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Chapter 9


Update:  2025.02.20


Rom. 9:1 (LIT/UBS4) I speak (legō) Truth (alētheian) in (en) Christ (Christō).


I absolutely do not cause myself to be false (ou pseudomai), the (tēs) conscience (suneidēseōs) of me (mou) witnessing together with (summarturousēs) me (moi) in (en) holy (hagiō) Spirit (pneumati)!


Rom. 9:2 (LIT/UBS4) Because (hoti) there is (estin) [a] great (megalē) grief (lupē), and (kai) [an] unceasing (adialeiptos) pain (odunē), to the (tē) heart (kardia) of me (mou).


Rom. 9:3 (LIT/UBS4) Because (gar) I cause myself to avow (ēuchomēn) to be (einai) [a] cursed-up one (anathema), I (egō) myself (autos), from (apo) the (tou) Christ (Christou), over (huper) [the sake, AE] of the (tōn) brothers (adelphōn) of me (mou), of the (tōn) genera together with (sungenōn) me (mou) down according to (kata) flesh (sarka),


Rom. 9:4 (LIT/UBS4) ones who (hoitines) are (eisin) ones of Israel (Israēlitai);


of whom (hōn) [is] the (hē) sonship (huiothesia), and (kai) the (hē) glory (doxa);


and (kai) [to whom, AE] [are] the (hai) covenants (diathēkai);


and (kai) [to whom, AE] [is] the (hē) placement of law (nomothesia) and (kai) the (hē) service (latreia) [to God, AE], and (kai) the (hai) promises (epangeliai) [of God, AE],


Rom. 9:5 (LIT/UBS4) which (hōn) [promises, v4, RE] [are] to the (hoi) fathers (pateres);


and (kai) out (ek) of which (hōn) [promises, v4, RE] [is] the (ho) Christ (Christos) down according to (kata) the (to) flesh (sarka), the (ho) [Christ, RE] being (ōn) over (epi) all (pantōn)!  


Eulogized (eulogētos) [is] God (theos) into (eis) the (tous) ages (aiōnas), truly (amēn)!


Rom. 9:6 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) because (hoti) [the related ones of me, v3, RE] [are] such as (hoion) [ones down according to the flesh, v3, RE], the (ho) Word (logos) of the (tou) God (theou) has absolutely not fallen out (ouch ekpeptōken) [of Israel, RE]!


Because (gar) absolutely not (ou) all (pantes) the ones (hoi) out (ek) of Israel (Israēl) [are] these ones (houtoi), Israel (Israēl)!


Rom. 9:7 (LIT/UBS4) Because (gar) absolutely not (oud’) all (pantes) [these ones, v6, RE], [Israel, v6, RE] are (eisin) ones born (tekna) of [the] seed/sperm (sperma) of Abraham (Abraam)!  


(For a scriptural description of the two distinct Israels, the flesh-based Israel and the Spirit-based Israel, see John 10:16; Rom. 9:6-33, 7, 33; 1 Cor. 10:18)


BUT (all’), " (en) Isaac (Isaak) [a] seed/sperm (sperma) to you (soi) shall be called aloud (klēthēsetai)!"


(See Gen. 21:12)


Rom. 9:8 (LIT/UBS4) That (tout’) is (estin), the (ta) ones born (tekna) of the (tēs) flesh (sarkos) [are] absolutely not (ou) these ones (tauta), ones born (tekna) of the (tou) God (theou)!


BUT (alla), the (ta) ones born (tekna) of the (tēs) promise (epangelias), he is counted3049 (logizetai) into (eis) [being] [a] seed/sperm (sperma) [of Isaac, v7, RE]!


Rom. 9:9 (LIT/UBS4) Because (gar) this (houtos) [is] the (ho) Word (logos) of promise (epangelias):


“Down according to (kata) the (ton) appointed time (kairon) of this (touton) I shall cause myself to come (eleusomai),


and (kai) [a] son (huios) shall cause itself to come to pass (estai) for the (tē) Sarah (Sarra).”


Rom. 9:10 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) [he caused himself to come, v9, RE] absolutely not (ou) only (monon) [to Sarah, v9, RE], BUT (alla), to Rebecca (Rhebekka) also (kai)


(For Sarah see Gen. 17:19-21; 18:9-15. For Rebecca see Gen. 25:21)


Out (ex) of one (henos) bedding (koitēn) [Sarah, v9, RE] is holding (echousa) Isaac (Isaak) the (tou) father (patros) of us (hēmōn)!


Rom. 9:11 (LIT/UBS4) Because (gar) they not yet having been generated (mēpō gennēthentōn), but neither (mēde) they having habitually practiced (praxantōn) anything (ti) good (agathon) or (ē) worthless (phaulon), in order that2443 (hina) the (hē) preparation (prothesis) of the (tou) God (theou) may stay (menē) down on account (kat’) of [a] calling out (eklogēn), [the Word of promise, v9, RE] [is] absolutely not (ouk) out (ek) of works (ergōn), BUT (all’), out (ek) of the (tou) calling aloud (kalountos)!


