Chapter 11
Update: 2025.01.31
Acts 11:1 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) the (hoi) apostles (apostoloi) and (kai) the (hoi) brothers (adelphoi), the ones (hoi) being (ontes) down throughout (kata) the (tēn) Judea (Ioudaian), heard (ēkousan) that (hoti) the (ta) ethnic groups (ethnē) also (kai) caused themselves to receive (edexanto) the (ton) Word (logon) of the (tou) God (theou).
Acts 11:2 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) when (hote) Peter (Petros) went up (anebē) into (eis) Jerusalem (Hierousalēm), the ones (hoi) out (ek) of circumcision (peritomēs) were causing themselves to thoroughly keep on questioning (diekrinonto) toward (pros) him (auton),
Acts 11:3 (LIT/UBS4) saying (legontes) that (hoti), “You entered in (eisēlthes) toward (pros) males (andras) having (echontas) [a] prepuce (akrobustian), and (kai) you ate together with (sunephages) them (autois)!?”
Acts 11:4 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) having caused himself to start (arxamenos), Peter (Petros) was causing himself to put [it, AE] out (exetitheto) to them (autois), next [things, AE] on down (kathexēs), saying (legōn),
Acts 11:5 (LIT/UBS4) “I (egō) was being (ēmēn) in (en) [the] city (polei) of Joppa (Ioppē), causing myself to be well-thankful to4336 (proseuchomenos) [God, AE], and (kai) in (en) [an] ecstasy (ekstasei) I saw (eidon) [a] vision (horama):
There was
coming down
(katabainon) [a] certain
(ti) vessel (skeuos)
like (hōs)
[a] great (megalēn)
linen sheet (othonēn),
being sent down (kathiemenēn)
out (ek)
of the (tou) heaven (ouranou)
[by, AE]
four (tessarsin) beginning
ones (archais),
and (kai) it came (ēlthen)
unto (achri) me (emou);
Acts 11:6 (LIT/UBS4) into (eis) which (hēn) [vessel, v5, RE] I having gazed intently (atenisas), I was perceiving entirely (katenooun).
And (kai) I saw (eidon) the (ta) four-footed animals (tetrapoda) of the (tēs) land (gēs), and (kai) the (ta) wild animals (thēria), and (kai) the (ta) crawling animals (herpeta), and (kai) the (ta) flying animals (peteina) of the (tou) heaven (ouranou).
Acts 11:7 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) I heard (ēkousa) [a] voice (phōnēs) also (kai), saying (legousēs) to me (moi), “Having stood up (anastas) Peter (Petre), sacrifice (thuson) and (kai) eat (phage)!”
Acts 11:8 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) I enunciated (eipon), “Not anything (mēdamōs), lord (kurie);
because (hoti) but absolutely not at any time (oudepote) <did> [a] common (koinon) or (ē) unclean thing (akatharton) enter in (eisēlthen) into (eis) the (to) mouth (stoma) of me (mou)!”
Acts 11:9 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) [[the] lord, v8, RE] being caused to make [a] decision (apekrithē), out (ek) [a] second [time, AE] (deuterou) [a] voice (phōnē) out (ek) of the (tou) heaven (ouranou), “Things which (ha) the (ho) God (theos) cleansed (ekatharisen), you (su) do not make common (koinou)."
Acts 11:10 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) this (touto) caused itself to come to pass (egeneto) upon (epii) three (tris) [times, AE], and (kai) absolutely everything (hapanta) was drawn up (anespasthē) again (palin) into (eis) the (ton) heaven (ouranon)!
Acts 11:11 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) behold (idou), at once (exautēs) three (treis) males (andres) loomed (epestēsan) over (epi) the (tēn) house (oikian) in (en) which (hē) I was being (ēmen), having been sent (apestalmenoi) to (pros) me (me) from (apo) Caesarea (Kaisareias)!
