Literal Idiomatic Translation
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I hope the Literal Idiomatic Translation (LIT) of the new testament of the biblical texts (UBS4) is as exciting to you as it is to me, in that you can see exactly what the apostles of Christ Jesus wrote, without any theological or denominational paraphrasing used in place of it. 


If you wish to make a comment or an inquiry about something in the LIT, especially to help me edit it, or about how it was produced, or why a verse or passage was translated the way it was, or something about any of my studies posted at this website, you can send an email to me at


The LIT is now in its final editing phase, verifying ellipses all of the way through, and many verses containing ellipses are still being edited.  I am still creating LIT NT books in ,docx format, and will continue to make them available for free downloading.


May God's great and precious promises under his new covenant (2 Pet. 1:4) be coming to pass for you! 


Brother Hal Dekker