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Chapter 17


Update:  2024.01.17


Rev. 17:1 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) one (heis) out (ek) of the (tēs) seven (hepta) messengers (angelōn) came (ēlthen), of the (tōn) [messengers, RE] holding (echontōn) the (tas) seven (hepta) bowls (phialas), and (kai) spoke (elalēsen) with (met’) me (emou), saying (legōn), “Next (deuro) I shall thoroughly show (deixō) to you (soi) the (to) judicial decision (krima) of the (tēs) fornicator (pornēs), of the (tēs) great one (megalēs), of the one (tēs) causing herself to sit down (kathēmenēs) upon (epi) many (pollōn) waters (hudatōn),


Rev. 17:2 (LIT/UBS4) with (meth’) whom (hēs) the (hoi) kings (basileis) of the (tēs) land (gēs) fornicated (eporneusan);


and (kai) the ones (hoi) homing-down (katoikountes) the (tēn) land (gēn) were made drunk (emethusthēsan) out (ek) of the (tou) wine (oinou) of the (tēs) fornication (porneias) of her (autēs).


Rev. 17:3 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) it brought me away (apēnenken me) in (en) Spirit (pneumati) into (eis) [a] desolate place (erēmon).  


And (kai) I saw (eidon) [a] female (gunaika) causing herself to sit down (kathēmenēn) upon (epi) [a] coccus2847 (kokkinon) wild animal (thērion), being fully loaded (gemon) of names (onomata) of blasphemy (blasphēmias);


it having (echōn) seven (hepta) heads (kephalas) and (kai) ten (deka) horns (kerata).


Rev. 17:4 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) the (hē) female (gunē) was having (ēn) herself thrown around (peribeblēmenē) of purple (porphuroun) and (kai) of coccus2847 (kokkinon), and (kai) having been gilded (kechrusōmenē) [in, v18:16, RE] gold (chrusiō), and (kai) [a] highly valued (timiō) stone (lithō), and (kai) pearls (margaritais);


holding (echousa) [a] golden (chrusoun) cup (potērion) in (en) the (tē) hand (cheiri) of her (autēs) being fully loaded (gemon) of foul things (bdelugmatōn), and (kai) the (ta) unclean things (akatharta) of the (tēs) fornication (porneias) of her (autēs).


Rev. 17:5 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) upon (epi) the (to) forehead (metōpon) of her (autes) [was] [a] name (onoma) having been written (gegrammenon), the (hē) Great (megalē) Babylon (Babulōn) Mystery (mustērion).


[The female, v4, RE] [is] the (hē) mother (mētēr) of the (tōn) fornicators (pornōn), and (kai) of the (tōn) foul things (bdelugmatōn) of the (tēs) land (gēs).


Rev. 17:6 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) I saw (eidon) the (tēn) female (gunaika) being drunk (methuousan) out (ek) of the (tou) blood (haimatos) of the (tōn) holy ones (hagiōn), and (kai) out (ek) of the (tou) blood (haimatos) of the (tōn) witnesses (marturōn) of Jesus (Iēsou).  


And (kai) having seen (idōn) her (autēn), I was amazed (ethaumasa) [in, AE] great (mega) amazement (thauma)!


Rev. 17:7 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) the (ho) messenger (angelos) enunciated (eipen) to me (moi), “Through (dio) [the sake, AE] of what (ti) were you amazed (ethaumasas)?


I (egō) shall state (erō) to you (soi) the (to) mystery (mustērion) of the (tēs) female (gunaikos), and (kai) of the (tou) wild animal (thēriou), of the one (tou) carrying (bastazontos) her (autēn), of the one (tou) having (echontos) the (tas) seven (hepta) heads (kephalas) and (kai) the (ta) ten (deka) horns (kerata).


Rev. 17:8 (LIT/UBS4) The (to) wild animal (thērion) which (ho) you saw (eides) was being (ēn), and (kai) is (estin) absolutely not (ouk) [being]!


And (kai) [the wild animal, RE] is about (mellei) to step up (anabainein) out (ek) of the (tēs) abyss (abussou), and (kai) get underway (hupagei) into (eis) destruction (apōleian).


And (kai) the ones (hoi) homing-down (katoikountes) upon (epi) the (tēs) land (gēs), ones of which (hōn) the (to) name (onoma) [of them, AE] has absolutely not been written (ou gegraptai) upon (epi) the (to) little scroll (biblion) of life (zōēs) from/since (apo) [a/the] downthrow (katabolēs) of [the] cosmos (kosmou), they shall be amazed (thaumasthēsontai) looking at (blepontōn) the (to) wild animal (thērion) that (hoti) was being (ēn) and (kai) is (estin) absolutely not (ouk) [being]!


And (kai) it shall cause itself to become alongside (parestai)!


