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Chapter 11


Update:  2025.01.31


Heb. 11:1 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) belief (pistis) is (esti) [an] understanding (hupostasis) of practical issues (pragmatōn) being hoped for (elpizomenōn), [an] evidential proof (elegchos) [of practical issues, RE] absolutely not (ou) being seen (blepomenōn)!


(See Job 9:10; Rom. 11:33; Heb. 11:1b)


Heb. 11:2 (LIT/UBS4) Because (gar) the (hoi) elders (presbuteroi) were witnessed to (emarturēthēsan) [being] in (en) this (tautē):


Heb. 11:3 (LIT/UBS4) belief (pistei)!


We perceive (nooumen) the (tous) ages (aiōnas) to have been made fit (katērtisthai) [through, AE] [a] statement (rhēmati) of God (theou);


into (eis) the (to) [belief, v3, RE] of the (to) [age, RE] being seen (blepomenon) not (mē) to have come to pass (gegonenai) out (ek) of shining things (phainomenōn).


Heb. 11:4 (LIT/UBS4) Abel (Habel) brought to (prosēnenken) the (to) God (theō) [a] greater (pleiona) sacrifice (thusian), belief (pistei), beside (para) [[a] sacrifice, RE] of Cain (Kain);


through (di’) which (hēs) [belief, RE] he was witnessed (emarturēthē) to be (einai) [a] righteous one (dikaios), upon (epi) [a] witnessing (marturountos) of the (tou) God (theou) to the (tois) offerings (dōrois) of him (autou)


And (kai) through (di’) [the sake, AE] of her (autēs), [Abel, ER] having died away (apothanōn), [the witness, RE] yet speaks (eti lalei).


Heb. 11:5 (LIT/UBS4) For belief (pistei) of the (tou) Enoch (Henōch) he was placed with (metetethē) [God, AE] not (mē) to see (idein) death (thanaton);


and (kai) he was absolutely not being found (ouch hēurisketo) through the reason that (dioti) the (ho) God (theos) placed him with (metethēken auton) [him, AE]!  


Because (gar) before (pro) the (tēs) transference (metatheseōs) of him (autou) truly he has been witnessed (memarturētai) to have been well agreeable (euarestēkenai) to the (tō) God (theō)!


Heb. 11:6 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) without (chōris) belief (pisteōs) [Enoch, v5, RE] [was being] [an] inherently unpowered one (adunaton) to be well agreeable (euarestēsai) [to the God, v5, RE].  


Because (gar) it is required (dei) of the one (ton) causing himself to come to (proserchomenon) the (tō) God (theō) to believe (pisteusai) that (hoti) he is (estin);


and (kai) [to believe that, RE] he causes himself to become (ginetai) [a] payer of wages (misthapodotēs) to the ones (tois) searching him out (ekzētousin auton).


Heb. 11:7 (LIT/UBS4) For belief (pistei), Noah (Nōe) having been directed (chrēmatistheis) about (peri) the things (tōn) but not yet (mēdepō) being seen (blepomenōn), he having received [the things, RE] well (eulabētheis), he laid down [a] schematic (kateskeuasen) of [an] ark (kibōton) into (eis) [the] wholeness (sōtērian) of the (tou) house (oikou) of him (autou), through (di’) [the sake, AE] of which (hēs) [the God, v6, RE] condemned (katekrinen) the (ton) cosmos (kosmon)


And (kai) down on account (kata) of the (tēs) belief (pistin) [of Noah, RE] he caused himself to become (egeneto) [an] heir (klēronomos) of righteousness (dikaiosunēs).


Heb. 11:8 (LIT/UBS4) For belief (pistei), Abraham (Abraam) being called aloud (kaloumenos), he obeyed (hupēkousen) to come out (exelthein) into (eis) [a] place (topon) of which (hon) he was being about (ēmellen) to receive (lambanein) into (eis) [an] inheritance (klēronomian)


And (kai) he came out (exēlthen), not (mē) causing himself to put together (epistamenos) where (pou) he is caused to go (erchetai)!


Heb. 11:9 (LIT/UBS4) For belief (pistei) he homesteaded alongside (parōkēsen) into (eis) [the] land (gēn) of the (tēs) promise (epangelias) as (hōs) another one (allotrian) in (en) tents (skēnais), he having homed-down (katoikēsas) with (meta) Isaac (Isaak) and (kai) Jacob (Iakōb), the (tōn) heirs together with (sunklēronomōn) [Abraham, v8, RE] of the (tēs) promise (epangelias), the (tēs) same one (autēs).