Rom. 9:12 (LIT/UBS4) It was stated (errethē) to her (autē) that (hoti), “The (ho) greater one (meizōn) shall slave (douleusei) for the (tō) lesser one (elassoni).”


(See Gen. 25:23)


Rom. 9:13 (LIT/UBS4) Down according to as (kathōs) it has been written (gegraptai), “The (ton) Jacob (Iakōb) I loved (ēgapēsa).


But (de) the (ton) Esau (Hsau) I despised (emisēsa).”


(See Deut. 21:15)


Rom. 9:14 (LIT/UBS4) Therefore (oun), what (ti) shall we state (eroumen):


[Is] not (mē) unrighteousness (adikia) alongside3844 (para) to the (tō) God (theō)!?


May [unrighteousness, RE] not have caused itself to come to pass (mē genoito)!


Rom. 9:15 (LIT/UBS4) Because (gar) [the God, v14, RE] says (legei) to the (tō) Moses (Mōusei), “I shall have mercy (eleēsō) for perhaps (an) whomever (hon) I may have mercy (eleō).


And (kai) I shall have compassion (oiktirēsō) for perhaps (an) whomever (hon) I shall have compassion (oiktirō).”


(See Exod. 33:19)


(For God boasting of his mercy see Hos. 6:6; Exod. 15:13, *25:21-22; Psalm 103:11, 17; Mat. 5:7, 9:13, 12:7, 23:23; Luke 1:50-54, 72, 78; Rom. 9:15, 15:9; Eph. 2:4; Tit. 3:5; James 2:13, 3:17; 1 Pet. 1:3)


Rom. 9:16 (LIT/UBS4) Therefore (oun), so (ara) [the preparation of the God, v11, RE] [is] absolutely not (ou) of the one (tou) desiring (thelontos) [it, AE], but absolutely neither (oude) of the one (tou) running (trechontos) [for it, AE], BUT (alla), [it, AE] [is] of the (tou) God (theou) having mercy (eleōntos)!


Rom. 9:17 (LIT/UBS4) Because (gar) the (hē) writing (graphē) says (legei) to the (tō) pharaoh (pharaō), that (hoti), I roused you out (exēgeira se) into (eis) this (touto) same (auto) [thing, AE]:


it so being that (hopōs) I may cause myself to indicate (endeixōmai) in (en) you (soi) the (tēn) inherent power (dunamin) of me (mou);


and (kai) it so being that (hopōs) the (to) name (onoma) of me (mou) may be thoroughly communicated (diangelē) in (en) all (pasē) the (tē) land (gē)!”


(See Exod. 9:16)


Rom. 9:18 (LIT/UBS4) Therefore (oun), so (ara) for whomever (hon) he desires (thelei) he has mercy (eleei).


But (de) for whomever (hon) he desires (thelei) he is hard (sklērunei).


Rom. 9:19 (LIT/UBS4) Therefore (oun), you shall state (ereis) to me (moi), “Therefore (oun), why (ti) yet (eti) does he cause himself to find fault (memphetai)?”


Because (gar) who (tis) has stood opposed (anthestēken) to the (tō) wish (boulēmati) of him (autou)?


Rom. 9:20 (LIT/UBS4) Therefore truly (menounge), oh (ō) mortal (anthrōpe), who (tis) are (ei) you (su), the one (ho) causing yourself to make [a] decision against (antapokrinomenos) the (tō) God (theō)!?  


The one (ho) molded (plasma) shall not make [a] statement (mē erei) to the one (tō) having molded (plasanti) [it, AE], “Why (ti) did you make (epoiēsas) me (me) thusly (houtōs)?”


Rom. 9:21 (LIT/UBS4) Or (ē) the (ho) potter (kerameus), does he absolutely not have (ouk echei) authority (exousian) [over, AE] the (tou) clay (pēlou) to make (poiēsai) out (ek) of the (tou) same (autou) mix (phuramatos), truly (men), one which (ho) [is] into (eis) [a] vessel (skeuos) of value (timēn), but (de) one which (ho) [is] into (eis) [[a] vessel, RE] of no value (atimian)!?


Rom. 9:22 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) if (ei) the (ho) God (theos), he desiring (thelōn) to cause himself to indicate (endeixasthai) the (tēn) anger (orgēn) [of him, AE], and (kai) to make known (gnōrisai) the (to) inherently powered (dunaton) [work, AE] of him (autou), in (en) much (pollē) patience (makrothumia) brought forth (ēnenken) vessels (skeuē) of anger (orgēs) having been made fit (katērtismena) into (eis) loss (apōleian),


Rom. 9:23 (LIT/UBS4) and (kai) in order that (hina) he may make known (gnōrisē) the (ton) wealth (plouton) of the (tēs) glory (doxēs) upon (epi) vessels (skeuē) of mercy (eleous), which (ha) he made ready before (proētoimasen) into (eis) glory (doxan),


Rom. 9:24 (LIT/UBS4) [shall he bring forth, v22, RE] us (hēmas) also (kai), whom (hous) he called aloud (ekalesen), absolutely not (ou) out (ex) of Judeans (Ioudaiōn) only (monon), BUT (alla), out (ex) of ethnic groups (ethnōn) also (kai)!?


