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An Outline of the Biblical Texts-Based Christology of the Word/Jesus Christ


by Hal Dekker


Last update to this page:  2023.05.30



The following scriptural references are actual scriptural evidence of the  biblical texts-based Christology of the Word, who caused himself to become Jesus Christ.  The common, more well known, triune godhead Christology is based more upon theological speculation and conjecture associated with many of the world's other triune godhead religions.  Experts claim that the triune godhead-based Christology has been, and still is, determined through applying inductive logic to implicit references in the biblical texts.  But why, certain of you among academia, ignore all of the plainly explicit Christological references/evidence in the biblical texts, which references are a multiple of times more abundant than the scant "implicit" triune godhead-imagined "evidence", from which implicit-like triune godhead-like determinations are very highly subjective.  You read the triune godhead model into the whole of the biblical texts, while scolding students not to read anything else into, or out of, the biblical texts except what you've already read into them!


The triune godhead theory into which some of the followers of Jesus Christ were assimilated in the late 3rd to early 4th centuries, doesn't appear in either terminology or nomenclature in the biblical Greek texts, including the Septuagint.  And so, many "scholars" must silently agree together that Bibles must be forged with adds, changes and deletions to and from what the biblical Greek texts actually say, so as to be able to make Bible translations appear to accommodate the triune godhead model, invented under the direction of Constantine and his "bishops"/actors.



About whom is the prophet Micah prophesying?


Micah 5:2a (LIT/BHS) And you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, [are] a little one to be among the thousands of Judah.


5:2b From you he is coming forth to me, to be ruling in Israel.


5:2c And his goings forth [are] from [an] early time, from days of eternity.


Micah 5:2c (LIT/Septuagint) And (kai) [the] goings forth (exodoi) of him (autou) [are] from (ap’) [the] beginning (archēs), out (ex) of days (hēmerōn) of [the] age (aiōnos).


Whomever Micah is prophesying about has been going forth out into the cosmos since the beginning days of this present age.  Isn't Micah writing about the Word causing itself to become manifested into human flesh, as the apostle John wrote about in John 1:1-18.


About whom is the prophet/King Solomon prophesying?


Who's the one giving the prophet/King Solomon this insightful first person revelation about himself?


Prov. 8:22 (LIT/BHS) YHWH (YHWH) procured (qānānî) [me, AE] [in the, AE] beginning (rē  ͐šît) way (darkô) [of him, AE], before (qedem) [the] deeds (mipʿālāyw) [of him, AE] from then (mē  ͐āz) [on, AE].


procured me in the beginning - Procured suggests that the Word had a beginning.  Throughout this prophecy of Solomon the Word describes his growth and development alongside of YHWH, the God. 


Prov. 8:23 (LIT/BHS) From [an] unknown point in time (mēʿôlām) I was poured out (nissaktî) from [the] head (mērō  ͐š), from [a time, RE] before [a time, RE] of land (miqqadmê-  ͐āreṣ).


I was poured out - Solomon's use of this particular verb seems to suggest, if taken literally, that the Word began its existence as a liquid, or in a liquid, or in a liquid state, since it/he was poured out.  But I believe poured out may have been used idiomatically by the Word, in his revelation to Solomon, to describe that the Word was dedicated as an offering by YHWH, for a specific purpose, which purpose was the reason for its/his procurement, an subsequent pouring out.


from [the] head - In the East it's not only an anatomical reference, but a reference to a person, or being, having authority over others.  "... the head of every male is the Christ.  ... [the] head of every female [is] the male.  ... [the head, RE] of Christ [is] the God (1 Cor. 11:3)."  Solomon makes it clear that the Word in the beginning was procured, which is rather general in meaning, but yet indicates that the Word had a definite beginning, and indicates that the Word was a separate being not co-equal with YHWH, the one who procured him (Prov. 8:22), who is the head of the Word.


from [a time, RE] before [a time, RE] of land - From the record in Genesis, about the present genesis/origination in which we live now, we can determine that there was a time in the beginning of it when the surface of the earth was distinguishable as only water, before there became physical features upon it, land, mountains, a topography of any other kind.


Prov. 8:24a (LIT/BHS) Not in [the time, AE] of things of the deep (bĕ  ͐ên-tĕhōmôt), I was caused to dance (ḥôlālĕtî).


Prov. 8:24b (LIT/BHS) Not In (  ͐ên) [the time, AE] of fountains (maʿyānôt), of waters being honored (nikbaddê-māyim),


Prov. 8:25 (LIT/BHS) in [the time, AE] before (bĕṭerem) mountains (hārîm) were caused to sink/drown (hoṭĕbāʿû) to faces (lipnê) of little hills (gĕbāʿôt), I was caused to dance (ḥôlālĕtî).


(See Prov. 8:24-25; Col. 1:15; Heb. 3:2, Rev. 3:14.)