Acts 11:12 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) the (to) Spirit (pneuma) enunciated (eipen) to me (moi) to go together with (sunelthein) them (autois), having thoroughly questioned (diakrinanta) not one (mēden) [Word, v1, RE].
But (de) the (hoi) six (hex) brothers (adelphoi) also (kai), these ones (houtoi) came (ēlthon) together with (sun) me (emoi), and (kai) we entered in (eisēlthomen) into (eis) the (ton) house (oikon) of the (tou) male (andros).
Acts 11:13 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) he reported (apēngeilen) to us (hēmin) how (pōs) he saw (eiden) [a] messenger (angelon) having been stood (stathenta) in (en) the (tō) house (oikō) of him (autou), and (kai) having enunciated (eiponta), “Send (aposteilon) into (eis) Joppa (Ioppēn) and (kai) cause yourself to send (metapempsai) Simon (Simōna), the one (ton) being called upon aloud (epikaloumenon) Peter (Petron);
Acts 11:14 (LIT/UBS4) who (hos) shall speak (lalēsei) statements (rhēmata) to (pros) you (se), in (en) which (hois) you (su), and (kai) all (pas) the (ho) house (oikos) of you (sou) shall be made whole (sōthēsē)."
Acts 11:15 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) in (en) the (tō) start of me to cause myself (arxasthai me) to speak (lalein), the (to) Spirit (pneuma), the (to) holy one (hagion), fell (epepesen) upon (ep) them (autous) so be it as (hōsper) upon (eph’) us (hēmas) also (kai) in (en) [the] beginning (archē).
Acts 11:16 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) I was reminded (emnēsthēn) of the (tou) statement (rhēmatos) of the (tou) lord (kuriou), as (hōs) he was saying (elegen), "Truly (men), John (Iōannēs) water (hudati) baptized (ebaptisen).
But (de) you (humeis) shall be baptized (baptisthēsesthe) in (en) holy (hagiō) Spirit (pneumati)!"
Acts 11:17 (LIT/UBS4) Therefore (oun), if (ei) the (ho) God (theos) gave (edōken) to them (autois) the (tēn) equal (isēn) gift (dōrean) as (hōs) [he gave, RE] to us (hēmin) also (kai), we having believed (pisteusasin) over (epi) [the sake, AE] of the (ton) lord (kurion) Jesus (Iēsoun) Christ (Christon), [was it, AE] I (egō) who (tis) was causing myself to be (ēmēn) one inherently powered (dunatos) to cut off (kōlusai) the (ton) God (theon)!?”
Acts 11:18 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) they having heard (akousantes) these things (tauta), they refrained (hēsuchasan).
And (kai) they glorified (edoxasan) the (ton) God (theon), saying (legontes), “So (ara), the (ho) God (theos) gave (edōken) to the (tois) ethnic groups (ethnesin) also (kai) the (tēn) repentance (metanoian) into (eis) life (zōēn)!”
Acts 11:19 (LIT/UBS4) Therefore (oun), truly (men), the ones (hoi) having been sown through (diasparentes) from (apo) the (tēs) mental pressure (thlipseōs) of the (tēs) [stoning, v7:59, RE] having caused itself to come to pass (genomenēs) over (epi) Stephen (Stephanō), they came through (diēlthon) until (heōs) Phenice (Phoinikēs), and (kai) Cyprus (Kuprou), and (kai) Antioch (Antiocheias), ones speaking (lalountes) the (ton) Word (logon) to not one (mēdeni), if (ei) not (mē) to only (monon) Judeans (Ioudaiois).
Acts 11:20 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) some (tines) males (andres) out (ex) of them (autōn) were being (ēsan) Cypriots (Kuprioi), and (kai) Cyrenians (Kurēnaioi), ones who (hoitines), having come (elthontes) into (eis) Antioch (Antiocheian), were speaking (elaloun) to (pros) the (tous) Hellenists (Hellēnistas) also (kai), causing themselves to evangelize (euangelizomenoi) the (ton) lord (kurion) Jesus (Iēsoun).
