Literal Idiomatic Translation
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[Jesus the Word of God, the Messenger]


Chapter 1


Update:  2024.06.22


John 1:1a (LIT/UBS4) In (en) [a] beginning (archē) there was being (ēn) the (ho) Word (logos);


John 1:1b (LIT/UBS4) and (kai) the (ho) Word (logos) was being (ēn) toward (pros) the (ton) God (theon)


John 1:1c (LIT/UBS4) and (kai) [a] god (theos) was being (ēn) the (ho) Word (logos)


John 1:2 (LIT/UBS4) This (houtos) [Word, RE], in (en) [a] beginning (archē), was being (ēn) toward (pros) the (ton) God (theon)


John 1:3 (LIT/UBS4) Through (di’) him (autou) everything (panta) caused itself to come to pass (egeneto).  


And (kai) without (chōris) him (autou) but absolutely not (oude) one (hen) [thing, AE] caused itself to come to pass (egeneto) which (ho) has come to pass (gegonen)


John 1:4 (LIT/UBS4) In (en) him (autō) there was being (ēn) life (zōē)


And (kai) the (hē) life (zōē) was being (ēn) the (to) light (phōs) of the (tōn) mortals (anthrōpōn).


John 1:5 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) the (to) light (phōs) shines (phainei) in (en) the (tē) darkness (skotia).  


And (kai) the (hē) darkness (skotia) absolutely did not receive (ou katelaben) it (auto)!


John 1:6 (LIT/UBS4) [A] mortal (anthrōpos) caused himself to come to pass (egeneto), one having been sent from (apestalmenos) alongside (para) of God (theou), [a] name (onoma) [given, AE] to him (autō) [being, AE] John (Iōannēs).


John 1:7 (LIT/UBS4) This one (houtos) came (ēlthen) into (eis) [being, AE] [a] witness (marturian) in order that (hina) he may witness (marturēsē) about (peri) the (tou) light (phōtos), in order that (hina) all (pantes) may believe (pisteusōsin) through (di’) him (autou).


John 1:8 (LIT/UBS4) That one (ekeinos) was absolutely not being (ouk ēn) the (ton) light (phōs)!  


BUT (all’), (LIT/UBS4) [he came, v7, RE] in order that (hina) he may witness (marturēsē) about (peri) the (tou) light (phōtos)!


John 1:9 (LIT/UBS4) [The life, v4, RE] was being (ēn) the (to) light (phōs), the (to) true one (alēthinon) which (ho) illuminates (phōtizei) every (panta) mortal (anthrōpon) being caused to come (erchomenon) into (eis) the (ton) cosmos (kosmon).


John 1:10 (LIT/UBS4) [The life, v4, RE] was being (ēn) in (en) the (tō) cosmos (kosmō);


and (kai) the (ho) cosmos (kosmos) caused itself to come to pass (egeneto) through (di’) him (autou);  


(For all things coming to pass through God’s instrumental use of the Word, see John 1:3, 10; Col. 1:16-17; Heb. 1:2-3)


and (kai) the (ho) cosmos (kosmos) absolutely did not know (ouk egnō) him (auton)!


John 1:11 (LIT/UBS4) He came (ēlthen) into (eis) the ones (ta) of his own (idia);


and (kai) the ones (hoi) [being] his own ones (idioi), they absolutely did not receive him alongside (ou auton parelabon)!


John 1:12 (LIT/UBS4) (But (de) as many as (hosoi) received (elabon) him (auton), he gave (edōken) authority (exousian) to them (autois) to cause themselves to become (genesthai) ones born (tekna) of God (theou), to the ones (tois) believing (pisteuousin) into (eis) the (to) name (onoma) of him (autou);


(For Jesus Christ having caused himself to receive a name which is above all other names, with the exception of the God’s names, see Luke 2:21, 24:47; John 1:11-12, 20:31; Acts 4:12, 29-30; Phil. 2:5-11; Heb. 1:*4, 1-13; Rev. 3:12, 19:11-13.)


John 1:13 (LIT/UBS4) the ones (hoi) [born, v12, RE] absolutely not (ouk) out (ex) of bloods (haimatōn), but absolutely not (oude) out (ek) of desire (thelēmatos) of flesh (sarkos), but absolutely not (oude) out (ek) of desire (thelēmatos) of [a] male (andros), BUT (all’), they were generated (egennēthēsan) out (ek) [of desire, RE] of God (theou)!)