Heb. 11:10 (LIT/UBS4) Because (gar) he was causing himself to receive out (exedecheto) [of the God, v6, RE] the (tēn) city (polin), the one (tous) having (echousan) foundations (themelious) of which (hēs) [the] technician (technitēs) and (kai) worker for the company (dēmiourgos) [of heirs, v9, RE] [is] the (ho) God (theos).


(Is this posterity of Abraham, the posterity which God promised to Abraham, the ones out of it who shall believe God's Word as Abraham did, which ones the writer of Hebrews refers to as a "city", are they the new heavenly Jerusalem, the "city" of God? Mat. 5:14, 35; Gal. 4:25-26; Heb. 11:10-16, 12:22-24, 13:14; Rev. 3:12, 21:2-3, 10-27, 22:14, 19)


Heb. 11:11 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) for belief (pistei) Sarah (Sarra) herself (autē), sterile (steira), received (elaben) [an] inherently powered work (dunamin) into (eis) [an] ovulation (katabolēn) of [a] seed/sperm (spermatos), and (kai) beside (para) [the] time (kairon) of maturity (hēlikias)!


Since (epei) [the God, v10, RE] [was] believable (piston), she led herself (hēgēsato) [according to, AE] the (ton) [God, v10, RE] having caused himself to promise (epangeilamenon) [to her, AE];


Heb. 11:12 (LIT/UBS4) and (kai) through whom (dio), from (apo) one (henos) [seed/sperm, v11, RE], were engendered (egennēthēsan) [many, AE].


(See Gen. 22:17]


And (kai) these ones (tauta) having been necrotized (nenekrōmenou), the (tō) plethora (plēthei) [of whom, AE] [are] down according to as (kathōs) the (ta) stars (astra) of the (tou) heaven (ouranou), and (kai) as (hōs) the (hē) sand (ammos), (the (hē) [sand, RE] beside (para) the (to) lip (cheilos) of the (tēs) sea (thalassēs), the (hē) innumerable (anarithmētos) [sand, RE]),


Heb. 11:13 (LIT/UBS4) down on account (kata) of belief (pistin) [of Abraham and Sarah, v8, 11, RE], these (houtoi) all (pantes) died away (apethanon), ones not having received (mē labontes) the (tas) promises (epaggelias).


BUT (alla), they having seen (idontes) them (autas) distantly (porrōthen), they are ones having caused themselves to embrace (aspasamenoi) [the promises, RE] also (kai);


(the promises: the land, v9; the city, v10; the many, v12)


they having confessed alike (homologēsantes) also (kai), that (hoti) they are (eisin) strangers (xenoi) and (kai) sojourners (parepidēmoi) upon (epi) the (tēs) land (gēs)!


Heb. 11:14 (LIT/UBS4) Because (gar) the ones (hoi) saying (legontes) things like these (toiauta) inform (emphanizousin) [the God, v10, RE] that (hoti) they search over (epizētousin) [the sake, AE] of [a] fatherland (patrida).


Heb. 11:15 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai), truly (men), if (ei) they were being in remembrance (emnēmoneuon) of that (ekeinēs) [fatherland, v14, RE] from (aph') which (hēs) they walked out (exebēsan), perhaps (an) they would be having (eichon) [an] appointed time (kairon) to bow up344, 4352 (anakampsai)!


Heb. 11:16 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) now (nun) they cause themselves to stretch (oregontai) for [a] stronger positioned (kreittonos) [Fatherland, v14, RE], that (tout’) is (estin), [a] heavenly one (epouraniou).


Through which (dio) the (ho) God (theos) is absolutely not caused to be ashamed (ouk epaischunetai) to be called upon aloud (epikaleisthai) [to be] [the] God (theos) of them (autōn), because (gar) he made ready (hētoimasen) for them (autois) [a] city (polin)!


(Is the posterity of Abraham, the posterity which God promised to Abraham, the ones out of it who shall believe God's Word as Abraham did, which ones the writer of Hebrews refers to as a "city", are they the new heavenly Jerusalem, the “city” of God? See Mat. 5:14, 35; Gal. 4:25-26; Heb. 11:10-16, 12:22-24, 13:14; Rev. 3:12, 21:2-3, 10-27, 22:14, 19.)


Heb. 11:17 (LIT/UBS4) For belief (pistei) Abraham (Abraam) brought to (prosenēnochen) [the God, v16, RE] the (ton) Isaac (Isaak), [Abraham, RE] being [a] tested one (peirazomenos).