Acts 11:21 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) [the] hand (cheir) of [the] lord (kuriou) was being (ēn) with (met’) them (autōn), and (te) [a] large (polus) number (arithmos), the ones (ho) having believed (pisteusas), turned (epestrepsen) over (epi) [the sake, AE] of the (ton) lord (kurion).
Acts 11:22 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) the (ho) word (logos) about (peri) them (autōn) was heard (ēkousthē) in (eis) the (ta) ears (ōta) of the (tēs) assembly (ekklēsias), the one (tēs) being (ousēs) in (en) Jerusalem (Hierousalēm).
And (kai) they sent out (exapesteilan) Barnabas (Barnaban) to go through (dielthein) until (heōs) Antioch (Antiocheias);
Acts 11:23 (LIT/UBS4) who (hos) having caused himself to become alongside3854 (paragenomenos), and (kai) having seen (idōn) the (tēn) grace (charin), the one (tēn) of the (tou) God (theou), he was caused to rejoice (echarē).
And (kai) he was accosting (parekalei) the (tē) preparation (prothesei) of the (tēs) heart (kardias) of everyone (pantas) to stay toward (prosmenein) the (tō) lord (kuriō);
Acts 11:24 (LIT/UBS4) because (hoti) he was being (ēn) [a] good (agathos) male (anēr), and (kai) one full (plērēs) of holy (hagiou) Spirit (pneumatos) and (kai) belief (pisteōs).
And (kai) [a] suitable (hikanos) crowd (ochlos) was added (prosetethē) to the (tō) lord (kuriō).
(This is Barnabas' and Paul's first recorded itinerary together.)
Acts 11:25 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) he came out (exēlthen) into (eis) Tarsus (Tarson), to search up327 (anazētēsai) Saul (Saulon).
Acts 11:26 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) he having found (heurōn) [Saul, v25, RE], he led (ēgagen) [him, AE] into (eis) Antioch (Antiocheian).
But (de) it caused itself to come to pass (egeneto) for them (autois), and (kai) for [a] whole (holon) year (eniauton), to be brought together (sunachthēnai) in (en) to the (tē) assembly (ekklēsia), and (kai) to teach (didaxai) [a] suitable (hikanon) crowd (ochlon);
and (te) for the (tous) disciples (mathētas) to be admonished (chrēmatisai) first (prōtōs) in (en) Antioch (Antiocheia) [as, AE] Christians (Christianous).
Acts 11:27 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) in (en) the (tais) days (hēmerais) to these (tautais) prophets (prophētai) came down (katēlthon) from (apo) Jerusalem (Hierosolumōn) into (eis) Antioch (Antiocheian).
Acts 11:28 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) one (heis) out (ex) of them (autōn) by name (onomati) of Agabus (Hagabos), he having stood up (anastas), he signified (esēmanen) through (dia) the (tou) Spirit (pneumatos) for [a] great (megalēn) famine (limon) to be about (mellein) to cause itself to be (esesthai) over (eph’) [the] whole (holēn) inhabited land (oikoumenēn);
one which (hētis) caused itself to come to pass (egeneto) over (epi) [the time, AE] of Claudius (Klaudiou).
Acts 11:29 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) of the (tōn) disciples (mathētōn), down as (kathōs) any (tis) [disciple, RE] was causing himself to have [a] resource (euporeito), each (hekastos) [disciple, RE] of them (autōn) segregated (hōrisan) [[the] resource, AE] to send (pempsai) [it, AE] into (eis) [a] ministry (diakonian) to the (tois) brothers (adelphois) homing-down (katoikousin) in (en) the (tē) Judaea (Ioudaia);
Acts 11:30 (LIT/UBS4) which (ho) [ministry, v29, RE] [the disciples, v29, RE] did (epoiēsan) also (kai), they having sent (aposteilantes) [resources, v29, RE] to (pros) the (tous) elders (presbuterous) through (dia) [the] hand (cheiros) of Barnabas (Barnaba) and (kai) Saul (Saulou).