John 1:14 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) the (ho) Word (logos) caused himself to become (egeneto) flesh (sarx), and (kai) he tented (eskēnōsen) among (en) us (hēmin)


And (kai) we made ourselves spectators (etheasametha) of the (tēn) glory (doxan) of him (autou), [the] glory (doxan) as (hōs) of [an] only genus3439 (monogenous) alongside (para) of [the] Father (patros), one full (plērēs) of grace (charotis) and (kai) of Truth (alētheias)


(For the Word’s heavenly pre-existence as a spirit-based being see Prov. 8:22-31; Dan. 3:25-28; John 1:1-2, 14, 30, 3:13, 31, 6:33, 38, 41, 50-51, 58-62, 8:23-26, 58, 13:3, 16:27-30, 17:5-8, 24; Rom. 8:29; 1 Cor. 10:4, 9, 15:47; Gal. 4:1-5; Eph. 4:8-10, Phil. 2:6-7; Col. 1:15; Heb. 1:4-6, 3:2; 1 Pet. 1:20; 1 John 1:2; Rev. 3:14)


(For an outline of Jesus Christ’s accomplishments in his earthly agency to his heavenly Father, see the note under Mat. 3:17.)


John 1:15 (LIT/UBS4) John (iōannēs) witnesses (marturei) about (peri) him (autou), and (kai) has cried out (kekragen) saying (legōn), “This one (houtos) was being (ēn) [the one, RE] of whom (hos) I enunciated (eipon);


the one (ho) causing himself to come (erchomenos) behind (opisō) me (mou) has become (gegonen) in front (emprosthen) of me (mou), because (hoti) he was being (ēn) [a] first one4413 (prōtos) of me (mou);


John 1:16 (LIT/UBS4) because (hoti) we (hēmeis) all (pantes) received (elabomen) out (ek) of the (tou) fullness (plērōmatos) of him (autou), grace (charin) also (kai), across from (anti) [[the] face, vLuke 2:40, 52, 4:22, Acts 15:11, Rom. 5:15-21, RE] of grace (charitos)!


John 1:17 (LIT/UBS4) Although (hoti) the (ho) law (nomos) was given (edothē) through (dia) Moses (Mōuseōs), the (hē) grace (charis) and (kai) the (hē) Truth (alētheia) caused itself to come to pass (egeneto) through (dia) [the sake, AE] of Jesus (Iēsou) Christ (Christou).


(For an outline of Jesus Christ’s accomplishments in his earthly agency to his heavenly Father, see the note under Mat. 3:17.)


John 1:18 (LIT/UBS4) Absolutely not one (oudeis) has gazed at (heōraken) God (theon) ever at any time (pōpote)!  


[The] only genus3439 (monogenēs) son (huios), the (ho) [son, RE] being (ōn) into (eis) the (ton) bosom (kolpon) of the (tou) Father (patros), that (ekeinos) [son, RE] caused himself to lead out1834 (exēgēsato) [the Father, RE]."


(For who has gazed at, and who has not gazed at, the God the Father, see John 1:18, 5:37, 6:46, 14:7-11, 15:23-25, 20:28-29; 1 John 1:3, 4:20-21; 3 John 1:11)


John 1:19 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) this (hautē) is (estin) the (hē) witness (marturia) of the (tou) John (Iōannou), when (hote) the (hoi) Judeans (Ioudaioi) sent (apesteilan) sacrificial priests (hiereis) and (kai) Levites (Leuitas) to (pros) him (auton) out (ex) of Jerusalem (Hierosolumōn), in order that (hina) they may inquire (erōtēsōsin) of him (auton), “Who (tis) are (ei) you (su)?”


John 1:20 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) he likewise confessed (hōmologēsen), and (kai) he absolutely did not cause himself to deny (ouk ērnēsato) [the Christ, RE];


and (kai) he likewise confessed (hōmologēsen) that (hoti), “I (egō) am (eimi) absolutely not (ouk) the (ho) Christ (Christos)!”


John 1:21 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) they inquired (ērōtēsan) of him (auton), “Therefore (oun), what (ti)?


Are (ei) you (su) Elijah (Hlias)?”


And (kai) he says (legei), “I am (eimi) absolutely not (ouk)!”


Are (ei) you (su) the (ho) prophet (prophētēs)?