And (kai) the (ho) [Abraham, RE] having caused himself to receive up (anadexamenos) the (tas) promises (epangelias), he was bringing to (prosepheren) [the God, v16, RE] the (ton) only genus3439 (monogenē) [of him, AE],


Heb. 11:18 (LIT/UBS4) [the genus, v17, RE] for (pros) whom (hon) it was spoken (elalēthē) that (hoti), “In (en) Isaac (Isaak) [a] seed/sperm (sperma) for you (soi) shall be called aloud (klēthēsetai)”;


(See Gen. 21:12)


Heb. 11:19 (LIT/UBS4) he having caused himself to count3049 (logisamenos) that (hoti) the (ho) God (theos) [is] inherently powerful (dunatos) to awaken (egeirein) [Isaac, v18, RE] also (kai) out (ek) of dead ones (nekrōn), from where (hothen) [the God, RE] caused himself to provide (ekomisato) for him (auton) also (kai), in (en) [a] parable (parabolē).


Heb. 11:20 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) for belief (pistei) about (peri) [promises, v17, RE] being about (kai mellontōn) [to be], Isaac (Isaak) eulogized (eulogēsen) the (ton) Jacob (Iakōb) and (kai) the (ton) Esau (Hsau).


(See Gen. 27)


Heb. 11:21 (LIT/UBS4) For belief (pistei) Jacob (Iakōb), dying away (apothnēskōn), he eulogized (eulogēsen) each one (hekaston) of the (tōn) sons (huiōn) of Joseph (Iōsēph);


and (kai) he bowed to4352 (prosekunēsen) [the sons of Joseph, RE] upon (epi) the (to) tip (akron) of the (tēs) rod (rabdou) of him (autou).


(See Gen. 47:31, 49:1-2)


Heb. 11:22 (LIT/UBS4) For belief (pistei) Joseph (Iōsēph), coming to [an] end (teleutōn), he remembered (emnēmoneusen) about (peri) the (tēs) exodus (exodou) of the (tōn) sons (huiōn) of Israel (Israēl), and (kai) caused himself to give [an] injunction (eneteilato) about (peri) the (tōn) bones (osteōn) of him (autou).


(See Gen. 50:24-26.)


Heb. 11:23 (LIT/UBS4) For belief (pistei) Moses (Mōusēs), he having been generated (gennētheis), he was hidden (ekrubē) three months (trimēnon) under (hupo) [belief, RE] of the (tōn) fathers (paterōn) of him (auton);


through the reason that (dioti) they saw (eidon) the (to) young child (paidion) [was] fair (asteion), and (kai) they were absolutely not caused to be in fear (ouk ephobēthēsan) of the (to) imposition (diatagma) of the (tou) king (basileōs)!


(See Exod. 2:1-10.)


Heb. 11:24 (LIT/UBS4) For belief (pistei) Moses (Mōusēs), he having caused himself to become (genomenos) [a] great one (megas), he caused himself to deny (ērnēsato) to be said to be (legesthai) [a] son (huion) of [a] daughter (thugatros) of pharaoh (pharaō),


(See Exod. 2:11-14.)


Heb. 11:25 (LIT/UBS4) he having caused himself to seize (helomenos) more (mallon) [time, AE] to be maliciously held together with (sunkakoucheisthai) the (tō) people (laō) of the (tou) God (theou), than (ē) to have (echein) enjoyment from (apolausin) sin (harmartias) for the time (proskairon);


Heb. 11:26 (LIT/UBS4) he having led himself (hēgēsamenos) to wealth (plouton) greater than (meizona) the (tōn) treasures (thēsaurōn) of Egypt (Aiguptou), to the (ton) reproach (oneidismon) of the (tou) Christ (Christou)!


Because (gar) he was looking away from (apeblepen) [the reproach, RE] into (eis) the (tēn) wage given from (misthapodosian) [the God, v25, RE]!


(See Exod. 2:14.)


Heb. 11:27 (LIT/UBS4) For belief (pistei) [Moses, v24, RE] left (katelipen) Egypt (Aigupton), he not having been made fearful (phobētheis) of the (ton) passion (thumon) of the (tou) king (basileōs).


Because (gar) as (hōs) one gazing at (horōn) [an] unseeable thing (aoraton), he was empowered (ekarterēsen)!


(See Exod. 2:15.)


Heb. 11:28 (LIT/UBS4) For belief (pistei) he has done (pepoiēken) the (to) Passover (pascha), and (kai) the (tēn) pouring forth (proschusin) of the (tou) blood (haimatos), in order that (hina) the one (ho) ruining (olothreuōn) the (ta) firstborn ones (prōtotoka) may not touch (mē thigē) them (autōn)!


(See Exod. 12.)


Heb. 11:29 (LIT/UBS4) For belief (pistei) [the sons of Israel, v22, RE] walked through (diebēsan) the (tēn) Red (Eruthran) Sea (Thalassan) as (hōs) through (dia) dry (xēras) land (gēs);


of which (hē) the (hoi) Egyptians (Aiguptioi) having taken (labontes) [a] try (peiran), they were drank down2666 (katepothēsan).