Rev. 17:9 (LIT/UBS4) Here (hōde) [is] the (ho) mind (nous), the one (ho) holding (echōn) wisdom (sophian):


The (hai) seven (hepta) heads (kephalai) are (eisin) seven (hepta) mountains (orē) where (hopou) the (hē) female (gunē) causes herself to sit down (kathētai) over (ep') them (autōn).


Rev. 17:10 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) they are (eisin) seven (hepta) kings (basileis);


the (hoi) five (pente) fell (epesan), the (ho) one (heis) is (estin), the (ho) other (allos) did absolutely not yet (oupō) come (ēlthen)


And (kai) when perhaps (hotan) he may come (elthē) it is required (dei) of him (auton) to stay (meinai) [a] little (oligon) [time, AE].


Rev. 17:11 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) the (to) wild animal (thērion) which (ho) was being (ēn) and (kai) is (estin) absolutely not (ouk) [being], he (autos) is (estin) [[a] king, v10, RE] also (kai), [an] eighth one (ogdoos)!


And (kai) he is (estin) out (ek) of the (tōn) seven (hepta).


And (kai) he gets underway (hupagei) into (eis) destruction (apōleian).


Rev. 17:12 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) the (ta) ten (deka) horns (kerata) which (ha) you saw (eides) are (eisin) ten (deka) kings (basileis), ones who (hoitines) absolutely did not yet receive (oupō elabon) [a] kingdom (basileian)!  


BUT (alla), they receive (lambanousin) authority (exousian) as (hōs) kings (basileis) one (mian) hour (hōran) with (meta) the (tou) wild animal (thēriou)!


Rev. 17:13 (LIT/UBS4) These ones (houtoi) have (echousin) one (mian) thinking (gnōmēn).


And (kai) they shall give (didoasin) the (tēn) inherently powered work (dunamin) and (kai) authority (exousian) of them (autōn) to the (tō) wild animal (thēriō).


Rev. 17:14 (LIT/UBS4) These ones (houtoi) shall make war (polemēsousin) with (meta) the (tou) little lamb (arniou), and (kai) the (to) little lamb (arnion) shall conquer (nikēsei) them (autous), because (hoti) he is (estin) [a] lord (kurios) of lords (kuriōn), and (kai) [a] king (basileus) of kings (basileōn).  


And (kai) the ones (hoi) with (met’) him (autou) [are] called aloud ones (klētoi), and (kai) called out ones (eklektoi), and (kai) believable ones (pistoi).”


(For the one making kings, see Rom. 5:17; 1 Cor. 4:8; 1 Tim. 6:15; Rev. 1:6a, 5:10; 17:14; 22:5)


Rev. 17:15 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) [the messenger v7, RE] says (legei) to me (moi), “The (ta) waters (hudata) which (ha) you saw (eides), where (hou) the (hē) fornicator (pornē) causes herself to sit down (kathētai), they are (eisin) peoples (laoi), and (kai) crowds (ochloi), and (kai) ethnic groups (ethnē), and (kai) tongues (glōssai).


Rev. 17:16 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) the (ta) ten (deka) horns (kerata) which (ha) you saw (eides), and (kai) the (to) wild animal (thērion), these ones (houtoi) shall despise (misēsousin) the (tēn) fornicator (pornēn).  


And (kai) she having been made desolate (ērēmōmenēn), they shall make (poiēsousin) her (autēn) naked (gumnēn) also (kai)


And (kai) they shall cause themselves to eat (phagontai) the (tas) flesh (sarkas) of her (autēs), and (kai) they shall burn her down (autēn katakausousin) in (en) fire (puri).


(For the revealing by fire of those who are and who are not righteous, see Dan. 3; Mat. 3:10-12, 7:19, *13:24-51; Luke 3:9, 16-17, 12:49; John 15:6; Rom. 1:18; *1 Cor. 3:12-15; 2 Thes. 1:7-9; Heb. 10:26-29, 12:18; 1 Pet. 1:5-7; 2 Pet. 3:7-12; Jude 1:5-7; Rev. 8:5-11, 9:13-21; 14:18-20, 16:8-9, 17:16, *18:1-24, 20:7-15)


Rev. 17:17 (LIT/UBS4) Because (gar) the (ho) God (theos) gave (edōken) [it, AE] into (eis) the (tas) hearts (kardias) of them (autōn) to do (poiēsai) the (tēn) thinking (gnōmēn) of him (autou), and (kai) to do (poiēsai) [as, AE] one (mian) thinking (gnōmēn);


and (kai) to give (dounai) the (tēn) kingdom (basileian) of them (autōn) to the (tō) wild animal (thēriō) until (achri) the (hoi) words (logoi) of the (tou) God (theou) shall be completed (telesthēsontai).


Rev. 17:18 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) the (hē) female (gunē) which (hēn) you saw (eides) is (estin) the (hē) city (polis), the (hē) great one (megalē), the one (hē) having (echousa) [a] kingdom (basileian) over (epi) the (tōn) kings (basileōn) of the (tēs) land (gēs).”