And (kai) he was caused to make [a] decision (apokrithē), “Absolutely not (ou)!”


John 1:22 (LIT/UBS4) Therefore (oun), they enunciated (eipan) to him (autō), “Who (tis) are you (ei), in order that (hina) we may give (dōmen) [a] decision (apokrisin) to the ones (tois) having sent (pempsasin) us (hēmas)


What (ti) do you say (legeis) about (peri) yourself (seautou)?”


John 1:23 (LIT/UBS4) He shed light5346 (ephē), “I (egō) [am] [a] voice (phōnē) of shouting (boōntos) in (en) the (tē) desolate place (erēmō), ‘Make straight (euthunate) the (tēn) way (hodon) of [the] Lord (kuriou, YHWH),’ down according to as (kathōs) the (ho) prophet (prophētēs) Isaiah (Hsaias) enunciated (eipen).”


(See Isa. 40:3)


John 1:24 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) [the] ones having been sent (apestalmenoi) were being (ēsan) out (ek) of the (tōn) Pharisees (pharisaiōn).


John 1:25 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) they inquired (ērōtēsan) of him (auton), and (kai) they enunciated (eipan) to him (autō), “Therefore (oun), why (ti) do you baptize (su baptizeis) if (ei) [you, AE] [are] absolutely not (ouk) the (ho) Christ (Christos), but absolutely not (oude) Elijah (Hlias), but absolutely not (oude) the (ho) prophet (prophētēs)?”


John 1:26 (LIT/UBS4) The (ho) John (Iōannēs) was caused to make [a] decision (apekrithē) for them (autois), saying (legōn), “I (egō) baptize (baptizō) in (en) water (hudati)


One has stood (hestēken) amidst (mesos) you (humōn), whom (hon) you (humeis) have absolutely not seen (ouk oidate)!


John 1:27 (LIT/UBS4) [That one is, AE] the one (ho) causing himself to come (erchomenos) behind (opisō) me (mou), of whom (hou) I (egō) am (eimi) absolutely not (ouk) one worthy (axios) that (hina) I may let loose (lusō) the (ton) thong (himanta) of the (tou) under-binding (hupodēmatos) of him (autou)!”


John 1:28 (LIT/UBS4) These things (tauta) caused themselves to come to pass (egeneto) [sic] in (en) Bethany (Bethania), [on, AE] [the] other side (peran) of the (tou) Jordan (Iordanou),  where (hopou) the (ho) John (Iōannēs) was being (ēn) one baptizing (baptizōn).


John 1:29 (LIT/UBS4) Upon the morrow (tē epaurion) he looks at (blepei) the (ton) Jesus (Iēsoun) causing himself to come (erchomenon) to (pros) him (auton), and (kai) he says (legei), “See (ide) the (ho) lamb (amnos) of the (tou) God (theou), the one (ho) lifting (airōn) the (tēn) sin (hamartian) of the (tou) cosmos (kosmou)!


(See Isaiah 53:4)


John 1:30 (LIT/UBS4) This one (houtos) is (estin) [[the] male, RE] over (huper) [the sake, AE] of whom (ou) I (egō) enunciated (eipon), ‘Behind (opisō) me (mou) [a] male (anēr) causes himself to come (erchetai) who (hos) has become (gegonen) in front (emprosthen) of me (mou), because (hoti) he was being (ēn) [a] first one4413 (prōtos) of me (mou).’ 


(For the Word’s heavenly pre-existence as a spirit-based being see Prov. 8:22-31; Dan. 3:25-28; John 1:1-2, 14, 30, 3:13, 31, 6:33, 38, 41, 50-51, 58-62, 8:23-26, 58, 13:3, 16:27-30, 17:5-8, 24; Rom. 8:29; 1 Cor. 10:4, 9, 15:47; Gal. 4:1-5; Eph. 4:8-10, Phil. 2:6-7; Col. 1:15; Heb. 1:4-6, 3:2; 1 Pet. 1:20; 1 John 1:2; Rev. 3:14)


John 1:31 (LIT/UBS4) And I (kagō) had absolutely not seen (ouk ēdein) him (auton)!


BUT (all), in order that (hina) he may be manifested (phanerōthē) to the (tō) Israel (Israēl), through (dia) [the sake, AE] of this (touto) I (egō) came (ēlthon) baptizing (baptizōn) in (en) water (hudati)!”


