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 Prosdechomai, Strong's # 4327, "one causing himself to receive to himself the Kingdom of the God!" 



By Hal Dekker



Last page update: 2024.10.05


Please stand by with your analytical Greek lexicons so you can look up a couple of things for yourselves when you can't believe what I'm about to show you; prosdechomai, Strong's # 4327; pros, Strong's # 4314; dechomai, Strong's # 1209.


Is this word yet another theologically-based target used in forging Bible translations?


I can hardly believe that I found this Greek word entirely mistranslated in all 14 of its usages in the new testament biblical texts, in every Bible translation which I have examined so far, and that's a lot of Bible translations!  The reason why this particular word is so vitally important is on account of the specific biblical discrete topics in which Jesus' apostles chose to use this specific word.  It's used twice in two very important biblical texts to boldly state that believing disciples of Jesus Christ were becoming parts of the Kingdom of God, here upon earth, during Jesus Christ's earthly ministry.


Prosdechomai is a compound biblical Greek word made of two other words; the preposition pros, meaning for, to or toward, and the verb dechomai meaning to take to one's self, or to receive to one's self, which middle voice meaning, based upon several clear contexts of its usages, when used transitively should be translated into a reflexive meaning, meaning cause yourself to receive to yourself.  From what I've seen, I don't believe the word prosdechomai has ever been translated correctly at any time, in any bible translation!  Please see the LITAGL to see how all 14 usages of Strong's # 4327 inflected forms should have been translated throughout the NT biblical texts, based upon its essential root word meaning and and inflections.


Take a look at Mark 15:43 and find out if you can determine the difference in meanings between these three translations of this popular verse.  In each of the verses I'll underline the English words which were used to translate prosdechomai and its inflected forms.


The NIV says:


Mark 15:43 (NIV) Joseph of Arimathea, a prominent member of the council, who was himself waiting for the kingdom of the God, went boldly to Pilate and asked for Jesus' body.


The KJV says:


Mark 15:43 (KJV) Joseph of Arimathea, an honorable counselor, which also waited for the kingdom of God, came, and went in boldly unto Pilate, and craved the body of Jesus.


Here's the same verse translated in the LIT, an interlinear translation, showing a reader all of the words in the Greek text (UBS4) along with their English word renderings, so that anyone examining this verse has all of the specific words in the verse in the biblical texts to guide them in their search for meanings.


The LIT says:


Mark 15:43 (LIT/UBS4) the (ho) Joseph (Iōsēph) having come (elthōn) from (apo) Arimathea (Harimathaias), [a] virtuous (euschēmōn) counselor (bouleutēs) who (hos) himself (autos) also (kai) was being (ēn) one causing himself to receive to himself (prosdechomenos) the (tēn) Kingdom932 (basileian) of the (tou) God (theou), he having been [an] audacious one (tolmēsas) he entered in (eisēlthen) to (pros) the (ton) Pilate (Pilaton) and (kai) caused himself to request (ētēsato) the (to) body (sōma) of the (tou) Jesus (Iēsou).


Prosdechomenos, an inflected form of prosdechomai, is a middle voice, nominative case, present tense, singular in number participle, which, given the context it's in, means one causing himself to receive to himself.  To you, does the meaning of one causing himself to receive to himself (LIT/UBS4) mean something different than himself waiting (NIV), or waited (KJV)?  Exactly which constituent parts of prosdechomenos, pros or dechomai, have anything to do with the idea or concept of waiting for something?  Neither one!  That's the main problem with most all Bible translations of this verse, they're theologically forged/fudged to get rid of the present Truth, reality, of the presence of the Kingdom of the God!


- one causing himself to receive to himself the Kingdom of the God - the key to understanding this study is to thoroughly understand the biblical writers', the apostles', use and meaning of the Greek verb dechomai, Strong's # 1209, used throughout the biblical texts.  In the biblical Greek texts (UBS4) dechomai is used 56 times.  Dechomai is used many times with prepositions prefixed to it also, based upon the subject matter context in which it is used.  For the following examples I chose to use E. W. Bullinger's "A Critical Lexicon And Concordance To The English and Greek New Testament."  Bullinger, E. W., A Critical Lexicon To The English And Greek New Testament, Grand Rapids, MI. Kregel, 1999.  Originally published in 1908.


Those already familiar with Bullinger's work know that he was one of nineteenth century's greatest biblical scholars.  Some of the more noteworthy works of Bullinger are all of them!  These are on my bookshelf.


The Book of Job

Commentary on Revelation

The Companion Bible (notes and appendixes)

Great Cloud of Witnesses

How to Enjoy the Bible

Number in Scripture

Ten Sermons on the Second Advent

The Witness of the Stars

Word Studies in the Holy Spirit

Selected Writings

Selected Writings II - Holiness: God's Way Better Than Man's

The Two Natures in the Child of God

The Devine Names and Titles

Isaiah: It's Structure and Scope


For the examples and definitions of dechomai, used both with and without prefixed prepositions, I would like to present to you Bullinger's definitions, straight out of his Critical Lexicon and Concordance.  Bullinger quotes to us dechomai's meanings as they were understood among the people during the times the biblical books were authored, supposedly by Jesus' apostles.


Most all of Bullinger's definitions of dechomai, both alone and prefixed with various prepositions, can be found in his concordance on page 626 under the heading of RECEIVE.


#7 dechomai - to take to one's self what is presented or brought by another, to accept, embrace, receive hospitably; admit, approve, allow.  It implies a subjective reception showing that a decision of the will has taken place with respect to the object presented, and that the acceptance manifests it.  Strong's # 1209, used 56 times.


#8 paradechomai - (No. 7, with para, beside, prefixed) to receive or accept near or to one's self, from another, with approval, (lxx. for רצה, Prov. 3:12), (non occ.)  Strong's # 3858, used 6 times.


#9 prosdechomai - (No. 7, with pros, towards, prefixed) to accept to one's self, admit, receive kindly, entertain as a host.  Strong's # 4327, used 14 times.


#10 hupodechomai (No. 7, with hupo, under, prefixed) to accept or receive to one's self as if placing the arms under a person or thing; hence, to receive to one's self with evident favour and kindness; to welcome, (non occ.)  Strong's # 5264, used 4 times.


#11 anadechomai (No. 7, with ana, up, prefixed) to accept, receive or take on one's self, physically, or as a debt of responsibility; to take up, appropriate, adopt, (non occ.)  Strong's # 324, used 2 times.


#12 apodechomai (No. 7, with apo, from, prefixed) to accept or receive from another for one's self, accept with joy, to welcome.  Here, mid.  Strong's # 588, used 6 times.


#13 eisdechomai (No. 7, with eis, unto, prefixed) to receive unto one's self or one's house.  lxx. everywhere for קבץ, where God is said to gather and bring again His own people into their own land, (non occ.)  Strong's # 1523, used 1 time.