Heb. 11:30 (LIT/UBS4) For belief (pistei) the (ta) walls (teichē) of Jericho (Ierichō) fell (epesan), they having been circled (kuklōthenta) over (epi) of seven (hepta) days (hēmeras).


(See Jos. 6:1-.)


Heb. 11:31 (LIT/UBS4) For belief (pistei) Rahab (Rhaab), the (hē) fornicator (pornē), she absolutely did not cause herself to be lost together with (ou sunapōleto) the ones (tois) having been dissuaded (apeithēsasin);


she having caused herself to receive (dexamenē) with (met’) peace (eirēnēs) the (tous) ones scoping down (kataskopous) [the land of Jericho, AE]!


(See Jos. 2:1-; James 2:25.)


Heb. 11:32 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) what (ti) yet (eti) may I say (legō)?  


Because (gar) the (ho) chronology (chronos) shall leave (epileipsei) me (me) causing myself to lead [you, AE] through (diēgoumenon) about (peri) [the belief, v31] of Gedeon (Gedeōn), of Barak (Barak), of Samson (Sampsōn), of Jephthah (Iephthae), of David (Dauid), and (kai) of both (te) Samuel (Samouēl) and (kai) the (tōn) prophets (prophētōn);


Heb. 11:33 (LIT/UBS4) ones who (hoi) through (dia) belief (pisteōs) caused themselves to subdue (katēgōnisanto) kingdoms (basileias);


they caused themselves to work (eirgasanto) righteousness (dikaiosunēn);


they hit upon2013 (epetuchon) promises (epangeliōn);


they blocked (ephraxan) mouths (stomata) of lions (leontōn);


Heb. 11:34 (LIT/UBS4) they quenched (esbesan) [an] inherently powered work (dunamin) of fire (puros);


they escaped (ephugon) [the] mouths (stomata) of [a] knife (machairēs);


they were made inherently powerful (edunamōthēsan) from (apo) [a] disability (astheneias);


they were caused to become (egenēthēsan) strong ones (ischuroi) in (en) war (polemō);


they returned back (eklinan) auxiliary encampments (parembolas) of others (allotriōn);


Heb. 11:35 (LIT/UBS4) females (gunaikes) received (elabon) the (tous) dead ones (nekrous) of them (autōn) out (ex) of [a] standing up (anastaseōs) [out of [a] grave, AE].


But (de) other ones (alloi) were tympanied5178 (etumpanisthēsan), ones absolutely not having caused themselves to receive to themselves (ou prosdexamenoi) the (tēn) redemption (apolutrōsin), in order that (hina) they may attain (tuchōsin) [a] standing up (anastaseōs) of [a] stronger position (kreittonos)!


Heb. 11:36 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) ones of another kind (heteroi) received (elabon) [a] trial (peiran) of mockings (empaigmōn), and (kai) scourgings (mastigōn).


But (de) yet (eti) [others received [a] trial, RE] of bonds (desmōn), and (kai) of [a] guardroom (phulakēs).


Heb. 11:37 (LIT/UBS4) They were stoned (elithasthēsan);


they were sawed (epristhēsan);


in (en) [a] murder (phonō) of [a] knife (machairēs) they died away (apethanon)!


They went around (periēlthon) in (en) sheepskins (mēlōtais), in (en) goat (aigeiois) skins (dermasin);


ones lacking (husteroumenoi);


ones being pressured (thlibomenoi);


ones held maliciously (kakouchoumenoi)!


Heb. 11:38 (LIT/UBS4) Ones of whom (hōn) the (ho) cosmos (kosmos) was absolutely not being (ouk ēn) worthy (axios)!


[They are, AE] ones being caused to wander (planōmenoi) over (epi) desolate places (erēmiais), and (kai) mountains (oresin), and (kai) for caves (spēlaiois), and (kai) for the (tais) openings (opais) of the (tēs) ground (gēs).


Heb. 11:39 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) all (pantes) these ones (houtoi) having been witnessed to (marturēthentes) through (dia) [the sake, AE] of the (tēs) belief (pisteōs) [of them, AE], they absolutely did not provide for themselves (ouk ekomisanto) the (tēn) promise (epangelian) [of the redemption, v35, RE]


Heb. 11:40 (LIT/UBS4) of the (tou) God (theou);


he having caused himself to look forward (problepsamenou) for something (ti) stronger positioned (kreitton) concerning (peri) us (hēmōn), in order that (hina) they may not be made complete (mē teleiōthōsin) without (chōris) us (hēmōn)!