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Chapter 27


Update:  2025.01.02


Acts 27:1 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) when (hōs) the (tou) [time, AE] was determined (ekrithē) for us (hēmas) to sail away (apoplein) into (eis) the (tēn) Italy (Italian), they were passing aside (paredidoun) both (te) the (ton) Paul (Paulon) and (kai) some (tinas) bonded ones (desmōtas) of another kind (heterous) to [a] centurion (hekatontarchē), by name (onomati) of Julius (Iouliō), [a] cohort (speirēs) of Sebastēnoi (Sebastēs) .


Acts 27:2 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) we having stepped upon (epibantes) [an] Adramyttium (Adramuttēnō) ship (ploiō) being about (mellonti) to sail (plein) into (eis) the (tous) places (topous) down through (kata) the (tēn) Asia (Asian), we were led up (anēchthēmen);


Aristarchus (Aristarchou), [a] Macedonian (Makedonos) of Thessalonica (Thessalonikeōs), being (ontos) together with (sun) us (hēmin).


Acts 27:3 (LIT/UBS4) And (te) the (tē) next (hetera) [day, AE] we were led down (katēchthēmen) into (eis) Sidon (Sidōna).


And (te) the (ho) Julius (Ioulios) having caused himself to philanthropically handle (philanthrōpōs chrēsamenos) the (tō) Paul (Paulō), he turned it over (epetrepsen) [to Paul, RE] to obtain (tuchein) care (epimeleias), he having been caused to go (poreuthenti) to (pros) the (tous) friends (philous) [of him, AE].


Acts 27:4 (LIT/UBS4) And from there (kakeithen), we having been led up (anachthentes), we sailed under (hupepleusamen) the (tēn) Cyprus (Kupron), through (dia) the (to) [sake, AE] of the (tous) winds (anemous) to be (einai) in opposition (enantious).


Acts 27:5 (LIT/UBS4) And (te) we having sailed through (diapleusantes) the (to) expanse (pelagos), the one (to) down by (kata) the (tēn) Cilicia (Kilikian) and (kai) Pamphylia (Pamphulian), we came down (katēlthomen) into (eis) Myra (Mura), of the (tēs) Lycia (Lukias).


Acts 27:6 (LIT/UBS4) And there (kakei), the (ho) centurion (hekatontarchēs) having found (heurōn) [an] Alexandrian (Alexandrinon) ship (ploion) sailing (pleon) into (eis) the (tēn) Italy (Italian), he walked us in (enebibasen hēmas) into (eis) it (auto).


Acts 27:7 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) we sailing slowly (braduploountes) and (kai) difficultly (molis), in (en) [a] suitable number (hikanais) of days (hēmerais) we having caused ourselves to become (genomenoi) down by (kata) the (tēn) Cnidus (Knidon), of the (tou) wind (anemou) not allowing us to go forward (mē proseōntos hēmas), we sailed under (hupepleusamen) the (tēn) Crete (Krētēn), down by (kata) Salmone (Salmōnēn).


Acts 27:8 (LIT/UBS4) And (te) causing ourselves to difficultly course alongside (molis paralegomenoi) of her (autēn), we came (ēlthomen) into (eis) [a] certain (tina) place (topon) being called aloud (kaloumenon) Beautiful (Kalous) Harbor (Limenas), to which (hō) city (polis) nearby (engus) was beingn) Lasea (Lasaia).


Acts 27:9 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) of [a] suitable amount (hikanou) of time (chronou) having thoroughly caused itself to come to pass (diagenomenou), and (kai) of the (tou) sail (ploos) already (ēdē) being (ontos) over-eager (episphalous), through (dia) the (to) [sake, AE] of the (tēn) fast (nēsteian) also (kai) already (ēdē) to have passed (parelēluthenai), the (ho) Paul (Paulos) was advising (parēnei) [them, v10, RE],


Acts 27:10 (LIT/UBS4) saying (legōn) to them (autois), “Males (andres), I observe (theōrō) the (ton) sail (ploun);


that (hoti) together with (meta) damage (hubreōs) and (kai) much (pollēs) loss (zēmias), of absolutely not (ou) only (monon) the (tou) load (phortiou) and (kai) of the (tou) ship (ploiou), BUT (alla), of the (tōn) souls (psuchōn) of us (hēmōn) also (kai), we are about (mellein) to cause [[a] loss, RE] to ourselves (esesthai)!”


Acts 27:11 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) the (ho) centurion (hekatontarchēs) was being persuaded (epeitheto) to the (tō) helmsman (kubernētē) and (kai) to the (tō) ship’s officer (nauklērō) more (mallon) than (ē) to the things (tois) being spoken (legomenois) under (hupo) [authority, AE] of Paul (Paulou).