# 14 epidechomai (No. 7, with epi, upon, prefixed) to receive upon or up to one's self, admit, (non occ.)  Strong's # 1926, used 2 times.


As you may notice, Bullinger never suggests wait as a meaning for dechomai, in any of its 91 various usages, with or without a preposition prefixed to it.  However, Bullinger does assign the meaning to accept, take, receive to one's self in all 91 various usages of dechomai, with or without a preposition prefixed to it.



So then, are there any verbs in the Greek biblical texts (UBS4) which may have the meaning of wait?  Yes, there are several:



Strong's # 362, anamenō (ana menō), to wait up


Strong's # 1748, enedreuō (en edreuō), lying in wait


Strong's # 3306, menō, to stay, to remain


Strong's # 4037, perimenō (peri menō), to stay around



In the words above I've underlined the prepositions prefixed to these words, so you can see how prepositions commonly modify the root meanings of the words to which they've been prefixed.


There may be more words in the Greek biblical texts which may mean to wait, you must be able to find them.  Disciple Mark (Mark 15:43) consciously, deliberately, chose not to use one of these four words, BUT, to use prosdechomai.  Disciple Luke made the same choice (Luke 23:51).


Luke 23:51 (LIT/UBS4) This one (houtos), from (apo) Arimathea (Harimathaias), [a] city (poleōs) of the (tōn) Judeans (Ioudaiōn), was being (ēn) one absolutely not causing himself to be placed down together with (ouk sunkatatetheimenos) the (tē) counsel (boulē) and (kai) the (tē) practice (praxei) of them (autōn), one who (hos) was causing himself to receive to himself (prosedecheto) the (tēn) Kingdom932 (basileian) of the (tou) God (theou)!


If you're still here reading these things then you must have some biblical texts study skills, and already know how to use some biblical study resource tools.  But, given all of the clear evidence from the biblical texts, prosdechomai can't possibly mean to wait.  But can you determine, and then believe, what it really means, to receive or take to one's self?  The new covenant in Jesus shed blood, the Law of Belief (Rom. 3:23-31), requires belief in God's Word in a disciple's heart (Rom. 10:8-11), in order to participate, at all, in that new covenant! 


You mean that after all of your academic biblical and Greek studies not one of your teachers ever mentioned this to you, about the Kingdom of the God already being here, about 2,000 years ago already?  That's what some writers of the NT biblical Greek texts have written, which statements are erroneously paraphrased out of ALL triune godhead-based Bible translations!  Isn't that lying in translation?  Please closely examine Mark 15:43 and Luke 23:51 in a NT biblical Greek texts, the UBS4 or NA27, and then compare it to the LIT translation above and to your favorite triune godhead-based bible translation, and then determine for yourself, which translation more accurately reflects the wordage and meanings in the biblical Greek text!  Prove it to yourself, right now, is Hal Dekker lying or not? 


Jesus can determine who are his "sheep" and who are not, and so can you and I!  Those who are not disciples of Jesus Christ can only fool other people who are not disciples of Jesus.  Truly, fake or phony disciples can't talk about God's Word using only biblical terminology!  Their abundant use of extra-biblical terminology from their own lack of hands-on study in the biblical texts is one obvious tell which defines them as only actors!  Is a self-proclaimed math teacher who doesn't know the multiplication tables really a math teacher?  Is a spiritual leader who doesn't know that at least half of his Bible is made of religious-sounding paraphrases used to replace God's Word, really a spiritual leader?  See what I mean?  Do you know anyone who cares?


True disciples of Jesus Christ are causing themselves to receive to themselves the Kingdom of the God, now!  Phony disciples who have read only extra-biblical paraphrases in Bibles instead of God's Word, still believe it hasn't come near yet!  And guess what else, they don't care what their Bibles say, which is the same as not caring about what God's Word says!


Jesus Christ, God's firstborn son, was the living Word of the God, who presented to us the spoken Word of the God, which came to be recorded as the written Word of the God, which all of it is Truth, if it is all God's Word (John 17:17).  The God's Word is Truth, which is the determinate key of knowledge. 


Jesus, speaking of his followers trying to enter into something, blames the lawyers for cutting off his people from entering in to it, through withholding the knowledge of it in the prophetic biblical texts of God's Word, from the people.


Luke 11:52 (LIT/UBS4) Woe (ouai) to you (humin), the (tois) lawyers (nomikois), because (hoti) you stole (ērate) the (tēn) key (kleida) of the (tēs) knowledge (gnōseōs);


you absolutely did not enter into (ouk eisēlthate) [the knowledge, RE] yourselves (autoi), and (kai) the ones (tous) causing themselves to enter in (eiserchomenous) you cut [them, AE] off (ekōlusate)!”


This verse appears to me to be a part of Jesus' discourse which Luke introduces to us beginning in verse 14.  Jesus was out one day going around throwing out demon spirits from believing people, and some people watching claimed Jesus was working for the devil.  Upon Jesus' perception of this, Jesus began addressing those present through first stating the subject of his following discourse, kingdoms.  The inference for this becomes obvious early in the discourse (Luke 11:14-20).


1. Any kingdom (v14)

2. the kingdom of Satan (v18)

3. the Kingdom of the God (v20)


Luke's quote of Jesus' discourse (Luke 11:14-54) was Jesus' response to those watching him throw demon spirits out of others, claiming Jesus was working for Satan.  Jesus responded to this accusation through teaching them about issues related to the Kingdom of the God, such as the lawyers in the Judean leadership having stole the prophetic key of the knowledge in God's Word about the coming Kingdom of God, which subject is a part of the vital Evangelism of Jesus Christ. 


This discrete topic of stealing the key of knowledge of how Jesus disciples can enter into the Kingdom of the God, began being stolen under the leadership of the Judeans during Jesus' earthly ministry, before his ascension.  They, especially the lawyers, those primarily responsible for holding people accountable to the letter of the law, stole that specific knowledge from the people, causing a blackout of that prophetic information, God's Word, Truth, similar to how translators and translation committees have been forging the biblical texts to create blackouts of certain kinds of biblical truths ever since then, and especially since about 325 CE, about Jesus' Christology and the Kingdom of the God.


These are some other passages in the biblical texts which are directly related to Jesus' statement here in Luke 11:52, about how difficult the lawyers made it for people to find the knowledge of the Kingdom of the God so anyone could know, understand and believe it and enter into it.  Mat. 7:13-14, 21, 11:12, 16:19, 18:3-9, 19:17-26; Mark 9:43-48, 10:23-25; Luke 11:52, 13:24, 16:16, 18:16-27; John 3:3-6, 10:1-9; Acts 14:21-22.