Prov. 8:26 (LIT/BHS) Not while (ʿad-lō  ͐) land (  ͐ereṣ) was having been made (ʿāśâ), and (wĕ) outside (ḥûṣ), and (wĕ) [the] head (rō  ͐š) [of the] world (tēbēl) [was] dust (ʿopĕrôt),


(the head of the world was dust - Is this a reference to the first Adam (Gen. 1:26-28)?)


Prov. 8:27a (LIT/BHS) in [the time, AE] to establish (bahăkînô) [the] heavens (šāmayim) I (  ͐ānî) [was] there (šām).


Prov. 8:27b (LIT/BHS) [I was there, v27, RE] in [the time, AE] to schematize (bĕḥûqô) [an] equator (ḥûg) over [the] face (ʿal-pĕnê) of [the] deep (tĕhôm);


Prov. 8:28 (LIT/BHS) in [the time, AE] to inherently power (bĕ  ͐ammĕṣô) [the] sky (šĕḥāqîm) from above (mimmāʿal);


in [the time, AE] to set (baʿăzôz) eyes (ʿînôt) [over, v27a, RE] [the] deep (tĕhôm);


Prov. 8:29 (LIT/BHS) in [the time, AE] to set (bĕśûmô) [a] regulation (ḥuqqô) for the surf (layyām), and (wĕ) for waters (ûmayim), not (lō  ͐) to be overflowing its mouth (yaʿabrû-pîw);


in [the time, AE] to schematize (bĕḥûqô) [the] foundations (môsĕdê) of land (  ͐āreṣ);


Prov. 8:30a (LIT/BHS) and I was becoming (wā  ͐ehyeh) one being brought up (  ͐āmôn) alongside (  ͐eṣlô). 


Prov. 8:30b (LIT/BHS) And I was becoming (wā  ͐ehyeh) [a] delighted one (šaʿăšuʿîm), day (yôm) [to] day (yôm), being in [a] state of play (mĕśaḥeqet) toward [the] face (lĕpānāyw) [of YHWH, v22, RE], in all of [the] time (bĕkāl-ʿēt).


Prov. 8:31 (LIT/BHS) I was being in [a] state of play (mĕśaḥeqet) in [the time, AE] of [the] world (bĕtēbēl), of [the] land (  ͐arṣô), and [enjoying, AE] delights (wĕšaʿăšuʿay) with [the] sons (  ͐et-bĕnê) of Adam (  ͐ādām).


The following Christological elements of the Word/Jesus Christ are what Jesus' apostles wrote about him.  It's important to note that this is the Word/Jesus Christ's Christology based upon what Jesus' apostles wrote about him in the biblical texts, which Christology is much different than the triune godhead model of Christology which is based upon theological speculation and conjecture. 


In the following passages please note the apostles' regular use of middle voice verbs to describe the Word/Jesus causing himself to do all of the things necessary to be done to fulfill the prophecies to secure the redemption of mortalkind, for whomever chooses to believe upon Jesus' name.  In virtually all triune godhead-based bible translations these middle voiced verbs have been forged out of their "translations", which destroys the apostles' view and characterization of the Word who became Jesus Christ, as a mortal man, as voluntarily choosing to cause himself to act upon God's Word. 


The middle voice verbs show that Jesus Christ, while in the flesh on earth, had his own will, his own self autonomy, but that he always chose to do his heavenly Father's will instead of his own, which is a perfect example for all of us to follow.  These are the acts which Christ Jesus accomplished for mortalkind's redemption, through which acts he ultimately caused himself to earn a name above all other names among the messengers, and to obtain a throne of his own, the throne of David, out to the right of the throne of the God, his heavenly Father, and his God (Mat. 27:46; Mark 15:34; John 20:17; Rom. 15:6; Heb. 1:9; 1 Pet. 1:3; Rev. 3:2, 12).  



Who and what was the Word, and how did it become a god?


- who is first [son, v13, ER] of all [sons, v13, ER] [created, v16, RE] (Col. 1:17)


- who was [the] firstborn of all of creation (Col. 1:15; *Prov. 8:22-31; Heb. 1:6-*13);


- who was the Word (John 1:1-2);


- who caused himself to be hand-chosen before (Acts 3:*20);


- who God used as his agent in the creation of the whole cosmos (John 1:3, 10; Col. 1:16; Heb. 1:2);


- who was sent into the cosmos to do God’s will (Mat. 15:*24; Mark 14:36; Luke 4:18, 43, 22:42; John 3:17, 4:34, 5:30, 6:38-40; *Gal. 4:4a; 1 John 4:9-14);


- who caused himself to become flesh (John 1:*14; Rom. 1:*3; Heb. 2:*16-*17);


- who caused himself to become in the likeness of mortals (Phil. 2:7);


- who caused himself to come to pass out of a female (Gal. 4:4b);