Acts 27:12 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) of the (tou) ill-conceived (aneuthetou) harbor (limenos) being under control (huparchontos) for (pros) wintering alongside (paracheimasian), the (hoi) majority (pleiones) caused themselves to place (ethento) [a] recommendation (boulēn) to be led up (anachthēnai) from there (ekeithen), if (ei) somehow (pōs) they having come down adjacent2658 (katantēsantes) into (eis) Phoenix (Phoinika) they may be inherently powered (dunainto) to winter alongside (paracheimasai) [into, v8, RE] [a] harbor (limena) of the (tēs) Crete (Krētēs), looking (bleponta) down along (kata) [the] southwest (liba) and (kai) down along (kata) [the] northwest (chōron).


Acts 27:13 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) of [a] south wind (notou) having blown gently (hupopneusantos), they having concluded (doxantes) to have powerfully held (kekratēkenai) the (tēs) preparation (protheseōs) [fast, v9, RE], they having lifted (arantes) [sail, v10, RE], they were causing themselves to course closely alongside (asson parelegonto) of the (tēn) Crete (Krētē).


Acts 27:14 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) with (met’) [the passing, AE] of absolutely not much (ou polu) [time, v9, RE], [a] typhoon (tuphōnikos), the (ho) one being called aloud (kaloumenos) [a] euro-surge (eurakulōn), [the] wind (anemos) of her (autēs) threw (ebalen) down against (kat’) [the ship, v15, RE]!


Acts 27:15 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) of the (tou) ship (ploiou) having been snatched with (sunarpasthentos) [a wind of her, v14, RE], and (kai) it not being inherently powered (mē dunamenou) to see gain from opposing (antophthalmein) the (tō) wind (anemō), we having given [the ship, RE] over (epidontes) [to the wind, v14], we were being carried along (epherometha).


Acts 27:16 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) we having run under (hupodramontes) [a] certain (ti) little island (nēsion) being called aloud (kaloumenon) Cauda (Kauda), difficultly (molis) we were strong enough (ischusamen) to cause ourselves to become (genesthai) ones powerful enough to get control around (perikrateis) the (tēs) skiff (skaphēs);


Acts 27:17 (LIT/UBS4) of which (hēn) they having lifted it (arantes), they having lowered (chalasantes) the (to) vessel (skeuos) they were causing themselves to use (echrōnto) aids (boētheiais) for under-girding (hupozōnnuntes) of the (to) ship (ploion);


and (te) they were fearing (phoboumenoi) they may not fall out (mē ekpesōsin) into (eis) the (tēn) Syrtis (Surtin).


Thusly (houtōs) they were being carried along (epheronto).


Acts 27:18 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) of us (hēmōn) being extremely stormed (sphodrōs cheimazomenōn) the (tē) adjoining (hexēx) [day, AE], they were causing themselves to do (epoiounto) [a] throw-out (ekbolēn).


Acts 27:19 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) the (tē) third (tritē) [day, AE] some hands (autocheires) flung (erripsan) the (tēn) tackling (skeuēn) of the (tou) ship (ploiou)!


Acts 27:20 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) neither (mēte) sun (hēliou) nor (mēte) stars (astrōn) shining (epiphainontōn) over (epi) many (pleionas) days (hēmeras), and (te) absolutely not (ouk) [a] little (oligou) winter storm (cheimōnos) being laid upon (epikeimenou) [us, AE], all (pasa) of the (tou) remaining (loipon) hope (elpis) of us (hēmas) to be kept whole (sōzesthai) was being taken away all around (periēreito)!


Acts 27:21 (LIT/UBS4) And (te) [with, AE] much (pollēs) fasting (asitias), he being under control (huparchousēs), then (tote) the (ho) Paul (Paulos) having stood (statheis) in (en) [the] midst (mesō) of them (autōn), he enunciated (eipen), “Truly (men) it was being required (edei), oh (ō) males (andres), for you having been persuaded (peitharchēsantas) to me (moi) not (mē) to be led up (anagesthai) away from (apo) the (tēs) Crete (Krētēs), and (te) to gain (kerdēsai) the (tēn) damage (hubrin) of this (tautēn), and (kai) the (tēn) loss (zēmian).


Acts 27:22 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) the (ta) [advice, AE] I now advise (nun parainō) to you (humas) [is] to be well-passioned (euthumein).


Because (gar) there shall cause itself to be (estai) absolutely not one (oudemia) soul (psuchēs) out (ex) of you (humōn) thrown away (apobolē), beyond (plēn) [the loss, v21, RE] of the (tou) ship (ploiou)!