When Jesus stated the second part of this verse, Luke 11:52b, it sounds to me like Jesus meant that the Judean "leadership" removed the knowledge of God's Word from the people who were trying to enter into that knowledge.  The knowledge of Truth at that time was limited to only the knowledge of the law, the Psalms and of the prophets, who foretold of the God's promised coming redeemer, the Word made flesh, against whom the devil quickly moved to destroy.  If the devil passionately desired to destroy the God's Word made flesh, then what about the God's written Word, or the Spoken Word?  Do you think that maybe he has been busy trying to destroy them as well?  Yes, and I'm showing you how, at this very moment!  You got another minute? 


Forging Bible translations to either add, change or delete any of God's Truth within them is stealing the key of knowledge from readers.  When the Judean religious leaders stole Jesus Christ from the people, then tortured and killed him, that's how they shut Jesus up from exposing them further as nothing more than false actors.  Almost the entire Judean leadership of the nation of Israel, during Jesus' earthly ministry, were false ministers, "actors" as Jesus often characterized them, similar to the kind we have in politics and Hollywood.  For what were they acting?  Maybe wealth, and power over other people, what do you think? They literally stole the key of knowledge himself, and killed him, to stop him from both speaking the Truth, and stop him from exposing them for what they were, greedy, power hungry children of the devil (John 8:42-47), in the kingdom of the devil (Luke 11:18), actors (Mat. 6:2; Mark 7:6; Luke 13:15) as Jesus characterized them! 


About 1,700 years ago, in the early fourth century, Constantine and his triune godhead-believing leaders decided that the Kingdom of the God, the Kingdom of the Heavens, was in competition with their own kingdom, the Roman empire, and so what was then believed to be Christianity became very closely subjugated to Constantine and his "bishops" who all wanted to be revered and treated like gods themselves.  That was both acceptable and fashionable in those days.  That doesn't sound like Jesus Christ's and his apostles' desires.  Back in those days it was a common practice among people to believe that certain mortals could actually be descendants of gods, and thereby gods themselves, which public perception of them as gods, or god-like, would ultimately lead those "gods" into an unknown amount of wealth and power over people. 


Constantine himself needed lots of money to fulfill his plan of making Constantinople both his legacy and tombstone, and so he decided to stop killing-off part of his tax base and let Christians live, so he could tax them into poverty indefinitely to build his legacy.  He became Constantine the "Great" for sparing the lives of Christians.  But what he and his "bishops" did to Christianity was to transform it from the monotheism of God's Word to a triune godhead-based model of God himself, effectively beginning the devil's onslaught against the God's written and spoken Word.  Of course there is much detailed activity which swirled around the 4th century "Christian" transformation of religion, about which here I mention only a brief word.  I highly encourage everyone to become very familiar with everything to do with that early 4th century massive move to indoctrinate and triunize all things Christian. 


Constantine, or should I say the devil, working in and through Constantine and his "bishops", accomplished this Christian indoctrination and transformation in stages, beginning with Constantine's use of his armies to threaten Christians into doing exactly as he says, to hand over much of their wealth to him, leaving them just enough to create more future wealth to be taxed again for Constantine and his "bishops".  Constantine taxed, more or less heavily, almost everyone, for years.  The passing of "plates" in churches was only a metaphor for the unspoken "plates", Constantine's collection letters, being passed to everyone in Constantine's kingdom, whether in church or not.


Next Constantine sent his generals and armies to go throughout his kingdom/world finding and destroying as many first through third century Christian documents as could be found, to destroy the critical first three centuries of the history of the Evangelism of Jesus Christ.  Next Constantine and his "bishops" actively set about to begin falsifying certain existing third century biblical texts and documents to obfuscate certain critical core Truths within them to begin converting them into triune-godhead sales literature. 


From taking a comprehensive look at all of the alterations done in translation of the new testament biblical texts, it becomes very easy to observe patterns to those alterations:


- alterations to destroy/obfuscate the biblical evidence of the true identity of the Word made flesh and bone, to re-label him as God himself rather than a son of the God; which plays down, dumbs down, the Truth about how sin nature-based mortals in flesh and bone can also become sons of the God;


- alterations to destroy the Word's Christology, which true Christology is recorded within the biblical texts.


- alterations to add the invented concept of a hell into the biblical texts, a concept which can be effectively used to manipulate people into compliance and obedience to the "bishops" through fear.  Marshaling Constantine's armies to carry out threats is a lot more expensive than simply using words.  And then guess what, after people's supposed sins have been magnified, dramatized, emphasized and crammed down people's throats to the point of where everyone is cowering in fear of God's retribution striking them down like lightning from heaven, indulgences are  invented, through which "sinners" can supposedly buy their way out of that invented hell, and penalty for sin, through putting more money in the plate which is often and repeatedly passed to them.


- alterations to the texts to obfuscate what is the Gods' prophesied desired true temple, which is not made with mortal's hands, but which is made by God's hand, which true temple is the one body of Christ.  Please see my study, God's Desired True "Tent", His "Domed-Roof House"!


- alterations to the texts to obfuscate the Truth that God's Kingdom of the Heavens has already come on the day of Pentecost, recorded in Acts 2, the Kingdom which Jesus prayed about - "thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in the heavens".  The Kingdom of the God, the Kingdom of the Heavens, was already here in the heavens, but not yet upon earth, when Jesus prayed, thy kingdom come.  The God's Kingdom here upon earth began forming upon that day of Pentecost, with the formation of the one body of Christ, in which the God almighty now lives, the true temple of God made without human hands, but with his own "hand" (1 Cor. 3:16-17), which is where his Kingdom is (Luke 17:20-21)!  Kings live in their own kingdoms, don't they?


- alterations to the texts to dumb down a believer's spiritual prayer life from using speaking in tongues.


- alterations to the texts about dozens of other discrete biblical subject matters, which the devil wants obfuscated/destroyed so believers in the name of Jesus Christ can't find the vital key of knowledge of God's Word they need to grow up spiritually -  into (eis) the (tēn) oneness (henotēta) of the (tēs) belief (pisteōs) and (kai) of the (tēs) experiential knowledge (epignōseōs) of the (tou) son (huiou) of the (tou) God (theou), into (eis) [a] complete (teleion) male (andra), into (eis) [a/the] measure (metron) of the (tou) fullness (plērōmatos) of maturity (hēlikias) of the (tou) Christ (Christou);  see Eph. 4:11-13.


- alterations to the texts, through creating opportunities throughout the texts, to add triune godhead invented terminology and/or ideas and concepts.


Apparently there was a highly substantial amount of biblical Truth Constantine and his bishops wanted removed from their new version of "Christianity" going forward, and altering the meaning of prosdechomai in bible translations obfuscated/removed a substantial amount of God's Word about his promised coming and arriving Kingdom of the God, the Kingdom of the Heavens, which was distracting Jesus' followers from Constantine's kingdom. 