- who caused himself to take hold over a seed of Abraham (Heb. 2:16);


- who caused himself to become out of the seed of David (Rom. 1:3);


- who caused himself to come to pass under [authority, AE] of the law (Gal. 4:4b);


- who caused himself to become the firstborn son of God (2 Sam. 7:14; Psalm 2:7; Mat. 3:*13-17, 17:5; Mark 1:9-*11, 9:*7; Luke 3:*21-*22; John 1:26-34, 3:1-7; Acts 13:33; Rom. 8:29; Heb. 1:*5, 5:*5, 8:*10, 12:23; 2 Pet. 1:*16-18; Rev. 1:5, 21:*3, *7);


- who caused himself to teach to everyone God's Word (Mark 8:31-32; Eph. 2:17-18);


- who caused himself to become the head of an angle (plumb bob?) (Psalm 118:22-23; Mat. 21:42; Mark 12:10-11; Luke 20:17-18; Acts 4:7-12; 1 Pet. 2:*4-8);


- who caused himself to become attentive until death (Phil. 2:8);


- who caused himself to be a curse of the law over the sake of us (Gal. 3:13);


- who caused himself to hang upon a tree over the sake of us (Gal. 3:13);


- who then said “Yes” to cause himself to shed his own blood for the release of all mortalkind from the penalty of its sin (Mat. 26:28, *39-44; Mark 14:36; Luke 22:20, 42; Eph. 5:*2, *25; 2 Cor. 1:*18-19; Heb. 1:*3, 2:10-*17; Titus 2:*14);


- who shed his own blood to put through a new and better covenant between God and mortalkind (Jer. 31:31-34; Mat. 26:28; Luke 22:20; Rom. 11:26-*27; 1 Cor. 11:25; Heb. 7:22, 9:*15-*18, 8:6-13, 10:9, *16-17, 12:24, 13:20);


- who caused himself to taste of death so God's grace could be over everyone (Heb. .2:9 );

- who caused himself to rescue us out of the authority of darkness (Gal. 1:4; Col. 1:13-14);


- who caused himself to make a cleansing of the [penalty for the] sins of us (Heb. 1:3b);


- who caused himself to acquire the little flock, the assembly, through his own blood (Acts 20:28);


- who caused himself to become a dead one so we could have eternal life (Rev. 1:18a);


- who is the firstborn one out of dead ones (Col. 1:18);


- who caused himself to become a so much stronger-positioned one of the messengers (Heb. 1:*4);


- who caused himself to become a cause for ageless wholeness for all the ones obeying him (Heb. 5:9);


- who caused himself to become a sacrificial high priest of God under the new covenant (Heb. 5:6, 10, 6:*20, 7:*11-8:6, 9:*11, 10:21);


- who caused himself to come to baptize in holy Spirit, and fire (Mat. 3:11; Acts 2:29-33);


- who causes himself to build the new prophesied true “tent” of God, his new domed-roof house (2 Sam. 7:11c-16; Amos 9:11-12; Mat. 26:*61, 27:63; Mark 14:*58; John 2:*19-22; Acts 15:13-18; 2 Cor. 6:16-*18; Eph. 2:19-22; Heb. 8:1-2);


-   who came into this cosmos of unbelieving mortals to make believers out of all those who call upon his name, so that he could present those mortals to his heavenly Father as righteous ones, and as beginning offerings (Rom. 11:13-18, 16:5; *1 Cor. 15:20-23, 16:15-16; 2 Thes. 2:13-14; James 1:17-19; Rev. 14:4);


- who caused himself to do all of this to obtain a name above all other names except God’s names (Luke 2:21, 24:47; John 1:*11-12, 20:31; Acts 4:12, 29-30; Phil. 2:5-*11; Heb. 1:*4, 1-13; Rev. 3:12, 19:11-13);


- who caused himself to obtain his own throne, the throne of David (Mat. 19:28, 25:31; Luke 1:*32-33; Acts 2:29-33; Heb. 1:6-*13, 8:1-2, 12:2; Rev. 3:21, 7:17, 12:5, 19:*5);


- who caused himself to be seated at the right of his heavenly Father’s throne (Isa. 16:5; Mat. 22:*41-46, 26:*63-64; Mark 12:*35-37, 14:*61-62, 16:19; Luke 20:*41-43, 22:*66-70; Acts 2:33*-35, 5:31, 7:55-56; Rom. 8:34; Eph. 1:20; Col. 3:*1; Heb. 1:*3-*13, 8:1, 10:12-*13, 12:2; 1 Pet. 3:*22).



This biblical texts-based Christology explains how and why the Word, and subsequently the mortal man Jesus Christ, obtained a new birth from above in God's gift of his paternal holy Spirit, obtained a new name above all other names except God's names, obtained his own throne - the throne of David at the right hand of the God's throne, and thusly became a god.



Brother Hal Dekker