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Chapter 10


Update:  2024.05.10


Acts 10:1 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) [a] certain (tis) male (anēr) in (en) Caesarea (Kaisareia), Cornelius (Kornēlios) by name (onomati), [a] centurion (hekatontarchēs) out (ek) of the (tēs) cohort (speirēs) being called (kaloumenēs) Italian (Italikēs),


Acts 10:2 (LIT/UBS4) [a] pious one (eusebēs), and (kai) one causing himself to fear (phoboumenos) the (ton) God (theon) together with (sun) all (panti) the (tō) house (oikō) of him (auton), he doing (poiōn) both (te) many (pollas) acts of mercy (eleēmosunas) for the (tō) people (laō) and (kai) causing himself to beg (deomenos) of the (tou) God (theou) through (dia) everything (pantas),


Acts 10:3 (LIT/UBS4) he saw (eiden) manifestly (phanerōs) in (en) [a] vision (horamati), as if (hōsei) around (peri) [the] ninth (enatēn) hour (hōran) of the (tēs) day (hēmeras), [a] messenger (angelon) of the (tou) God (theou) having entered in (eiselthonta) to (pros) him (auton), and (kai) having enunciated (eiponta) to him (autō), "Cornelius (Kornēlie)!" 


Acts 10:4 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) the (ho) [Cornelius, v3, RE], having gazed intently at (atenisas) him (autō) and (kai) having caused himself to become (genomenos) one in fear (emphobos), he enunciated (eipen), "What (ti) is (estin) [it, AE], lord (kurie)!?" 


But (de) he enunciated (eipen) to him (autō), "The (hai) prayers of you of well-thankfulness to4335 (proseuchai sou) [God, AE], and (kai) the (hai) acts of mercy (eleēmosunai) of you (sou) have went up (anebēsan) into (eis) [a] remembrance (mnēmosunon) in front (emprosthen) of the (tou) God (theou)!


Acts 10:5 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) now (nun) send (pempson) males (andras) into (eis) Joppa (Ioppēn) and (kai) cause yourselves to send (metapempsai) for Simon (Simōna), who (hos) is called upon aloud (epikaleitai), Peter (Petros)


Acts 10:6 (LIT/UBS4) This (houtos) [Peter, RE] is lodged (xenizetai) alongside (para) to [a] certain (tini) Simon (Simōni), [a] tanner (bursei), to whom (hō) is (estin) [a] house (oikia) alongside (para) [the] sea (thalassan)." 


Acts 10:7 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) as (hōs) the (ho) messenger (angelos) went away (apēlthen), the one (ho) speaking (lalōn) to him (autō), [Cornelius, v3, RE] having sounded (phōnēsas) for two (duo) of the (tōn) householders (oiketōn), and (kai) [a] pious (eusebē) soldier (stratiōtēn) of the (tōn) ones persevering toward (proskarterountōn) him (autō),


Acts 10:8 (LIT/UBS4) and (kai) having caused himself to lead out1834 (exēgēsamenos) to them (autois) absolutely all things (hapanta), he sent (apesteilen) them (autous) into (eis) the (tēn) Joppa (Ioppēn).


Acts 10:9 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) upon the morrow (tē epaurion), they going the ways (hodoiporountōn) of those (ekeinōn) [into the Joppa, v8, RE], and (kai) they coming near1448 (engizontōn) to the (tē) city (polei), Peter (Petros) stepped up (anebē) upon (epi) the (to) roof (dōma) to cause himself to be well-thankful to4336 (proseuxasthai) [God, AE], around (peri) [the] sixth (hektēn) hour (hōran).


Acts 10:10 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) [a] hunger (prospeinus) caused itself to come to pass (egeneto), and (kai) he was desiring (ēthelen) to cause himself to taste (geusasthai)


But (de) [as, v7, RE] they were preparing (paraskeuazontōn), [an] ecstasy (ekstasis) caused itself to become (egeneto) over (ep’) him (auton).