The world of false and counterfeit Christianity, which the devil, the god of the age of this (2 Cor. 4:3-4), the chief one of the authority of the air (Eph. 2:1-3), Satan, has invented and set up in the early fourth century, to replace the Way to wholeness/salvation Jesus preached and taught in the first century (Mal. 3:1), forbids anyone to learn or know anything about the Kingdom of the God, the Kingdom of the Heavens, through the obfuscation of the meaning of prosdechomai.  The devil wants people completely distracted in their minds away from the Kingdom of the God, and totally absorbed into his kingdom, the kingdom of the devil, here upon earth now (John 8:42-47; Luke 11:18).  Both kingdoms are available for you to enter into, take your pick.  Depending upon which one you choose determines what becomes of your life.


Jesus Christ and his apostles taught the God's Evangelism, which included preaching and teaching about God's Way into his wholeness/salvation (Mal. 3:1; Mat. 7:13-21, 11:10, 13:19, 21:32, 22:16; Mark 1:2, 4:14-15, 12:13-14; Luke 1:79, 7:26-27, 8:12, 20:19-21; John 14:3-6; Acts 9:2, 16:17, 18:24-26, 19:8-9, 23, 22:3-5, 24:14, 22; 1 Cor. 12:31; 1 Thes. 3:11; Heb. 9:7-12, 10:18-22; 2 Pet. 2:2, 21), which way ultimately produces a new birth from above in the heart of those who believe upon the name of Jesus. 


In Acts 2, disciple Luke records for us that on that day of Pentecost, which likely occurred sometime between 27 -30 CE, the Way about which Jesus and his apostles preached and taught led about 3,000 people to wholeness/salvation, and many thereafter for about 300 years before the invention of the new triune godhead way in the early 4th century. 


Acts 2:41 Therefore (oun), truly (men), the ones (hoi) having caused themselves to receive from (apodexamenoi) the (ton) Word (logon) of him (autou) were baptized (ebaptisthēsan)


And (kai) there were added to (prosetethēsan) [Jesus Christ, v38, RE] in (en) the (tē) day (hēmera) of that (ekeinē) as if (hōsei) three thousands (trischiliai) of souls (psuchai)!


Acts 2:47 they were praising (ainountes) the (ton) God (theon).


And (kai) they were holding (echontes) grace (charin) toward (pros) the (ton) whole (holos) people (laon)


But (de) the (ho) lord (kurios) was adding to (prosetithei) the ones (tous) being made whole (sōzomenous) down (kath’) [each, AE] day (hēmeran), over (epi) [the sake, AE] of the (to) same (auto) [belief, v 2:44, 47, Eph. 4:5, Tit. 1:4, RE].


The devil's false triune godhead Christianity offers another way for you to follow, which belief in his way will cause you to think you may be saved.  What the triune godhead way proponents want you to believe is that you can still receive a new birth above in God's gift of his paternal holy Spirit, simultaneously at the same time you are committing idolatry, which is worshipping/idolizing God's firstborn son as being the one true God almighty in place of the real one true God almighty, Jesus Christ's Father, YHWH Elohim.


Jesus Christ warned us about a false way supposedly leading to him, but which in reality leads to destruction.  Was Jesus' mention of a wide gate and broad way leading to destruction a metaphor for the present kind of triune godhead model "Christianity" popular now?  The triune godhead model of "Christianity" is the only one I know of that hints of causing a person's destruction, on account of:


1. the triune godhead model's link to idolatrous religions,

2. the obfuscation of Christ Jesus' true identity,

3. the invitation to commit idolatry, breaking the first commandment, and

4. the obliteration of the presence of God's Kingdom in the current era.


Mat. 7:15 (LIT/UBS4) Pay attention to (prosechete) [the wide gate and broad way, v13, RE] from (apo) the (tōn) false prophets (pseudoprophētōn);


ones who (hoitines) cause themselves to come (erchontai) to (pros) you (humas) in (en) clothing (endumasin) of sheep (probatōn), but (de) inwardly (esōthen) they are (eisin) rapacious (harpages) wolves (lukoi)


Mat. 13:19 (LIT/UBS4) Of anyone (pantos) hearing (akouontos) the (ton) Word (logon) of the (tēs) Kingdom932 (basileias) and (kai) not putting [the Word of the Kingdom, RE] together (mē sunientos), the (ho) evil one (ponēros) causes himself to come (erchetai) and (kai) he snatches (harpazei) the (to) [Word of the Kingdom, RE] having been sown (esparmenon) in (en) the (tē) heart (kardia) of him (autou).


This (houtos) [seed, AE] is (estin) the (ho) [Word of the Kingdom, RE] having been sown (spareis) alongside (para) the (tēn) way (hodon)


How can anyone put together the Word of the Kingdom, i.e., connect the dots, if it has been fudged into obfuscation in Bible translations?  Bingo!


I believe that the modern false Constantinian Christianity is the wide gate into the broad way leading to destruction.  This triune godhead model of "Christianity" is not entirely false in all of its tenets; Jesus did ride a donkey into Jerusalem, and Mary did have a little "lamb".  But the major core tenets of the God's Evangelism have been obfuscated in Bible translations, enough to throw them into apparent confusion, which is enough to stifle people's vital growth in their belief, but still leaves the forged texts seemingly plausible enough to still appear as if they are part of God's Word.  The devil has sown tares, mistranslations and obfuscations, in the forms of paraphrases and creative "synonyms", in among the real crops of God's Word, whether written or spoken, to stifle people's belief, so that it is very difficult to distinguish between the two.  This is where the God, teaching you personally, comes in.  He can "see" the differences, and he'll show those differences to you!


Stifled belief is not rock solid belief, but only fragmentary belief with little confidence behind it, not a strong enough belief to act upon, which is the devil's goal, a wishy-washy, a "Well, I just don't know" kind of belief, which is spiritually powerless.  You know the false catchphrase, "The Bible translations are not wrong, it's only your understanding of them which is wrong."  If you believe that, then you've already kissed yourself goodbye!


2 Cor. 4:3 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) if (ei) indeed (kai) the (to) Evangelism (euangelion) of us (hēmōn) is (estin) having been covered (kekalummenon), it is (estin) having been covered (kekalummenon) among (en) the (tois) [brothers, v1:8, ER] being destroyed (apollumenois);


2 Cor. 4:4 (LIT/UBS4) among (en) [brothers, v1:8, ER] which (hois) the (ho) god (theos) of the (tou) age (aiōnos) of this (toutou) <made> the (ta) perceptions (noēmata) [of them, AE] smoky (etuphlōsen), [the perceptions, RE] of the (tōn) unbelieving (apistōn) [brothers, v1:8, ER];


into (eis) the (to) [perceptions, RE] [of them, AE] not (mē) to reflect (augasai) the (ton) illumination (phōtismon) of the (tou) Evangelism (euangeliou) of the (tēs) glory (doxēs) of the (tou) Christ (Christou), who (hos) is (estin) [an] icon (eikōn) of the (tou) God (theou).