Acts 27:23 (LIT/UBS4) Because (gar) there stood alongside (parestē) to me (moi) [in, AE] the (tē) night (nukti), [a] messenger (angelos) of the (tou) God (theou), this one (tautē) from whom (hou) I (egō) am (eimi), whom (hō) I serve (latreuō) also (kai),


Acts 27:24 (LIT/UBS4) saying (legōn), ‘Do not be caused to fear (mē phobou), Paul (Paule);


it is required (dei) of you (se) to stand alongside (parastēnai) to Caesar (Kaisari).


And (kai) behold (idou), the (ho) God (theos) has caused himself to be gracious (kecharistai) to you (soi) for all (pantas) of the ones (tous) sailing (pleontas) with (meta) you (sou)!’


Acts 27:25 (LIT/UBS4) Through whose (dio) [Word, AE], males (andres), be well-passioned (euthumeite).


Because (gar) I believe (pisteuō) God (theō) that (hoti) it shall cause itself to be (estai) thusly (houtōs), down according to (kath’) [the] way (tropon) which (hon) it has been spoken (lelalētai) to me (moi).


Acts 27:26 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) it is required (dei) for us (hēmas) to fall out (ekpesein) into (eis) [a] certain (tina) island (nēson).”


Acts 27:27 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) when (hōs) it caused itself to become (egeneto) [the] fourteenth (tessareskaidekatē) night (nux) of us (hēmōn) being borne through1308 (diapheromenōn) in (en) the (tō) Adriatic (Adria), down about (kata) [the] middle (meson) of the (tēs) night (nuktos), they (autois), the (hoi) nautical ones (nautai), were supposing (hupenooun) to be leading [us, AE] toward (prosagein) [a] certain (tina) region (chōran).


Acts 27:28 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) the ones having sounded (bolisantes), they found (heuron) [the depth, AE]  [to be] twenty (eikosi) fathoms (orguias) [of water, AE].


But (de) they having stood apart (diastēsantes) [a] little bit (brachu) [from sounding, v28, RE], the ones having sounded (bolisantes) again (palin) also (kai), they found (heuron) [the depth, AE] [to be] fifteen (dekapente) fathoms (orguias) [of water, AE].


Acts 27:29 (LIT/UBS4) And (te) [the males, v24, RE] being caused to fear (phoboumenoi), of somehow (pou) we may not fall out (mē ekpesōmen) down against (kata) rough (tracheis) places (topous), ones having flung (rhipsantes) four (tessaras) anchors (ankuras) out (ek) [of the] stern (prumnēs), they were causing themselves to make vows (ēuchonto) to cause itself to become (genesthai) day (hēmeran).


Acts 27:30 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) of the (tōn) nautical ones (nautōn) seeking (zētountōn) to flee (phugein) out (ek) of the (tou) ship (ploiou), and (kai) of them having lowered (chalasantōn) the (tēn) skiff (skaphēn) into (eis) the (tēn) sea (thalassan), [they made, AE] [a] pretense (prophasei) as though (hōs) they were being about (mellontōn) to stretch (ekteinein) out (ek) bow (prōrēs) anchors (ankuras).


Acts 27:31 (LIT/UBS4) The (ho) Paul (Paulos) enunciated (eipen) to the (tō) centurion (hekatontarchē) and (kai) to the (tois) soldiers (stratiōtais), “If perhaps (ean) these ones (houtoi) may not stay (mē meinōsin) in (en) the (tō) ship (ploiō), you (humeis) can absolutely not inherently power yourselves (ou dunasthe) to be kept whole (sōthēnai)!”


Acts 27:32 (LIT/UBS4) Then (tote) the (hoi) soldiers (stratiōtai) cut away (apekopsan) the (ta) small ropes (schoinia) of the (tēs) skiff (skaphēs), and (kai) allowed (eiasan) her (autēn) to fall out (ekpesein).


Acts 27:33 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) until (achri) [a] day (hēmera) which (hou) was being about (ēmellen) to cause itself to come to pass (ginesthai), the (ho) Paul (Paulos) was consoling (parekalei) absolutely all (hapantes) to partake (metalabeing) of nourishment (trophēs), saying (legōn), “Today (sēmeron) [is] [the] fourteenth (tessareskaidekatēn) day (hēmeran) of you waiting (prosdokōntes) through to the end (diateleite) without grain (asitoi), ones having caused yourselves to take for yourselves (proslabomenoi) not one (mēthen) [nourishment, v34, RE]!