John 1:32 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) John (Iōannēs) witnessed (emarturēsen), saying (legōn) that (hoti), “I have been made [a] spectator (tetheamai) of the (to) Spirit (pneuma) coming down (katabainon) as (hōs) [a] dove (peristeran) out (ex) of heaven (ouranou)


And (kai) [the Spirit, RE] stayed (emeinen) upon (ep’) him (auton)!


John 1:33 (LIT/UBS4) And I (kagō) had absolutely not seen (ouk ēdein) him (auton)


BUT (all’), the one (ho) having sent (pempsas) me (me) to baptize (baptizein) in (en) water (hudati), that one (ekeinos) enunciated (eipen) to me (moi), ‘Upon (eph’) perhaps (an) whomever (hon) you may see (idēs) the (to) Spirit (pneuma) coming down (katabainon) and (kai) staying (menon) upon (ep’) him (auton), this one (houtos) is (estin) the one (ho) baptizing (baptizōn) in (en) holy (hagiō) Spirit (pneumati)!’


See Mat. 3:11 also.


John 1:34 (LIT/UBS4) And I (kagō) have gazed at (heōraka), and (kai) truly I have witnessed (memarturēka) that (hoti) this one (houtos) is (estin) the (ho) son (huios) of the (tou) God (theou)!”


(For who caused himself to become the firstborn son of God, see 2 Sam. 7:14; Psalm 2:7; Jer. 31:33; Ezek. 11:20; Mat. 3:*13-17, 17:5; Mark 1:9-*11, 9:*7; Luke 3:*21-*22; John 1:26-34, 3:1-7; Acts 13:33; Heb. 1:*5, 5:*5, 8:*10, 12:23; 2 Pet. 1:*16-18; Rev. 21:*3, *7.)


John 1:35 (LIT/UBS4) And (tē) again (palin) upon [the] morrow (epaurion) the (ho) John (Iōannēs) had stood (heistēkei), and (kai) two (duo) out (ek) of the (tou) disciples (mathētōn) of him (autou).


John 1:36 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) he having looked in1689 (emblepsas) to the (tō) Jesus (Iēsou) walking around (peripatounti), he says (legei), “See (ide), the (ho) lamb (amnos) of the (tou) God (theou)!”


John 1:37 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) the (hoi) two (duo) disciples (mathētai) heard (ēkousan) [the John, v35, RE] speaking (lalountos) of him (autou).


And (kai) they followed (ēkolouthēsan) the (tō) Jesus (Iēsou).


John 1:38 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) the (ho) Jesus (Iēsous) having been turned (strapheis), and (kai) he having made himself [a] spectator (theasamenos) of them (autous) following (akolouthountas), he says (legei) to them (autois), “For what (ti) do you search (zēteite)?” 


But (de) the ones (hoi) enunciated (eipan) to him (autō), “'Rabbi' (rhabbi) (which (ho) is said (legetai) being with interpretation (methermēneuomenon), 'Teacher' (didaskale)), where (pou) are you staying (meneis)?”


John 1:39 (LIT/UBS4) He says (legei) to them (autois), “Cause yourselves to come (erchesthe), and (kai) cause yourselves to gaze at (opsesthe) [it, AE]!” 


Therefore (oun), they came (ēlthan), and (kai) they saw (eidan) where (pou) he stays (menei).  


And (kai) they stayed (emeinan) alongside (par’) to him (autō) the (tēn) day (hēmeran) of that (ekeinēn).


[[The] hour, RE] was being (ēn) as (hōs) [the] tenth (dekatē) hour (hōra).


John 1:40 (LIT/UBS4) Andrew (Andreas), one (heis) out (ek) of the (tōn) two (duo) of the ones (tōn) having heard (akousantōn) alongside (para) of John (Iōannou), and (kai) having followed (akolouthēsantōn) him (autō), was being (ēn) the (ho) brother (adelphos) of Simon (Simōnos) Peter (Petrou).


John 1:41 (LIT/UBS4) This one (houtos) first (prōton) finds (heuriskei) the (ton) brother (adelphon), the one (ton) of his own (idion), Simon (Simōna), and (kai) says (legei) to him (autō), “We have found (heurēkamen) the (ton) Messiah (messian)”, which (ho) is (estin) being with interpretation (methermēneuomenon), 'Christ' (Christos).