If the devil has been working for thousands of years now, to steal the key of knowledge, he's had a lot of time to infiltrate the Bible translations you are reading.  His goal has been to give us a false God's Word in Bible translations, translations chucked full of adds, changes and deletions to God's Word, to render discrete subject matter Truths as indeterminate confusion.  This study of Jesus' apostle's use of prosdechomai in the biblical texts is a great example of one of the most popular ways the devil has been busy, 24/7, stealing the God's key of knowledge, Truth, associated in God's written Word with the word prosdechomai.


The God promises to teach his children


The God almighty himself promises to teach you his Word (Isa. 54:13; Jer. 31:31-34; John 6:45; 1 Thes. 4:9).


The ones whose perceptions of the Evangelism are being made smoky, the ones being destroyed, are the unbelieving ones, the ones not believing God's Word, but who are believing tons of other, invented, religious stuff, which they think is God's Word.  People can't believe the things in God's Word which they don't know, nor can they learn the things in God's Word about which they refuse to learn. 


From hearing the witnesses of some coming out of triune godhead-based "Christianity", I'm told that it's a common practice for people to be taught to believe that this verse means this, and that verse means that, and thereby supposed and invented triune godhead "meanings" are overlaid upon the biblical texts.  People are taught to read others' invented supposed meanings into those verses, instead of carefully reading verses to get the apostles' meanings out of those verses.  This is belief by proxy, a person basing their own personal belief upon only other's opinions and/or beliefs, but not upon one's own personal study of the biblical texts for himself.


Some, claiming to have some kind of authority from the God himself, demand you believe what they tell you to believe.  That's how the devil works.  But God's way is him teaching you himself, one on one, with you reading and studying God's Word, his Truth, while God, through his holy Spirit, reveals to you the meanings into your mind as you read and study.  What, you haven't experienced that yet?


When is the last time any religious leader, or believer, showed you out of the biblical texts that the God himself is the primary teacher of his children, through his son Christ Jesus in you (Col. 1:27)?  Jesus Christ has assigned some of those within his one body to assist him and his heavenly Father, believers with abilities and authority given to them to be apostles, prophets, evangelists, shepherds and teachers (Eph. 4:11). 


For all believers in Jesus’ name being taught of God, see Isa. 54:13; Jer. 31:31-34; Luke 12:12; John 5:19-20, 6:45, 14:26, 15:26, 16:13-14; 1 Cor. 1:4-8, 2:10, 12:8; 2 Cor. 5:19; Gal. 1:12; Eph. 4:20-21; 1 Thes. 4:9; 2 Tim. 2:7; Heb. 8:8-12, 10:16-17; James 1:5-6; 1 John 2:27, 5:20.  Why don't you read these verses about how the God promises to teach you personally, his Word!  Guess who's teaching me?  Religious preachers and teachers don't know or understanding the meanings of these verses, nor do they wish for you to know and understand them, else how can they stay relevant to anyone, and keep passing the plate to you for a paycheck? 


The one true God almighty doesn't change


There are REAL apostles, prophets, evangelists, shepherds and teachers in the world, but I'm not talking about them.  Not one of them would be preaching and teaching anything to do with a triune godhead model, especially since the old Mosaic Law covenant was between Israel and one monotheistic almighty God, about which the God says he, his Word, everything about him, his personal character, his plan for his creation, and his honesty/righteousness in dealing with his creation, does not change (Num. 23:19; 1 Sam. 15:29; Psalm 33:11, 102:27; Isa. 40:28; Mal. 3:6; Rom. 11:29; Heb. 6:16-20; James 1:17).  The triune godhead model, in which the one monotheistic God suddenly becomes a triune godhead under Constantine, in the early fourth century CE, contradicts all of these biblical passages in which the God claims he does not change. 


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Now, here are the fourteen verses in the biblical texts in which the biblical writers deliberately chose to use prosdechomai.


The first passage of fourteen, in which prosdechomai is used, going from Matthew to Revelation, is in Mark 15:43.  That the first use of an inflected form of prosdechomai is used to describe a believer causing himself to receive to himself the Kingdom of the God, seems a bit conspicuous to me.  Is it really coincidental?


Mark 15:42 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) it already having caused itself to become (ēdē genomenēs) evening (opsias), since (epei) it was being (ēn) [a] preparation (paraskeuē) [day, AE], one which (ho) is (estin) [[a] day, AE] before [a] sabbath (prosabbaton),


*Mark 15:43 (LIT/UBS4) the (ho) Joseph (Iōsēph) having come (elthōn) from (apo) Arimathea (Harimathaias), [a] virtuous (euschēmōn) counselor (bouleutēs) who (hos) himself (autos) also (kai) was being (ēn) one causing himself to receive to himself (prosdechomenos) the (tēn) Kingdom932 (basileian) of the (tou) God (theou), he having been [an] audacious one (tolmēsas) he entered in (eisēlthen) to (pros) the (ton) Pilate (Pilaton) and (kai) caused himself to request (ētēsato) the (to) body (sōma) of the (tou) Jesus (Iēsou).


- who himself also - See that little word also in v43?  Apparently Joseph of Arimathea wasn't the only one at that time who was causing himself to receive to himself the Kingdom of the God.


How could Joseph of Arimathea cause himself to receive to himself the Kingdom of the God, which Kingdom became available to enter into on the day of Pentecost (Acts 2) in about 30-35 CE, if some people say it's not supposed to arrive until some time in the distant future?  The answer is, it doesn't matter what people say, but what do the biblical texts say, i.e., what do Jesus Christ and his apostles say?  What exactly did God's prophets say and write in the old covenant biblical texts? 


What does God's Word say?  Cross everything else out, move all of the mortal-made invented religious stuff out of your mind, and focus upon only what has the God almighty said in his Word, through the mouths of his prophets and apostles?  If you are allowing others, any others, to determine for you what you should believe, other than the God himself teaching you through Christ's Spirit in you, then you've gone the wrong way trying to follow Jesus, you've entered through the wide gate and the broad way (Mat. 7:13-15) of mortal-made/devil/made religion, into your own destruction.


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Luke 2:25 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) behold (idou), there was being (ēn) [a] mortal (anthrōpos) in (en) Jerusalem (Hierousalēm) to whom (hō) [the] name (onoma) [was being, RE] Simeon (Sumeōn)!


And (kai) the (ho) mortal (anthrōpos), this one (houtos), [was being, RE] [a] righteous one (dikaios), and (kai) [a] well-received one (eulabēs), one causing himself to receive to himself (prosdechomenos) [a] consolation (paraklēsin) of Israel (Israēl).


And (kai) holy (hagion) Spirit (pneuma) was being (ēn) upon (ep’) him (auton).