Acts 10:11 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) he observes (theōrei) the (ton) heaven (ouranon) having been opened up (aneōgmenon), and (kai) some (ti) vessel (skeuos) coming down (katabainon) as (hōs) [a] great (megalēn) linen sheet (othonēn), being sent down (kathiemenon) over (epi) the (tēs) land (gēs) [by, AE] four (tessarsin) beginning ones746 (archais);


Acts 10:12 (LIT/UBS4) in (en) to which (hō) [linen sheet, v11, RE] was being under control (hupērchen) of all (panta) the (ta) four-footed animals (tetrapoda), and (kai) the (ta) crawling animals (herpeta) of the (tēs) land (gēs), and (kai) the (ta) flying animals (peteina) of the (tou) heaven (ouranou).


Acts 10:13 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) [a] voice (phōnē) caused itself to come (egeneto) to (pros) him (auton), "Having stood up (anastas), Peter (Petros), sacrifice (thuson) and (kai) eat (phage)."


Acts 10:14 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) the (ho) Peter (Petros) enunciated (eipen), "Not anything (mēdamōs), lord (kurie);


because (hoti) but absolutely not at any time (oudepote) did I eat (ephagon) anything (pan) common (koinon) or (ē) unclean (akatharton)!"


Acts 10:15 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) again (palin) [there was, AE] [a] voice (phōnē) out (ek) to (pros) him (auton) [a] second (deuterou) [time, AE], "Which things (ha) the (ho) God (theos) cleansed (ekatharisen), you (su) do not make common (mē koinou)!"


Acts 10:16 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) this (touto) [ecstasy, v10, RE] caused itself to become (egeneto) over (epi) [Peter, v14, RE] three times (tris), and (kai) straightaway (euthus) the (to) vessel (skeuos) was taken up (anelēphthē) into (eis) the (ton) heaven (ouranon)


Acts 10:17 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) as (hōs) the (ho) Peter (Petros) was being thoroughly perplexed (diēporei) in (en) himself (heautō) of what (ti) perhaps (an) the (to) vision (horama) which (ho) he saw (eiden) may possibly be (eiē), behold (idou), the (hoi) males (andres), the ones (hoi) having been sent (apestalmenoi) under (hupo) [authority, AE] of the (tou) Cornelius (Kornēliou), ones having asked through (dierōtēsantes) for the (tēn) house (oikian) of the (tou) Simon (Simōnos), they stood over (epestēsan) upon (epi) the (ton) gate (pulōna)!


Acts 10:18 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) having sounded (phōnēsantes) they were causing themselves to demand (epunthanonto) if (ei) Simon (Simōn), the one (ho) being called aloud (epikaloumenos) Peter (Petros), is lodged (xenizetai) within (enthade).


Acts 10:19 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) of the (tou) Peter (Petrou) being made thoroughly inwardly passionate (dienthumoumenou) about (peri) the (tou) vision (horamatos), the (to) Spirit (pneuma) enunciated (eipen) to him (autō), "Behold (idou), three (treis) males (andres) are searching (zētountes) for you (se)!


Acts 10:20 (LIT/UBS4) BUT (alla), having stood up (anastas) walk down (katabēthi) and (kai) cause yourself to go (poreuou) together with (sun) them (autois), causing yourself to thoroughly question (diakrinomenos) not one (mēden) [word, AE], because (hoti) I (egō) have sent (apestalka) them (autous)!"


Acts 10:21 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) Peter (petros), having stepped down (katabas) to (pros) the (tous) males (andras), he enunciated (eipen), "Behold (idou), I (egō) am (eimi) [Peter, RE] for whom (hon) you search (zēteite)


What (tis) [is] the (hē) cause (aitia) through (di’) [the sake, AE] of which (hēn) you become alongside (pareste)?"


Acts 10:22 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) the (hoi) [three males, v19, RE] enunciated (eipon), "Cornelius (Kornēlios), [a] centurion (hekatontarchēs), [a] righteous (dikaios) male (anēr), and (kai) one causing himself to fear (phoboumenos) the (ton) God (theon), and (te) one being witnessed to (marturoumenos) under (hupo) [authority, AE] of the (tou) whole (holou) ethnic group (ethnous) of the (tōn) Judeans (Ioudaiōn), he was directed (echrēmatisthē) under (hupo) [authority, AE] of [a] holy (hagiou) messenger (angelou) to cause himself to send (metapempsasthai) for you (se) [to go, v20, RE] into (eis) the (ton) house (oikon) of him (autou), and (kai) to hear (akousai) statements (rhēmata) alongside (para) of you (sou)."


