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A Literal Translation of the New Testament


Bible Publishers - Of The Most Popular Bibles



By Hal Dekker



Last page update:  2024.05.22



The following is an alphabetical list of fifty-two popular English Bible translations and versions, showing their corporations which publish them, most of which are for-profit corporations.  You may wish to look up some of them online and see which specific corporations are not for profit, and which ones are for profit.  The last time, many years ago, when I checked into about six or seven of the largest Bible publishers, Oxford was the only Bible publisher I could find which was a not for profit corporation. 


But what does God's Word say about this?  How does producing and selling supposed copies of what the old covenant prophets wrote, and what the new covenant apostles and disciples of Christ Jesus wrote, agree with what apostle Paul wrote?


2 Cor. 2:17 (LIT/UBS4) Because (gar) we are (esmen) absolutely not (ou) as (hōs) many (polloi) [brothers, v1:8, RE], selling (kapēleuontes) the (ton) Word (logon) of the (tou) God (theou)!


BUT (all’), as (hōs) out (ex) of clear judgment (eilikrineias), BUT (all’), as (hōs) out (ek) of God (theou), down opposite in front (katenanti) of God (theou), in (en) Christ (Christō), we speak (laloumen)!


The Gideon's organization, which may still place some translation(s) of Bibles in hotel rooms and many other places, seem much more obedient to God's Word in their deliverance of God's Word; that the knowledge of God's Word is not to be sold or bartered for one's personal gain.  The Gideon's want you to have a copy of a Bible for free, no charge!  Who else does? 


Both the LIT (new testament only) and the LITAGL are free downloads from this website.  The LIT is my literal (quote) translation of the new testament from the UBS4 eclectic Greek text(s), and the LITAGL is my Analytical Greek Lexicon to the UBS4 text(s), which verifies the LIT English translation for very, very close inherent accuracy with the UBS4 text(s). 


For a much more complete list of known Bible translations and versions, and links to them, please visit The Bible Reader's Museum at this link.



American Standard Version (ASV) - WORDsearch Corp.


Amplified Bible (AMP) - Zondervan


Bible in Basic English (BBE) - WORDsearch Corp.


Centenary Translation of the New Testament - WORDsearch Corp.


Common English Bible - Common English Bible


Complete Jewish Bible - Jewish New Testament Publications


Concordant Literal New testament - Concordant Publishing Concern


Contemporary English Version (CEV) - American Bible Society


Darby Bible (DBY) - WORDsearch Corp.


Douay-Rheims Bible - WORDsearch Corp.


Easy-To-Read Version - World Bible Translation Center


Elberfelder Bible 1905 - WORDsearch Corp.


English Standard Version (ESV) - Crossway Books


God's Word Translation (GWT) - Baker Publishing Group


Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB) - Broadman & Holman


Holy Bible From The Ancient Eastern Text - A. J. Holman Company


Interlinear Greek-English New Testament - Baker Book House


International Children's Bible (ICB) - Thomas Nelson Publishers


JPS Tanakh 1917 - WORDsearch Corp.


King James Version 1611 - Thomas Nelson Publishers


King James Version (KJV) - WORDsearch Corp.


King James Version Apocrypha - WORDsearch Corp.


Luther Bible 1912 - WORDsearch Corp.


Mace New Testament - WORDsearch Corp.


Moffatt, The New Testament: A New Translation (MOF) - WORDsearch Corp.


New American Standard Bible (NASB) Bundle - Lockman Foundation


New English Translation (NET) - Biblical Studies Press


The Christian Counselor's New Testament - Baker Publishing Group


The Geneva Bible 1599 - Tolle Lege Press


The Modern Language Bible: Berkeley Version - Hendrickson Publishers


The New Oxford Annotated Bible (RSV) - Oxford University Press


The Webster Bible - Durrie and Peck


New Century Version (NCV) - Thomas Nelson Publishers


New International Version (NIV) 2011 - Zondervan


New Jerusalem Bible (NJB) - Doubleday


New King James Version (NKJV) - Thomas Nelson Publishers


New Living Translation (NLT) - Tyndale House Publishers


New Revised Standard Version (NRSV) - National Council of Churches


Phillips New Testament Bible - WORDsearch Corp.


Revised Standard Version Bible (RSV) - National Council of Churches


The Holy Bible, The Great Light In Masonry - A. J. Holman Company


The Interlinear Hebrew Greek English Bible - Associated Publishers and Authors, Inc.


The Living Bible (TLB) - Tyndale House Publishers


The Message (MSG) - NavPress


The New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures - Watchtower Bible and Tract Society


The Septuagint Bible - Shekinah Enterprises


The Septuagint With Apocrypha: Greek and English - Hendrickson Publishers


Today's English Version (TEV) - American Bible Society


Wesley's New Testament - WORDsearch Corp.


Weymouth's New Testament (WEY) - WORDsearch Corp.


Wuest Expanded Translation (WET) - Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company


Young's Literal Translation of the Holy Bible (YLT) - WORDsearch Corp.