Was the God, who is Spirit (John 4:24), holy Spirit, teaching Simeon personally?  Were Simeon and Joseph of Arimathea the only two in Israel about this time who were causing themselves to receive the prophesied consoling of the nation of Israel?  No, there were about 3,000 others who believed upon the name of Jesus who received a new paternal birth above in the God's gift of his holy Spirit (Acts 2:38-44a).  Who knows how many people believed upon the name of Jesus Christ and received wholeness/salvation in the first three centuries long before the triune godhead model invention (325 CE?) was crammed down people's throats using Constantine's soldiers' bloody spear points. 


How many people have been saved believing Constantine's triune godhead model of Christianity invented in the early 4th century?  I can't help believing, from my own very close examinations of the biblical texts of God's Word, that the triune godhead-based theological remodeling of God's Word, especially of the Evangelism of Jesus Christ, has served to greatly obscure the human and manly characteristics revealed about Jesus, the Christ, in God's Word.  And thereby on account of that obfuscation the rate of mortalkind's salvation/wholeness must have been somewhat reduced over time.  How can it not be concluded, that since the theological remodeling has caused the obfuscation of the true identity characteristics of the true Evangelism of Jesus Christ, the inevitable result can only be the shipwrecking of the beliefs of many who would have believed the unaltered Christology and Evangelism of Christ Jesus, which true Evangelism Jesus and his apostles preached and taught.


For triune godhead model believers, their salvation is based upon them gambling that the God honors their idolatrous belief of two other equal Gods next to the one true God, of other Gods who are equal to the one true God, thusly breaking the first commandment against having other Gods.  At the most, grammatically, Jesus Christ was written about as being a god, the God's firstborn son, by apostle John (John 1:1), but not the God, YHWH Elohim himself.


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Luke 2:38 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) she having stood over (epistasa) the (tē) hour (hōra) for her (autē) [to pray, AE], she was causing herself to confess (anthōmologeito) to the (tō) God (theō).


And (kai) she was speaking (elalei) about (peri) him (autou) to all (pasin) the ones (tois) causing themselves to receive to themselves (prosdechomenois) [a] redemption (lutrōsin) of Jerusalem (Hierousalēm).


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Luke 12:36 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) you (humeis) [be] ones like (homoioi) mortals (anthrōpois) causing themselves to receive to themselves (prosdechomenois) the (ton) lord (kurion) of themselves (heautōn), when (pote) he may be let loose (analusē) out (ek) of the (tōn) marriage preparations (gamōn);


in order that (hina) he having come (elthontos), and (kai) he having knocked (krousantos), <they may have> straightaway (eutheōs) opened up (anoixōsin) for him (autō).


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Luke 15:2 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) both (te) the (hoi) Pharisees (pharisaioi) and (kai) the (hoi) writers (grammateis) were murmuring through (diegonguzon), saying (legontes) that (hoti), “This one (houtos) causes himself to receive to himself (prosdechetai) sinful ones (hamartōlous), and (kai) he eats together with (sunesthiei) them (autois)!”


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Luke 23:50 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) behold (idou) [there was, AE] [a] male (anēr), Joseph (Iōsēph) by name (onomati), [a] counselor (bouleutēs), one being under control (huparchōn), and (kai) [a] good (agathos) and (kai) [a] righteous (dikaios) male (anēr).


*Luke 23:51 (LIT/UBS4) This one (houtos), from (apo) Arimathea (Harimathaias), [a] city (poleōs) of the (tōn) Judeans (Ioudaiōn), was being (ēn) one absolutely not causing himself to be placed down together with (ouk sunkatatetheimenos) the (tē) counsel (boulē) and (kai) the (tē) practice (praxei) of them (autōn), one who (hos) was causing himself to receive to himself (prosedecheto) the (tēn) Kingdom932 (basileian) of the (tou) God (theou)!


Luke 23:52 (LIT/UBS4) This one (houtos) having come to (proselthōn) Pilate (Pilatō), he caused himself to request (ētēsato) the (to) body (sōma) of the (tou) Jesus (Iēsou).


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Acts 23:21 (LIT/UBS4) Therefore (oun), <may> you (su) not be persuaded (mē peisthēs) to them (autois)!


Because (gar) there lies in wait (enedreuousin) for him (auton) more than (pleious) forty (tesserakonta) males (andres) out (ex) of them (autōn), ones who (hoitines) have cursed up (anethematisan) themselves (heautous), neither (mēte) to eat (phagein) nor (mēte) to drink (piein) until (heōs) of which (hou) [time, AE] they may annihilate (anelōsin) him (auton).  


And (kai) now (nun) they are (eisin) ready ones (hetoimoi), ones causing themselves to receive to themselves (prosdechomenoi) the (tēn) promise (epangelian) from (apo) you (sou)!


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Acts 24:14 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) I likewise confess (homologō) this (touto) to you (soi), that (hoti) down according to (kata) the (tēn) way (hodon) which (hēn) they say (legousin) [is] heresy (hairesin), thusly (houtōs) I serve (latreuō) the (tō) patriarchal (patrōō) God (theō), believing (pisteuōn) all (pasi) the things (tois) down according to (kata) the (ton) law (nomon), and (kai) the things (tois) having been written (gegrammenois) in (en) the (tois) prophets (prophētais),


Acts 24:15 (LIT/UBS4) I having (echōn) hope (elpida) into (eis) the (ton) God (theon);


which (hēn) these ones (houtoi) themselves (autoi) also (kai) cause themselves to receive to themselves (prosdechontai), [the hope, RE] to be about (mellein) [a] standing up (anastasin) [of dead ones, AE] to cause itself to be (esesthai), of both (te) righteous ones (dikaiōn) and (kai) unrighteous ones (adikaiōn).


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Rom. 16:1 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) I introduce (sunistēmi) to you (humin) Phebe (Phoibēn), the (tēn) sister (adelphēn) of us (hēmōn), she being (ousan) [a] minister (diakonon) also (kai) of the (tēs) assembly (ekklēsias), of the one (tēs) in (en) Cenchrea (Kenchreais);


Rom. 16:2 (LIT/UBS4) in order that (hina) <you may cause yourselves to receive>  her (autēn) to yourselves (prosedexēsthe) worthily (axiōs), in (en) [the] lord (kuriō).


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Phil. 2:28 (LIT/UBS4) Therefore (oun), I sent (epempsa) him (auton) hastily (spoudaioterōs);


in order that (hina) you having seen (idontes) him (auton) again (palin) you may be caused to rejoice (charēte), and I (kagō) may be (ō) [an] ungrieving one (alupoteros).