Rom. 9:25 (LIT/UBS4) As (hōs) in (en) the (tō) Hosea (Hōsēē) also (kai), [the God, v22, RE] says (legei), “I shall call aloud (kalesō) the (ton) people (laon) absolutely not (ou) of me (mou) [to be] [a] people (laon) of me (mou);


and (kai) the (tēn) [people, RE] absolutely not having been loved (ouk ēgapēmenēn) [shall be] having been loved (ēgapēmenēn) [of me, RE]!”


(See Hos. 2:23)


Rom. 9:26 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) he shall cause it to be to himself (estai) in (en) the (tō) place (topō) where (hou) it was stated (errethē) to them (autois), “You (humeis) [are] absolutely not (ou) [a] people (laos) of me (mou)”, there (ekei) they shall be called aloud (klēthēsontai) ‘sons (huioi) of [a] living (zōntos) God (theou)!’


(See Hos. 1:10)


Rom. 9:27 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) Isaiah (Hsaias) cries (krazei) over (huper) [the sake, AE] of the (tou) Israel (Israēl), “If perhaps (ean) the (ho) number (arithmos) of the (tōn) sons (huiōn) of Israel (Israēl) may be (ē) as (hōs) the (hē) sand (ammos) of the (tēs) sea (thalassēs), the (to) remnant (hupoleimma) shall be kept whole (sōthēsetai)!"


Rom. 9:28 (LIT/UBS4) Because (gar) [of the] Word (logon), he completing [[the] Word, ER] altogether (suntelōn), he cutting [[the] Word, ER] altogether4932 sharply (suntemnōn) also (kai), [the] Lord (kurios) shall do (poiēsei) [[the] Word, ER] over (epi) the (tēs) land (gēs)!”


(See Isa. 10:22-23)


Rom. 9:29 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) down according to as (kathōs) Isaiah (Hsaias) has enunciated before (proeirēken), “If (ei) [the] Lord (kurios, YHWH) of hosts (sabaōth) did not leave down in (mē enkatelipen) to us (hēmin) [a] seed/sperm (sperma), perhaps (an) we would have been caused to become (egenēthēmen) as (hōs) ones of Sodoms4670 (Sodoma), and (kai) perhaps (an) we would have been made [a] likeness (hōmoiōthēmen) as (hōs) ones of Gomorrahs1116 (Gomorra)!”


(See Isa. 1:9)


(See Gen. 14:2-11, and Mat. 10:15 for Christ Jesus’ use of the two plurals, Sodoms and Gomorrahs, which may be dysphemisms for referencing the moral corruption of the whole five cities area in the valley of Siddim.  Mat. 10:15, 11:23-24; Luke 10:12, 17:29; Rom. 9:29; 2 Pet. 2:6; Jude 1:7; Rev. 11:8)


Rom. 9:30 (LIT/UBS4) Therefore (oun), what (ti) shall we state (eroumen), that (hoti) ethnic groups (ethnē), the ones (ta) not (mē) pursuing (diōkonta) righteousness (dikaiosunēn), received (katelaben) righteousness (dikaiosunēn) [of God, v26, RE]?


But (de) [ethnic groups received, RE] the (tēn) righteousness (dikaiosunēn) out (ek) of belief (pisteōs)!


Rom. 9:31 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) Israel (Israēl), pursuing (diōkōn) [a] Law (nomon) of Righteousness (dikaiosunēs), it absolutely did not come sooner (ouk ephthasen) into (eis) [the] law (nomon)!


Rom. 9:32 (LIT/UBS4) Through (dia) [the sake, AE] of what (ti)?  


Because (hoti) [Israel pursued [the] law, v31, RE] absolutely not (ouk) out (ek) of belief (pisteōs), BUT (all’), as (hōs) out (ex) of works (ergōn)


They struck (prosekopsan) the (tō) stone (lithō), the one (tou) of stumbling (proskommatos)!


Rom. 9:33 (LIT/UBS4) Down according to as (kathōs) it has been written (gegraptai), “Behold (idou), I put (tithēmi) in (en) Zion (Siōn) [a] stone (lithon) of stumbling (proskommatos), and (kai) [a] rock (petran) of scandal (skandalou)


And (kai) the one (ho) believing (pisteuōn) upon (ep’) him (autō), he shall absolutely not be put down to shame (ou kataischunthēsetai)!”


(See Isa. 28:16)


(For a scriptural description of the two distinct Israels, the flesh-based Israel and the Spirit-based Israel, see John 10:16; Rom. 9:6-33, 7, 33; 1 Cor. 10:18)