Acts 10:23 (LIT/UBS4) Therefore (oun), he having caused himself to call them in (eiskalesamenos autous) he lodged (exenise) [them, RE]. 


But (de) upon the morrow (tē epaurion), having stood up (anastas) he went out (exēlthe) together with (sun) them (autois).  


And (kai) some (tines) of the (tōn) brothers (adelphōn), of the ones (tōn) from (apo) Joppa (Ioppēs), they came together with (sunēlthon) him (autō).


Acts 10:24 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) upon the morrow (tē epaurion) he entered in (eisēlthen) into (eis) the (tēn) Caesarea (Kaisareian)


But (de) the (ho) Cornelius (Kornēlios) was (ēn) expecting (prosdokōn) them (autous), he having caused himself to call together (sunkalesamenos) the (tous) genus together with (sugeneis) him (autou), and (kai) necessary (anankaious) friends (philous).


Acts 10:25 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) as (hōs) the (tou) [time, AE] caused itself to come to pass (egeneto) for the (ton) Peter (Petron) to enter in (eiselthein), the (ho) Cornelius (Kornēlios) having met together with (sunantēsas) him (autō), he having fallen4098 (pesōn) upon (epi) the (tous) feet (podas) [of him, RE], he bowed to4352 (prosekunēsen) [him, RE].


Acts 10:26 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) the (ho) Peter (Petros) awoke (ēgeiren) him (auton) saying (legōn), "Stand up (anastēthi)


I (egō) also (kai), myself (autos), am (eimi) [a] mortal (anthrōpos)!"


Acts 10:27 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) [the Peter, v6, RE] talking together with (sunomilōn) him (autō), he entered in (eisēlthen) and (kai) finds (heuriskei) many (pollous) having come together (sunelēluthotas).


Acts 10:28 (LIT/UBS4) And (te) he shed light5346 (ephē) to (pros) them (autous), "You (humeis) cause yourselves to put it together (epistasthe), as (hōs) it is (estin) unstatutory (athemiton) for [a] Judean (Ioudaiō) male (andri) to be glued to2853 (kollasthai), or (ē) to cause himself to come to (proserchesthai), one of another tribe (allophulō)


And to me (kamoi) the (ho) God (theos) thoroughly showed (edeixen) [[a] vision, v19, RE], to say (legein) "not one (medena) mortal (anthrōpon) [is] common (koinon) or (ē) unclean (akatharton)";


Acts 10:29 (LIT/UBS4) and (kai) through which (dio) I came (ēlthon) without objecting (anastirrētōs), having been sent for (metapemphtheis)


Therefore (oun), I cause myself to demand (punthanomai), for which (tini) word (logō) have you caused yourselves to send (metepempsasthe) for me (me)?"


Acts 10:30 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) the (ho) Cornelius (Kornēlios) shed light5346 (ephē), "From (apo) [the] fourth (tetartēs) day (hēmeras) [ago, AE] until (mechri) the (tēs) hour (hōras) of this (tautēs),  the (tēn) ninth (enatēn) [hour, RE], I was causing myself to be (ēmēn) in (en) the (tō) house (oikō) of me (mou) causing myself to be well-thankful to4336 (proseuchomenos) [God, AE].


And (kai) behold (idou), [a] male (anēr) stood (estē) in sight (enōpion) of me (mou), in (en) shining (lampra) apparel (esthēti),


Acts 10:31 (LIT/UBS4) and (kai) he shed light5346 (phēsin), 'Cornelius (Kornēlie), the (hē) prayer of well-thankfulness to4335 (proseuchē) [God, AE] of you (sou) was heard (eisēkousthē), and (kai) the (hai) acts of mercy (eleēmosunai) of you (sou) are remembered (emnēsthēsan) in sight (enōpion) of the (tou) God (theou)!