Phil. 2:29 (LIT/UBS4) Therefore (oun), <cause yourselves to receive> him (auton) to yourselves (prosdechesthe) in (en) [the] lord (kuriō), together with (meta) all (pasēs) joy (charas);


and (kai) hold (echete) the ones (tous) like these (toioutous) honorable (entimous);


Phil. 2:30 (LIT/UBS4) through (dia) [the sake, AE] of that (hoti) he came near1448 (ēngisen) unto (mechri) death (thanatou) having caused himself to risk (paraboleusamenos) the (tē) soul (psuchē) [of him, AE] for the (to) work (ergon) of Christ (Christou), in order that (hina) he may fill up (anaplērōsē) the (to) thing lacking (husterēma) of you (humōn) of the (tēs) liturgical service (leitourgias) [of him, AE] to (pros) me (me).


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Titus 2:11 (LIT/UBS4) Because (gar) the (hē) grace (charis) of the (tou) God (theou) was shined upon (epephanē) [us, AE], (wholeness (sōtērios) to all (pasin) mortals (anthrōpois)),


Titus 2:12 (LIT/UBS4) child-training (paideuousa) us (hēmas);


in order that (hina) we having caused ourselves to deny (arnēsamenoi) the (tēn) impiety (asebeian) and (kai) the (tas) cosmological (kosmikas) lusts (epithumias), we may live (zesōmen) thinking wholly (sōphronōs), and (kai) righteously (dikaiōs), and (kai) piously (eusebōs), in (en) the (tō) age (aiōni) now (nun);


Titus 2:13 (LIT/UBS4) ones causing ourselves to receive to ourselves (prosdechomenoi) the (tēn) happy (makarian) hope (elpida);


and (kai) [the, RE] epiphany (epiphaneian) of the (tēs) glory (doxēs) of the (tou) great (megalou) God (theou);


and (kai) [the, RE] [epiphany, RE] of [a] savior4990 (sōtēros) of us (hēmōn), Jesus (Iēsou) Christ (Christou);


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Heb. 10:34 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) because (gar), to the (tois) bound ones (desmiois) you sympathized (sunepathēsate).


And (kai) the (tēn) plundering (harpagēn) of the (tōn) things being under control (huparchontōn) of you (humōn), you caused yourselves to receive to yourselves  (prosedexasthe) [the plundering, RE] with (meta) joy (charas), knowing (ginōskontes) to hold (echein) for yourselves (heautous) [a] stronger positioned (kreittona) subsistence (huparxin), [a] remaining (menousan) [subsistence, RE] also (kai).


Heb. 10:35 (LIT/UBS4) Therefore (oun), may you not throw away (mē apobalēte) the (tēn) boldness (parrēsian) of you (humōn), which (hētis) has (echei) [a] great (megalēn) wage given from (misthapodosian) [it, AE].


Heb. 10:36 (LIT/UBS4) Because (gar) you have (echete) [a] need (chreian) of endurance (hupomonēs), in order that (hina) having done (poiēsantes) the (to) desire (thelēma) of the (tou) God (theou) you may have caused yourselves to provide (komisēsthe) for the (tēn) promise (epaggelian).


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Heb. 11:35 (LIT/UBS4) females (gunaikes) received (elabon) the (tous) dead ones (nekrous) of them (autōn) out (ex) of [a] standing up (anastaseōs) [out of [a] grave, AE].


But (de) other ones (alloi) were tympanied5178 (etumpanisthēsan), ones absolutely not having caused themselves to receive to themselves (ou prosdexamenoi) the (tēn) redemption (apolutrōsin), in order that (hina) they may attain (tuchōsin) [a] standing up (anastaseōs) of [a] stronger position (kreittonos)!


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Jude 1:21 (LIT/UBS4) Watchfully keep (tērēsate) yourselves (heautous) in (en) [the] love (agapē) of God (theou), ones causing yourselves to receive to yourselves (prosdechomenoi) the (to) mercy (eleos) of the (tou) lord (kuriou) of us (hēmōn), Jesus (Iēsou) Christ (Christou), into (eis) ageless (aiōnion) life (zōēn).


Jude 1:22 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) truly (men), for whom (hous) you are causing yourselves to thoroughly question (diakrinomenous), have mercy (eleate).


Jude 1:23 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) of whom (hous) you make whole (sōzete), you are ones snatching (harpazontes) [them, AE] out (ek) of fire (puros)!


But (de) of whom (hous) you have mercy (eleate), [have mercy, RE] in (en) fear (phobō), despising (misountes) the (ton) shirt (chitōna) also (kai), it having been stained (espilōmenon) from (apo) the (tēs) flesh (sarkos).


Jude 1:24 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) to the one (tō) inherently powering himself (dunamenō) to keep watchful guard (phulaxai) of you (humas), one not stumbling (aptaistous), and (kai) to stand (stēsai) [you, RE] down in sight (katenōpion) of the (tēs) glory (doxēs) of him (autou) [being] unblemished ones (amōmous) jumping in joy (en agalliasei),


Jude 1:25 (LIT/UBS4) to [the] only (monō) God (theō), Savior4990 (sōtēri) of us (hēmōn) through (dia) Jesus (Iēsou) Christ (Christou), the (tou) lord (kuriou) of us (hēmōn), [be] glory (doxa), magnificence (megalōsunē), power (kratos) and (kai) authority (exousia);


and (kai) before (pro) all (pantos) of the (tou) age (aiōnos) now (nun), and (kai) into (eis) all (pantas) the (tous) ages (aiōnas), truly (amēn)!



Aren't those all wonderful revelations of Truth, especially those verses which state that we can cause ourselves to receive to ourselves, now, the Kingdom of the God, the Kingdom of the heavens!


Try inserting waiting or waited into any of these verses in which prosdechomai was used, to see if it fits with any of the the contexts, and you'll see that they can't possibly work as legitimate translations of any of prosdechomai's inflected forms, they not being anywhere close to the lexical meaning of prosdechomai.  The true lexical meaning of prosdechomai can be plugged into any passage where any of its inflected forms are used, and that meaning will fit perfectly, as you can see for yourself.


Now that you've seen how the meaning of prosdechomai has been replaced, in all fourteen verses of its usage by the apostles of Jesus Christ, in virtually every Bible translation on the planet, for how many other of the nearly 18,500 unique words in the biblical Greek texts do you think their lexical meanings have been replaced by triune godhead "creative synonyms" in Bible translations?


Let this be your first lesson on how "experts" and "scholars" have fudged/forged Bible translations with goopucky found in barnyards and out houses.


You have a choice of what to believe:


Were all of the Bible translators that have ever lived, actually too undereducated in Greek to recognize the simple meanings of prosdechomai's compound components, the preposition pros and the verb dechomai?  In many other places in the biblical texts where these two words appear and are used by the apostles separately, from reading those verses the translators seem to know very well what are the lexical meanings of these two words.  And so I believe they know how prosdechomai should have been translated, just as I have translated it in the LIT.  But they didn't.  Why?  Was it for "theological", triune godhead reasons?  Was it for the sake of error over Truth? 