John 1:42 (LIT/UBS4) He led (ēgagen) him (auton) to (pros) the (ton) Jesus (Iēsoun).  


The (ho) Jesus (Iēsous) having looked in1689 (emblepsas) to him (autō), he enunciated (eipen), “You (su) are (ei) Simon (Simōn), the (ho) son (huios) of John (Iōannou)


You (su) shall be called aloud (klēthēsē) Cephas (Kēphas), which (ho) is interpreted (hermēneuetai), ‘Peter’ (Petros).


John 1:43 (LIT/UBS4) Upon [the] morrow (epaurion) the (tē) [Jesus, v42, RE] desired (ēthelēsen) to come out (exelthein) into (eis) the (tēn) Galilee (Galilaian), and (kai) he finds (heuriskei) Philip (Philippon)


And (kai) the (ho) Jesus (Iēsous) says (legei) to him (autō), “Follow (akolouthei) me (moi).”


John 1:44 (LIT/UBS4) But (de) the (ho) Philip (Philippos) was being (ēn) from (apo) Bethsaida (Bēthsaida), out (ek) of the (tēs) city (poleōs) of Andrew (Andreou) and (kai) of Peter (Petrou).


John 1:45 (LIT/UBS4) Philip (Philippos) finds (heuriskei) the (ton) Nathanael (Nathanaēl), and (kai) he says (legei) to him (autō), “Of whom (hon) Moses (Mōusēs) wrote (egrapsen) in (en) the (tō) law (nomō) and (kai) the (hoi) prophets (prophētai), we have found (heurēkamen);


Jesus (Iēsoun), son (huion) of the (tou) Joseph (Iōsēph), the one (ton) from (apo) Nazareth (Nazaret)!


John 1:46 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) Nathanael (Nathanaēl) enunciated (eipen) to him (autō), “Can anything (ti) out (ek) of Nazareth (Nazaret) inherently power itself (dunatai) to be (einai) good (agathon)?"


The (ho) Philip (Philippos) says (legei) to him (autō), “Cause yourself to come (erchou) and (kai) see (ide)!”


John 1:47 (LIT/UBS4) The (ho) Jesus (Iēsous) saw (eiden) the (ton) Nathaniel (Nathanaēl) causing himself to come (erchomenon) to (pros) him (auton), and (kai) says (legei) about (peri) him (autou), “See (ide), truly (alēthōs) [an] Israelite (Israēlitēs) in (en) whom (hō) is (estin) absolutely no (ouk) guile (dolos)!”


John 1:48 (LIT/UBS4) Nathanael (Nathanaēl) says (legei) to him (autō), “From where (pothen) do you know (ginōskeis) me (me)?”


Jesus (Iēsous) was caused to make [a] decision (apekrithē), and (kai) he enunciated (eipen) to him (autō)”, “Before (pro) the (tou) [time, AE] you (se) were to be sounded for (phōnēsai) [by, AE] the (tou) Philip (Philippos), I saw (eidon) you (se) being (onta) under (hupo) the (tēn) fig tree (sukēn).”


John 1:49 (LIT/UBS4) Nathanael (Nathanaēl) was caused to make [a] decision (apekrithē) for him (autō), “Rabbi (rhabbi), you (su) are (ei) the (ho) Son (huios) of the (tou) God (theou)


You (su) are (ei) king (basileus) of the (tou) Israel (Israēl)!”


John 1:50 (LIT/UBS4) Jesus (Iēsous) was caused to make [a] decision (apekrithē), and (kai) he enunciated (eipen) to him (autō), “Because (hoti) I enunciated (eipon) to you (soi) that (hoti) I saw (eidon) you (se) down under (hupokatō) the (tēs) fig tree (sukēs), you believe (pisteueis)! 


You shall cause yourself to gaze at (opsē) greater (meizō) things (toutōn)!”


John 1:51 (LIT/UBS4) And (kai) he says (legei) to him (autō), “Truly (amēn), truly (amēn) I say (legō) to you (humin), you shall cause yourself to gaze at (opsesthe) the (ton) heaven (ouranon) having been opened up (aneōgota), and (kai) the (tous) messengers (angelous) of the (tou) God (theou) stepping up (anabainontes) and (kai) stepping down (katabainontas) over (epi) [the sake, AE] of the (ton) Son (huion) of the (tou) Mortal (anthrōpou)!”