Acts 10:32 (LIT/UBS4) Therefore (oun), send (pempson) into (eis) Joppa (Ioppēn) and (kai) cause yourself to call aloud (metakalesai) for Simon (Simōna), who (hos) is called upon aloud (epikaleitai), Peter (Petros)


He (autos) is lodged (xenizetai) in (en) [the] house (oikia) of Simon (Simōna), [a] tanner (burseōs), alongside (para) [the] sea (thalassan).'  


Acts 10:33 (LIT/UBS4) Therefore (oun), I sent (epempsa) to (pros) you (se) at once (exautēs), and (te) you (su) did (epoiēsas) beautifully (kalōs) having caused yourself to become alongside3854 (paragenomenos)


Therefore (oun), now (nun) we (hēmeis) all (pantes) are alongside (paresmen) [of you, RE] in sight (enōpion) of the (tou) God (theou), to hear (akousai) all the things (panta ta) having been arranged toward (prostetagmena) you (soi) under (hupo) [authority, AE] of the (tou) lord (kuriou)."


Acts 10:34 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) Peter (Petros), having opened up (anoixas) the (to) mouth (stoma), he enunciated (eipen), "Over (ep’) [the sake, AE] of Truth (alētheias) I cause myself to take (katalambanomai) [it, AE] that (hoti) the (ho) God (theos) is (esti) absolutely not (ouk) one taken toward face value (prosōpolēmptēs)!


Acts 10:35 (LIT/UBS4) BUT (all’), in (en) every (panti) ethnic group (ethnei), the one (ho) causing himself to fear (phoboumenos) him (auton), and (kai) causing himself to work (ergazomenos) righteousness (dikaiosunēn), is (estin) acceptable (dektos) to him (autō).


Acts 10:36 (LIT/UBS4) The (ton) Word (logon) which (hon) he sent (apesteile) to the (tois) sons (huiois) of Israel (Israel), causing himself to evangelize (euangelizomenos) peace (eirēnēn) through (dia) Jesus (Iēsou) Christ (Christou), this one (houtos) is (esti) lord (kurios) of all (pantōn).


Acts 10:37 (LIT/UBS4) You (humeis) have seen (oidate) the (to) statement (rhēma) having caused itself to come to pass (genomenon) down through (kath’) the (tēs) whole (holēs) of Judea (Ioudaias);


it having caused itself to start (arxamenos) from (apo) the (tēs) Galilee (Galilaias) together with (meta) the (to) baptism (baptisma) which (ho) John (Iōannēs) preached (ekēruxen).


(For Jesus causing himself to start his earthly ministry, see Luke 3:23; Acts 1:22, 10:37)


Acts 10:38 (LIT/UBS4) Of the (ton) Jesus (Iēsoun) from (apo) Nazareth (Nazareth), as (hōs) the (ho) God (theos) christened (echrisen) him (auton) [with, RE] holy (hagio) Spirit (pneumati) and (kai) inherent power (dunamei), [this one, AE] [was] one who (hos) came through (diēlthen) working well (euergetōn), and (kai) being caused to heal (iōmenos) all (pantas) of the ones (tous) being pressed down with inherent power (katadunasteuomenous) under (hupo) [authority, AE] of the (tou) diabolical one (diabolou);


 because (hoti) the (ho) God (theos) was being (ēn) with (met') him (autou)!


(For God making Jesus Christ his domicile, and he subsequently working IN and THROUGH Jesus Christ as his mortal agent in this cosmos, see *Mat. 9:8; Mark 6:5; Luke 5:17, 7:16; John 3:2, 5:19-20, 8:16, *29, 9:33, *10:38, *14:10-11, *16-20, 28, 16:32b; *Acts 2:22, 10:38; *2 Cor. 5:18-19; Eph. 3:16-19, 4:6; *Col. 1:19-20, 2:9; 1 John 5:20)


Acts 10:39 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) we (hēmeis) [are] witnesses (martures) of all things (pantōn) which (hōn) he did (epoiēsen) in (en) both (te) the (tē) region (chōra) of the (tōn) Judeans (Ioudaiōn) and (kai) Jerusalem (Hierousalēm);


and (kai) whom (hon) they annihilated (aneilan), they having hung (kremasantes) [him, RE] upon (epi) [a] tree (xulou).


