luke 15:24 (LIT/UBS4) because (hoti) this one (houtos), the (ho) ‘son’ (huios) of me (mou), was being (ēn) a dead one (nekros), and (kai) he was made up alive (anezēsen);


he was being (ēn) one having been lost (apolōlōs), and (kai) he was found (eurethē).’ 


And (kai) they caused themselves to start (ērxanto) to be well-pleased (euphrainesthai).


Luke 15:25 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) the (ho) son (huios) of him (autou), the (ho) elder one (presbuteros), was being (ēn) in (en) a field (agrō)


And (kai) as (hōs) he was causing himself to come (erchomenos) he came near (ēngisen) to the (tē) house (oikia).


He heard (ēkousen) [sounds] of a symphony (sumphōnias), and (kai) of round dancing (chorōn).


Luke 15:26 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) having caused himself to call aloud to (proskalesamenos) one (hena) of the (tōn) children (paidōn), he was causing himself to demand (epunthaneto), ‘What (ti) perhaps (an) may possibly be (eiē) these things (tauta)?’


Luke 15:27 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) the (ho) [child] enunciated (eipen) to him (autō) that (hoti), ‘The (ho) brother (adelphos) of you (sou) arrives (hēkei), and (kai) the (ho) father (patēr) of you (sou) sacrificed (ethusen) the (ton) young offspring (moschon), the (ton) grain-fed one (siteuton); because (hoti) he received (apelaben) him (auton) [back], he being wholesome (hugianonta)!’


Luke 15:28 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) he was made angry (ōrgisthē), and (kai) he was absolutely not desiring (ouk ēthelen) to enter in (eiselthein)


But (de) the (ho) father (patēr) of him (autou) having come out (exelthōn) he was accosting (parekalei) him (auton).


Luke 15:29 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) the (ho) [elder one] having been caused to make a decision (apokritheis), he enunciated (eipen) to the (tō) father (patri) of him (autou), “Behold (idou), so many (tosauta) years (etē) I slave (douleuō) for you (soi), and (kai) but absolutely not at any time (oudepote) did I pass aside (parēlthon) an injunction (entolēn) of you (sou)


And (kai) to me (emoi), but absolutely not at any time (oudepote) did you give (edōkas) a goat (eriphon), in order that (hina) I may be well-pleased (euphranthō) together with (meta) the (tōn) loved ones (philōn) of me (mou)!


Luke 15:30 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) when (hote) the (ho) son (huis) of you (sou) came (ēlthen), this one (houtos), the one (ho) having devoured (kataphagōn) the (ton) living (bion) of you (sou) together with (meta) fornicators (pornōn), you sacrificed (ethusas) for him (autō) the (ton) grain-fed (siteuton) young offspring (moschon)!”


Luke 15:31 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) the (ho) [father] enunciated (eipen) to him (autō), ‘One born (teknon) [of me], you (su) are (ei) always (pantote) together with (met) me (emou), and (kai) all (panta) the (ta) [property] mine (ema) is (estin) yours (sa).


Luke 15:32 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) to be well-pleased (euphranthēnai) and (kai) to rejoice (charēnai) is being required (edei), because (hoti) the (ho) brother (adelphos) of you (sou), this one (houtos), was being (ēn) a dead one (nekros) and (kai) he lived (ezēsen);


[he was being] one having been lost (apolōlōs), and (kai) he was found (eurethē)!’”