But they all hold in their minds that erroneous preconceived belief which has been planted into them from when they were babies in mama's arms, that the triune godhead invention is what Jesus and his apostles preached and taught 300 years before it was invented!  As far as I know, that's one of the greatest lies, based upon the spiritual wreckage which it produces, that the devil has ever conceived!  But if the God was teaching them, he would have taught them that the Kingdom of the God, the Kingdom of the Heavens, has already arrived here upon earth, just as Jesus prayed for it to be so; "thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in the heavens ...", as you have now read for yourselves in some of those 14 verses I presented to you.  And it arrived on the day of Pentecost almost two thousand years ago, when the God began building his true prophesied temple built with his own hand, the one body of Christ, the Kingdom of the God


But wait a minute, if the Kingdom of the God has already come then why hasn't anyone seen it floating down out of heaven yet?  That's because the Kingdom of the God is a subjective state of mind, not a physical location upon earth or in heaven.  The Kingdom of God is not an objective kingdom with a geographical location, not the kind of kingdom that can be ascertained using our five senses, because the location of the Kingdom of the God, is within believers, when God's gift of his paternal holy Spirit enters into a believer.  Where the God is, is where his house and his Kingdom are, within the one body of Christ.


Apostle Paul, in his letter to the believers in the Rome area, makes a simple and clear statement of exactly WHAT is and WHERE is the Kingdom of the God:


WHAT it is:


Rom. 14:17 (LIT/UBS4) Because (gar) the (hē) Kingdom932 (basileia) of the (tou) God (theou) is (estin) absolutely not (ou) eating (brōsis) and (kai) drinking (posis), BUT (alla), [the Kingdom of the God, R E] [is] righteousness (dikaiosunē), and (kai) peace (eirēnē), and (kai) joy (chara) in (en) holy (hagiō) Spirit (pneumati)!


WHERE it is and WHEN it is:


Luke 17:20 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) he having received [an] inquiry (eperōtētheis) under (hupo) [authority, AE] of the (tōn) Pharisees (pharisaiōn) for when (pote) the (hē) Kingdom (basileia) of the (tou) God (theou) is caused to come (erchetai), he was caused to make [a] decision (apekrithē) for them (autois), and (kai) he enunciated (eipen), “The (hē) Kingdom (basileia) of the (tou) God (theou) is absolutely not caused to come (ouk erchetai) with (meta) careful watching alongside (paratērēseōs)!


(The Pharisees inquired about only when does the Kingdom of the God come.  For a thorough explanation by Jesus Christ about what is the Kingdom of the God, and when, and where, and how does the Kingdom of the God come into a believer, see Mark 4:1-32.)


Luke 17:21 (LIT/UBS4) But they shall absolutely not state (oude erousin), ‘Behold (idou), here (hōde)!’ or (ē), ‘Behold (idou), there (ekei)!’


Because (gar) behold (idou), the (hē) Kingdom932 (basileia) of the (tou) God (theou) is (estin) within (entos) you (humōn)!”


Please notice the verb is (estin) in Jesus' last statement in v21.  Have you ever noticed how the biblical quotes of Jesus portray him as being very careful in his selection of words he uses.  I'm guessing that almost everyone reading Jesus' last sentence in Luke 17:21 expected Jesus to say "shall be", a future tense verb for a future arrival of the Kingdom of the God, instead of "is (estin)", a present tense verb describing the presence of the Kingdom of the God now.


The Kingdom of the God is:


WHATRom. 14:17 - The presence of The Kingdom of the God within a believer is experienced by a believer when a believer manifests God's Spirit to produce the fruits of the Spirit, peace, joy and others (Gal. 5:22-23).


WHERELuke 17:20-21 - Jesus Christ stated, unless you believe he is a liar, specifically where is The Kingdom of the God, it is (estin) within a believer.


WHENRom. 10:9-10; Mat. 3:11 - The question of when is The Kingdom of the God within a believer is determined by a believer's ability to believe God's Word; as soon as a believer believes upon the name of Jesus is when Christ Jesus baptizes him or her in God's gift of holy Spirit.  In Luke 17:21 when Jesus was speaking, to some who heard him speak


In Mat. 5 Jesus suggested that poor people are the ones who are happy to receive God's gift of his holy Spirit, which indwelling presence in a believer is what causes believers to become parts of the Kingdom of the God.


Mat. 5:3 "The (hoi) poor (ptōchoi) [disciples, v1, RE] [are] happy (makarioi) [disciples, v1, RE] for the (tō) Spirit (pneumati);


because (hoti), the (hē) Kingdom932 (basileia) of the (tōn) Heavens (ouranōn) is (estin) of them (autōn)!


Poor people who have nothing are the people who have the most to gain through belief in God's Word.  Jesus states that poor believers are the kind of believers which account for most of the believers currently living within the Kingdom of the God, or I could say, The Kingdom of the God is living within them!


There are many verses in the biblical texts, in both the new and old covenant books of a Bible, which are about the Kingdom of the God, the Kingdom of the Heavens.  When you eventually come across them in reading your Bible translations and they seem to somewhat contradict these few verses among the fourteen I've shown you, keep in mind that triune godhead theology has been extensively forged/fudged into virtually every Bible translation there is, with the possible exception of a relative handful here or there from non-triune godhead sources.


I believe the kingdom of the God will continue to be manifested by the God in various ways which are prophesied in his Word, but those ways should not be construed as its initial coming, but simply as further manifestations of its continued presence.  The kingdom of the God has always existed in the heavens, where a believer's new birth occurs (John 3:3). 


John 3:3 (LIT/UBS4) Jesus (Iēsous) was caused to make [a] decision (apekrithē), and (kai) he enunciated (eipen) to him (autō), "Truly (amēn), truly (amēn) I say (legō) to you (soi), if perhaps (ean) anyone (tis) may not have been generated (mē gennēthē) up above (anōthen), he can absolutely not inherently power himself (ou dunatai) to see (idein) the (tēn) Kingdom932 (basilian) of the (tou) God (theou)!”


This verse heavily implies, if not states, that one receiving a new birth above in God's gift of his holy Spirit has the ability to "see" and distinguish the Kingdom of the God from others' kingdoms.  But not until the cleansing of mortals' unrighteous hearts, through their belief in the name of Jesus, have mortals here upon earth been invited to enter into the God's Kingdom.  Those among sinful mortalkind who have already received forgiveness for their sins have already been joyfully received into the Kingdom of the God, the Kingdom of the Heavens.  I'm not saying they died and went to heaven.  I'm saying that before they died they already experienced the presence of the God's indwelling holy Spirit and Kingdom within them.  And when they are raised up out from among dead ones they will be raised up to meet Jesus in the air, coming for them.


May the God YHWH Elohim, the Father of our lord and savior Christ Jesus, continue to bless and teach you his Word, as we continue to love him with all of our heart, soul, mind, and strength as our one and only God.


Brother Hal Dekker