Acts 10:40 (LIT/UBS4) The (ho) God (theos) awoke (ēgeiren) this one (touton) in (en) the (tē) third (tritē) day (hēmera), and (kai) gave (edōken) him (auton) to cause himself to become (genesthai) manifested (emphanē);


(For Jesus standing up on the third day, see Psa. 16:10; Mat. 16:21, 17:23, 20:18-19, 27:62-63; Mark 8:31, 9:31, 10:32-34; *Luke 9:22, 18:31-34, 24:1-8, 44-46; John 20:9; Acts 10:40; 1 Cor. 15:4)


Acts 10:41 (LIT/UBS4) absolutely not (ou) to all (panti) the (tō) people (laō), BUT (alla), to witnesses (martusin), to the ones (tois) having been hand-chosen before (prokecheirotonēmenois) under (hupo) [authority, AE] of the (tou) God (theou);


to us (hēmin), ones who (hoitines) ate together (sunephagomen) and (kai) drank together (sunepiomen) with (meta) him (autō);


[witnesses, RE] of him (auton), the one (to) to stand up (anastēnai auton) out (ek) of dead ones (nekrōn)!


Acts 10:42 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) he charged (parēggeilen) us (hēmin) to preach (kēruxai) to the (tō) people (laō), and (kai) to cause ourselves to thoroughly witness (diamarturasthai) that (hoti) this one (houtos) is (estin) the one (ho) having been segregated (hōrismenos) under (hupo) [authority, AE] of the (tou) God (theou), [to be] [a] judge (kritēs) of living ones (zōntōn) and (kai) of dead ones (nekrōn).


Acts 10:43 (LIT/UBS4) To this one (toutō) all (pantes) the (hoi) prophets (prophētai) witness (marturousin);


of everyone (panta), the one (ton) believing (pisteuonta) into (eis) the (tou) name (onomatos) of him (autou) [is] to receive (labein) [a] letting go (aphesin) of sins (hamartiōn) through (dia) [the name, RE] of him (autou)."


(For a prophecy of the new covenant see Isa. 59:20-21; Acts 10:43; Rom.11:26-27)


Acts 10:44 (LIT/UBS4) Yet (eti), of the (tou) Peter (Petrou) speaking (lalountos) the (ta) statements (rhēmata) of these (tauta), the (to) Spirit (pneuma), the (to) holy one (hagion) fell (epepesen) upon (epi) all (pantas) the ones (tous) hearing (akouontas) the (ton) Word (logon)!


Acts 10:45 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) the (hoi) believable ones (pistoi) out (ek) of circumcision (peritomēs), as many as (hosoi) came together with (sunēlthan) the (tō) Peter (Petrō), they were ecstatic (ekestēsan), because (hoti) upon (epi) the (ta) ethnic groups (ethnē) also (kai) the (he) gift (dōrea) of the (tou) holy (hagiou) Spirit (pneumatos) has been poured out (ekkechutai),


Acts 10:46 (LIT/UBS4) because (gar) they were hearing (ēkouon) them (autōn) speaking (lalountōn) tongues (glōssais), and (kai) making great (megalunontōn) the (ton) God (theon)!


(For the normal and common practice of the church to speak in tongues to pray to God, see Mark 16:17; Acts 2:4-11, 10:46, 19:6; Rom. 8:26-27; 1 Cor. 12:3, 30, 13:1, 14:2-28, 39; Eph. 6:18; Col. 4:3; Jude 1:20)


Acts 10:47 (LIT/UBS4) Then (tote) Peter (Petros) was caused to make [a] decision (apekrithē), "What, not (mēti) anyone (tis) can inherently power himself (dunatai) to cut off (kōlusai) the (to) water (hudōr) of the (tou) [baptism, RE] for these ones (toutous) not (mē) to be baptized (baptisthēnai), ones who (hoitines) received (elabon) the (to) Spirit (pneuma), the (to) holy one (hagion), as (hōs) we (hēmeis) also (kai)!?"


Acts 10:48 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) he arranged toward (prosetaxen) them (autous) to be baptized (baptisthēnai) in (en) the (to) name (onomati) of Jesus (Iēsou) Christ (Christou)


Then (tote) they inquired (ērōtēsan) of him (auton) to stay over (epimeinai) some (tinas) days (hēmeras).