Acts 27:34 (LIT/UBS4) Through which (dio) [cause, AE] I accost (parakalō) you (humas) to partake (metalabein) of nourishment (trophēs).


Because (gar) this (touto) [is] for (pros) the (tēs) wholeness (sōtērias) of your own (humeteras), [which, AE] is under control (huparchei)!


Because (gar) [a] hair (thrix) from (apo) the (tēs) head (kephalēs) of absolutely not one (oudenos) of you (humōn) shall cause itself to be lost (apoleitai)!”


Acts 27:35 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) he having enunciated (eipas) these things (tauta), and (kai) he having taken (labōn) bread (arton), he gave thanks well (eucharistēsen) to the (tō) God (theō) in sight (enōpion) of all (pantōn).


And (kai) he having broken (klasas) [it, AE], he caused himself to startrxato) to eat (esthiein).


Acts 27:36 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) all (pantes) having caused themselves to become (genomenoi) passionate ones (euthumoi), they (autoi) also (kai) caused themselves to take to themselves (proselabonto) nourishment (trophēs).


Acts 27:37 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) all (pasai) the (hai) souls (psuchai) in (en) the (tō) ship (ploiō), we were causing ourselves to bemetha) two hundreds (diakosiai) seventy (hebdomēkonta) six (hes).


Acts 27:38 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) they having been satiated (koresthentes) [with, AE] nourishment (trophēs), they were lightening (ekouphizon) the (to) ship (ploion), causing themselves to throw out (ekballomenoi) the (ton) grain (siton) into (eis) the (tēn) sea (thalassan).


Acts 27:39 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) when (hote) it caused itself to become (egeneto) day (hēmera), they were absolutely not experientially knowing (ouk epeginōskon) the (tēn) land (gēn)!


But (de) they were entirely perceiving (katenooun) some (tina) outcropping (kolpon) having (echonta) [a] shore (aigialon), into (eis) which (hon), if (ei) they might be inherently powered (dunainto), they were causing themselves to plan (ebouleuonto) to drive the ship out (exōsai to ploion) [of the sea, v38, RE].


Acts 27:40 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) they having taken up all around (perielontes) the (tas) anchors (ankuras) [which, AE] were allowing (eiōn) [the ship, v39, RE] [to stay, AE] in (eis) the (tēn) sea (thalassan),


at the same time (hama) they having slacked up (anentes) the (tas) tethers (zeuktērias) of the (tōn) rudders (pēdaliōn), and (kai) they having lifted up (eparantes) the (ton) sail (artemōna) to the (tē) blow (pneousē), they were holding down (kateichon) [the ship, v39, RE] into (eis) the (ton) shore (aigialon).


Acts 27:41 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) they having fallen about (peripesontes) into (eis) [a] place (topon) [being] [a] confluence of two seas (dithalasson), the (tēn) float (naun) drove [the ship, v39, RE] upon (epekeilan) [the shore, v40, RE].


And (kai) truly (men), the (hē) bow (prōra) having firmly stuck (ereisasa), it stayed (emeinen) unshakable (asaleutos)!


But (de) the (hē) stern (prumna) was being let loose (elueto) under (hupo) the (tēs) force (bias) of the (tōn) waves (kumatōn).


Acts 27:42 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) of the (tōn) soldiers (stratiōtōn), [a] recommendation (boulē) caused itself to come to pass (egeneto) in order that (hina) they might kill (apokteinōsin) the (tous) ones in bonds (desmōtas), [that, AE] not (mē) anyone (tis) having swum out (ekkolumbēsas) may flee through (diaphugē) [the sea, v38, RE].


Acts 27:43 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) the (ho) centurion (hekatontarchēs) wishing (boulomenos) to bring through whole (diasōsai) the (ton) Paul (Paulon), he cut off (ekōlusen) the (tou) wish (boulēmatos) of them (autous);


and (te) he ordered (ekeleusen) for the ones (tous) being inherently powered (dunamenous) to swim (kolumban) to depart (exienai) first (prōtous), having flung themselves away (aporipsantes) upon (epi) the (tēn) land (gēn).


Acts 27:44 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) of the (tous) remaining ones (loipous) [not being inherently powered to swim, v43, RE], truly (men) [some, RE] of which (hous) [were being] upon (epi) planks (sanisin);


but (de) some (tinōn) of which (hous) [were being] upon (epi) the (tōn)) [other parts, AE] of the (tou) ship (ploiou).


And (kai) thusly (houtōs) it caused itself to come to pass (egeneto), all (paantas) to be brought through whole (diasōthēnai) upon (epi) the (tēn) land (gēn)!